***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Also, "TruMp'S SPeEcH dIdN'T CaUsE thE iNsurrECtIoN"

“Twitter allows C-list celebrities to encourage violence”
I supported Trump twice but I support Biden/Harris now; I did not steal any Eidl grant; and I did hope that Trump would have the power to continue to push important legislation like the First Step Act and Fair Chance Act past an otherwise obstructive GOP-led Senate.

But, like I said, I support Biden/Harris now.

And I haven't gone anywhere.

hahahah the only time you come in here is to post about Biden not forgiving student loans or below expected job numbers. You were taking back shots from trump for four years ignoring all the awful **** he said and did.

You didn’t support Biden/Harris during the election and it’s pretty clear you do support them now
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I look at it as a sign this country is about as bad as we’ve seen in our lifetimes. When a good ole boy like Biden who is a model moderate can’t get support during a pandemic and after the capitol insurrection and a weak economy that is fragile as hell you got to see the signs of major systemic failure. He can’t get money to do damn near any of infrastructure proposals, and won’t even use the ED’s for others. **** is messed up.

When people don’t even see this as obstruction anymore but just politics. Both sides can’t work. Republicans have been taken over by ideologues based on stupid ideals, and the Dems are worried their progressive wing will become as influential as the tea party so they spend to much time trying to stomp them out.

Meanwhile nothing is being resolved.
hahahah the only time you come in here is too post about Biden not forgiving student loans are below expected job numbers. You were taking back shots from trump for four years ignoring all the awful **** he said and did.

You didn’t support Biden/Harris during the election and it’s pretty clear you do support them now
He supports trump as president but doesn’t support trump as president since he’s not president anymore. Bulletproof logic. Voted for him too
Isn't this a first amendment violation? Seems like the government trying to tell a private company what speech they can and cannot partake in.
Yes. More specifically, one of the key provisions is the government forcing private companies to host government speech, with non-compliance punishable by hefty fines. Think of it like forcing a newspaper to publish government officials and government candidates' op-eds.
This laughable attempt also conflicts with Section 230's protections.
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Yes. More specifically, one of the key provisions is the government forcing private companies to host government speech, with non-compliance punishable by hefty fines. Think of it like forcing a newspaper to publish government officials and government candidates' op-eds.
This laughable attempt also conflicts with Section 230's protections.

and yet these people thought Twitter dropping Trump and the other idiots was violating their first amendment rights. They love throwing around amendments they don’t understand.
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