***Official Political Discussion Thread***

As we saw from the New York gun law decision, SCOTUS is not content to just create a horrible world in Republican states
Conservatives in general are not content with turning their own little world into ****.

The Civil War became inevitable after the South tried to force the North to enforce fugitive slave laws. Now, red states want to prosecute out-of-staters who help red state women circumvent their backward laws.

**** them.
This is about guaranteeing a permanent underclass of people for capitalism to exploit. Anyone with money will have access to abortion as they always have, it's only the poor & desperate who will be forced to have children they either don't want or can't afford take care of, and most of those kids will be doomed to a life of struggle.
This is about guaranteeing a permanent underclass of people for capitalism to exploit. Anyone with money will have access to abortion as they always have, it's only the poor & desperate who will be forced to have children they either don't want or can't afford take care of, and most of those kids will be doomed to a life of struggle.

wonder why he ain’t include interracial marriage…

I see it now! All of this is just a long con for getting his marriage annulled. I guess if I were married to Gini, I’d be willing to destroy a republic to get away, too.

Everyone who thought there were literally only 2 parties. I don't know who those peole are. I just know that people largely think there are only 2 parties, you know, the whole 'lesser of 2 evils' thing.

Yes, and thanks to you we now see it’s the least of many evils.

I get the anger toward the Dems. Something crazy like this happens, outrage tends to be the natural reaction. But it’s misguided anger all things considered. Like others have said, being pissed at the Dems is letting the GOP off the hook when the heat and outrage should be directed toward them.

If you have the senate majority with a razor thin margin like the Dems currently do. You’re ****** if you get a contrarian or two as opposed to if you have 56-57 seats. Manchin and Sinema have ****** the party royally. It’s sickening.

But the GOP wants people to feel demoralized to where they think showing up to vote for mid terms and in 2024 is a waste of time. They want indifference toward politics and voting as it only benefits them. I don’t want to give Trump credit as any President with a R next to their name would’ve done the same thing. But a one term President with all types of scandal who lost the popular vote twice was able to confirm 3 Supreme Court justices. Yeah RGB dying was unexpected, but sheesh.

There’s plenty of reasons as to why people don’t vote, why people aren’t informed politically and why there’s overall political indifference, often from people who are severely affected by the GOP’s scumbaggery. But the goal needs to be to rally people, inform them and get them to understand the basics of what the GOP is doing, and do so in a way where it resonates without coming off as talking down to people. The damage the GOP has done over the past few decades is appealing, 2016 is the icing on the cake. But this **** has been going on.
What what I have seen of him in discussions outside of sports on NT, I just thought he was a sensitive white guy to be honest

But to be fair, that is kinda the foundational characteristic for most libertarians
Weird how people get sensitive about being mislabeled something they're not by stubborn, cocky internet trolls whose only play is mockery.

Soooo... weird.

My favorite part of your contribution is how you don't even PRETEND to try, but have the gall to say someone ELSE is trolling. And of course you have a following, so support fuels the troll job and whatever you quip is just more ownage. 🤙

And of course the more I show any frustration with the stubborn, forced libertarian label, then I'm just being sensitive, and the troll response will just be "Sure thing, libertarian." Because... trolling.

Party loyalists gonna party loyalist.
Groupthinkers gonna groupthink.

I see it now! All of this is just a long con for getting his marriage annulled. I guess if I were married to Gini, I’d be willing to destroy a republic to get away, too.

Yes, and thanks to you we now see it’s the least of many evils.

If I'm to take your post literally, can you tell me what you think is evil about, for example, the Green party?


It's about cheap labor to exploit and creating a permanent underclass. This has always been the plan all along. All those Amazon warehouses that sprung up overnight. At first I was wondering why but now it all makes sense. They need the cheap labor to work for Amazon, Walmart etc.

People want to play dumb and say we live in a democracy when clearly we live in a plutocracy.

This country is not as progressive as it likes to pretend it is.
Weird how people get sensitive about being mislabeled something they're not by stubborn, cocky internet trolls whose only play is mockery.

Soooo... weird.

My favorite part of your contribution is how you don't even PRETEND to try, but have the gall to say someone ELSE is trolling. And of course you have a following, so support fuels the troll job and whatever you quip is just more ownage. 🤙

And of course the more I show any frustration with the stubborn, forced libertarian label, then I'm just being sensitive, and the troll response will just be "Sure thing, libertarian." Because... trolling.

Party loyalists gonna party loyalist.
Groupthinkers gonna groupthink.

Like any matter of importance, I simply don't care about your opinion of me

You just come of as just another dude that freaks out when his hot take isn't coddled.
If every democrat left and joined the libertarian or green party tomorrow, we'd still have the same problems

He doesn't want to address the general points about holes in his logic

Like a few seconds of thought would expose the flaws is that strategy

It is just rhetorical maneuvers and pearl clutching to act like everyone is being unfair to him. He is the freethinker whose views people just couldn't handle.

Dude is basically NT's own version of Dave Portnoy
Before he comes back, remember not to engage with the buffoon who smugly posted this...

Let us see who try to spin the decision now

Aside from the first sentence, everything I stated is true. It’s now a state’s rights issue. There’s no state that will have a law that prohibits abortion in every case.

Reasonable laws will have exceptions for health of the mother, rape, and incest. Any that don’t will have laws that I personally disagree with. I’ll commit both time—and money—to helping women that fall within those exceptions terminate their pregnancy if they live in states that don’t have those exceptions.

With that being said, I’ve been unabashedly pro-life. I think that there’s a reasonable discussion to be had related to the point at which an abortion becomes more like murder and when it isn’t. I think 15 weeks is generally agreed upon on both sides.
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