***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I don't understand the conservative end goal. I once thought I did but I realize now I don't
Every move they make makes absolutely no sense when it comes to maintaining this country

privatizing school thru vouchers for “independent” schools and charter schools has been a target for the right. this movement pre-dated betsy devos, but she really made it a point to emphasize this.

i also wonder if in Arizona, they think this will somehow force undocumented families into a situation where they have to decide to between risking outing themselves requesting a voucher or keeping their children in destabilized public schools.

Now this is garbage. There should be no deals cut with Mitch for lifetime judicial appointments, period. Can’t think of any justification that Biden could give me that makes sense here. But these dudes are all buddies in real life from that old guard too
Haven't been more proud of YOUR PRESIDENT AND MINE TOO. Sometimes in the process of ensuring freedom you have to give da secret service two right hooks to da jaw to make them understand.
:smh: America will not survive the denial of the truth of its origins.

The White Manifest Destiny got 'em they dirty land
But no matter how clean they shave, they got them dirty hands
My story says what his-story doesn't
In the passage of my people they tried to murder all my cousins
They celebrate they Independence and ask us to forget how they abused it
But we remind them everyday coming gangsta with this music


This is some clown show stuff

Just gotta look a few pages back here and see where the top minds of NT are off to
I feel like leaving is the wrong strategy right now. Remote work is giving folks the possibility to move out of the cities and repopulate the areas that the GOP took over.

Corporations may want to counter this by eliminating remote work, but the workforce numbers are stacked against them, and the rural leadership would probably balk against denying the incoming flow of money from remote workers, which would have a very positive economic effect on a lot of those dying towns.

To work, this has to be an intentional strategy that needs the long-term commitment of the Democratic party: taking back control of the land via economic pressure from city dwellers may ultimately lead to a reversal of the political map in favor of democrats.
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