***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Gavin and Gretchen 2024

My only frustration with the debates is how trump is graded on such a ridiculous curve.

Biden and the Democratic Party should be criticized and should be concerned and take what happened last night seriously and should rethink whatever they need to.

But how some people leave that going “yea trump lied his way through the whole night not answering questions and making a *** of himself and yea he’s a convicted felon but at least he seemed awake” is so got damn frustrating.
Dude, you are reaching for an angle to criticize the Democratic Party, and I think you just need to chill for a bit.

Dems have a fine bench. They seem to have a decent list governors and Senators that are skilled politicians

It is that we live in highly polarized times, and it takes a while to build up name recognition.

Relative to other left wing parties the Dems have shown themselves competent.

I get you want someone to blame right now. It gets it. But you are basically complaining that the Dems didn't smoothly pull off a massive unseen political maneuver smoothly

A maneuver the entertained before, and it blew up in their face.

It makes more sense being upset at Biden all things considered

The general public isn't looking forward to having to choose between two historically unpopular presidents. If what you're telling me is true (and I believe everything you were saying) and Joe Biden is genuinely the best candidate with the highest likelihood of winning, that indicates to me that Democrats have a stable full of incredibly unpopular candidates.
Biden won the primary fair and square.

Nobody was stopping anyone else from running against him.

I'm not sure if you're trolling here or not. Democratic leadership openly suppressed primary candidates who were attempting to run against Joe Biden. It wasn't a fair fight.

This is the most frustrating part. The Democrats did it to themselves and committed an egregious unforced error. Not quite as bad as 2016 where they did everything they could to suppress Bernie but it's close.

I don't sense your sarcasm so if you are kidding then I just missed it.

The general public isn't looking forward to having to choose between two historically unpopular presidents. If what you're telling me is true (and I believe everything you were saying) and Joe Biden is genuinely the best candidate with the highest likelihood of winning, that indicates to me that Democrats have a stable full of incredibly unpopular candidates.

It indicates that the Democrats have a bunch of people that don't have a sufficient national profile, and the political environment for them would be difficult.

Dude, no offense, if you don't like the Democratic Party, fine.

But I'm just saying that electoral politics don't work as simply you make it out to be.

Seems like you are starting with a conclusion and working back from there.
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No one can stop any candidate from running for President.

A primary challenge to an incumbent president is a major risk and can go bad easily. To the party and the candidate.

That's why people don't do it.

Especially if you are seen as a contender in the next election.

To act like a competitive primary of an incumbent was some political no brainer is just wishful thinking.
Again, IDC HOWWWWWW bad Biden looked. Trump is still a bumbling clown. Both guys are old, racist and scumbags but I’ll take the lesser of two evils. Biden should get this second term and we move along.

Y’all think this is bad? Look what’s upcoming with Gen z, millennials, Gen alpha, etc …

Future presidents will have been tik tokers and and YouTubers :lol: :lol: :lol:

America has itself to blame. We live in a country that purposely makes it hard to pursue higher education, no universal healthcare, a world that promotes the “haves” over the “have nots”… deal with all the repercussions.

Again, the American public literally made Trump a president in 2016. That’s damn near 10 years. This has been bubbling long enough for people to realize
Getting mad at the democratic party is pointless. They didn't have the power to stop Joe Biden and replace him. If they did it would have already happened.

His wife, his family, hell Hunter needs to convince him to step down and retire.

That's the only way out, getting mad at the party is a waste of time.
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Woman, Californian, Gay.

These are the things that work against them from the electorate POV. They're not technically insurmountable, but they matter when you float the idea of replacing the incumbent president on short notice.

I would have paid good money to have seen Pete up there last night again TFG. It would have been a "call 9-1-1, I like to report a murder" type debate. Absolutely demolished!

But since we live in horrible times and some people are just so damn homophobic they can't see past "gay" and see a quality person, speaker & politician who is actually extremely smart and highly qualified. I would vote for Pete in a SECOND!! And I know I'm not alone!
I would have paid good money to have seen Pete up there last night again TFG. It would have been a "call 9-1-1, I like to report a murder" type debate. Absolutely demolished!

But since we live in horrible times and some people are just so damn homophobic they can't see past "gay" and see a quality person, speaker & politician who is actually extremely smart and highly qualified. I would vote for Pete in a SECOND!! And I know I'm not alone!

I love watching when Pete goes on Fox News. He wipes the floor with their ********. But we have a lot of backwards people in this country still. And it’s not exclusive to the US. Many European countries would vote the same way.
I was against replacing Biden, I think Gavin Newsome is a creep, Harris seems bad at politics and Pete will come off like a lil nerd to swing voters.

but at this point Biden was probably losing before the debate.
he's def losing after, and as much as I dislike the alternate options,

they need someone who has the energy to run an underdog campaign.

they gotta put the full court press on a Biden and try to get him to retire. ultimately it's up to Biden, but you have to try.
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