***Official Political Discussion Thread***

One day u know we will be f'ed when the gov't decides to become more and more commercial thanks to trump

Pay for post office mail delivery service (home)
Pay for ambulance services
Additional surcharges for Firefighter and Police Assistance
Higher costs for 4 year CUNY/SUNY
Public school will charge monthly costs to attend
Tolls bridges up and up
MTA costing $5 one way
Sanitation monthly taxes !

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The presence of the green and libertarian parties in the daily affairs of this nation is inexistent, and Black people cannot afford to be invisible when we still have to push against attempts to silence our voices in the political arena. Until the political process is opened up to more than just the Republican and Democrat parties, we're going to have to side with the side that can amplify our voices. I would have an issue to blind allegiance to one party over another if both reps and dems included our concerns in their platforms, but that is not the case and you can't change the rules in politics if your participation can't be noticed

I can't put my loyalty behind neither bro. That's how u end up doing things for 10,20,30 plus years without any type of change happening. Democratic allegiance have gotten black people nowhere at all. We can't even stop getting killed in the streets like dogs for no reason but we continue to put a political party first who consistently puts us last.

That is not really how I see things.

The reps are the ones who actively stiffle black life in America: they are the ones suppressing the black vote, they are the ones advocating for longer sentences, they are the ones protecting white privilege, they are the ones protecting police abuse, they are the ones who supported policies that decimated black communities. Did democrats have policies that ended up hurting black folks too? Yes, and they recognized it and generally try to correct their approach. Republicans on the other hand have made it clear that they don't care about the black vote (despite us being among the most right-leaning lefties), so what would you do?
It's sad seeing brothers getting upset when black people want to create there own rather than give loyalty and allegiance to people who don't give a damn about us on a human being level. Boy I tell you they did a amazing job infiltrating our minds, bodies, and souls with self hate some of us don't even see it.

Not coming at you sideways, but what are you doing to create a party for your own?

The Idiocracy begins...
I've been arguing with my homeboy since yesterday. First off he didn't vote, and then he starts spewing off that Trump is better for America and Blacks than Hilary because Trump has no political experience so his hands isn't dirty.

If he didn't vote then he's a hopeless individual from the get go and should be charged to the game immediately....if not sooner. Not much you can do or should even be willing to do with someone who thinks like that.
plz stop with this identity politics bs. black women this, white men that....ya'll hear your salty selves? lol

A new day has come!!! Embrace change and spark up
Salty about what

And I said black feminist, have you seen their Twitter and spokes people ? Black feminism is white supremacy with a black face.
What about black feminism is white supremacy with a black face bruh..please let me know
LOL. ****** love to talk about **** but never really be about ****.

We already lost with attitudes like that. Continuing placing your faith in a white political party to "save you"

Personally im not looking for a political party to save me. Im looking for a political party not to HINDER me or place unnecessary obstacles or barriers in my way or the way of people I care about, or represent me. Big difference champ.
If he didn't vote then he's a hopeless individual from the get go and should be charged to the game immediately....if not sooner. Not much you can do or should even be willing to do with someone who thinks like that.

Each one teach one though deuce king deuce king if we don't take care and educate our own, who will. I won't lie though I was disappointed in him in not voting. He's one of my more knowledgeable boys too so for him to really sit on the sidelines for this took me for surprise. I'm tryna get him to realize he's part of the problem if he's not trying to help solve it and he's like "I'm not voting for my oppressor". So you're gonna let them choose for you?
Black people are loyal to dems because of welfare. The dems feel black people need their hands held through everything and can only survive in this country if receiving government assistance. They are synonymous with the KKK, lynchings, Confederate flag, Jim Crow, etc. Me stating this doesn't mean I'm pro Republican so miss me with those quotes please.

Straight ********

Black people of all income levels and backgrounds vote Dem

Go look at Barry Goldwater and the Southern Strategy to why black people lend blue
One day u know we will be f'ed when the gov't decides to become more and more commercial thanks to trump

Pay for post office mail delivery service (home)
Pay for ambulance services
Additional surcharges for Firefighter and Police Assistance
Higher costs for 4 year CUNY/SUNY
Public school will charge monthly costs to attend
Tolls bridges up and up
MTA costing $5 one way
Sanitation monthly taxes !

You already pay for ambulance use. And taxes fund the post office.
One day u know we will be f'ed when the gov't decides to become more and more commercial thanks to trump

Pay for post office mail delivery service (home)
Pay for ambulance services
Additional surcharges for Firefighter and Police Assistance
Higher costs for 4 year CUNY/SUNY
Public school will charge monthly costs to attend
Tolls bridges up and up
MTA costing $5 one way
Sanitation monthly taxes !


Where do you live that you get free ambulance service?
That is not really how I see things.

The reps are the ones who actively stiffle black life in America: they are the ones suppressing the black vote, they are the ones advocating for longer sentences, they are the ones protecting white privilege, they are the ones protecting police abuse, they are the ones who supported policies that decimated black communities. Did democrats have policies that ended up hurting black folks too? Yes, and they recognized it and generally try to correct their approach. Republicans on the other hand have made it clear that they don't care about the black vote (despite us being among the most right-leaning lefties), so what would you do?

The Republicans don't have 80% of the black vote the Dems do. I'm not even concerning myself with them considering my people don't vote for them. Unfortunately we have an allegiance to a party who isn't about our best interests either. NEITHER parties are about the betterment of people living in impoverished communities and the abolishment of systematic oppression.
One day u know we will be f'ed when the gov't decides to become more and more commercial thanks to trump

Pay for post office mail delivery service (home)
Pay for ambulance services
Additional surcharges for Firefighter and Police Assistance
Higher costs for 4 year CUNY/SUNY
Public school will charge monthly costs to attend
Tolls bridges up and up
MTA costing $5 one way
Sanitation monthly taxes !

You already pay for ambulance use. And taxes fund the post office.

The grand GOP plan is complete privatization of all public assets. Ask Chicagoans how they like their parking meter deal.
Not coming at you sideways, but what are you doing to create a party for your own?

I'm not that powerful or that educated (yet)

I am doing my part out here with the youth in my community every single day giving them the tools and opportunity to help them grow into potential leaders.
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