***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Before the results, Trump had geniusly planted the seed of a "rigged" election, in case he lost, his supporters would have acted on that for sure, God forbid you were a Muslim, black or anything that wasn't white in rural America had Trump lost.
Right. That's who is in danger. 

1/ Yes it does. When your *** gets hauled to the emergency room and you can't pay, my premiums go up. And they always went up before the the ACA was passed. Since the law was implemented, the rate of increase has gone down. Most people who are crying about the sharp increase under the ACA live in states that refused to accept subsidies from the federal government.

4/ bad reading comprehension.
It is still a false equivalency no matter how you spin it. 

Bad reading comprehension? Your point makes no sense no matter how you read it.
1. Obamacare  - shoving a law down the throats of millions of Americans the majority whom DID NOT want it. A law so complicated and convoluted that Nancy Pelosi herself said had to be read by the people to know what's in it. Obama LIED about so many aspects of the law. "You get to keep your doctor" = lie. "Your premiums will drop" = lie.

2. Lack of Transparency - Obama campaigned on making his administration the most transparent in history. That was another lie. We saw with the NSA leaks just how corrupt and shady Obama and his goons were being. The same things he chastised Bush for he was doing himself to a higher degree.

3. Limp Wristed Foreign Policy -  Obama had a pathetic and embarrassing foreign policy. He bent over to Iran and let Khamenei go to town. He refused to support Israel and greatly deteriorated our relationship with Netanyahu. He refused to let Russia handle their own business and take back Crimea, even though most of the people of the region are ethnically Russian and pro- Putin. 

4. Executive Orders -  Obama used executive orders to circumvent congress when he didn't get his way. He signed over 260 of them, many of which were unconstitutional.

That's just a few things. Dude was a clown and a pretender. Won't be missed.

You forgot that Obama made it OK to kill Americans abroad with out giving them due process among other personal liberty infringements.

Did they give due process to Dorner? If you're going to go after Obama for that, I hope you do the same in those cases where the killers of Americans are cops.

President Barack Obama has averaged fewer executive orders per year in office than any U.S. president in 120 years. The executive orders he has issued, however, face an uncertain future under President-elect Donald Trump, who has characterized some of Obama’s orders as “illegal and overreaching.”

As of Jan. 13, Obama had issued 275 executive orders, or 34 per year in office. That’s slightly fewer than the 36 per year that George W. Bush issued and the lowest average since Grover Cleveland, who issued 32 per year during his eight nonconsecutive years in office, according to data from the American Presidency Project at the University of California at Santa Barbara.

While Obama has issued executive orders at a slower rate than other modern presidents, he has continued to issue them during his last few weeks in office and still could surpass Bush’s average. Overall, Obama ranks 16th among presidents in total number of executive orders issued and 22nd in the average number issued per year.

Historically, the use of executive orders peaked under Franklin D. Roosevelt, who issued 3,721, or 307 for every year of his tenure. Woodrow Wilson, Calvin Coolidge and Theodore Roosevelt also issued more than 1,000.

It’s important to note that executive orders are just one type of unilateral action presidents can take. Other types include presidential memoranda or proclamations, which also can result in significant policy changes. Obama, for example, recently used proclamations to create new national monuments in Nevada and Utah.

In terms of subject matter, Obama’s executive orders generally have been comparable to those of his recent predecessors, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of National Archives data. Obama, Bush and Bill Clinton, for instance, all used executive orders most frequently to make changes related to government commissions, boards or committees. The next most frequent category for all three presidents relates to government agencies and employees.

Perhaps the highest-profile executive order issued by Obama concerned immigration (an area that has frequently been the subject of executive action). In June 2012, Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which has shielded more than 750,000 young unauthorized immigrants from deportation. Trump said during last year’s campaign that he would “immediately terminate” the order, though he has since appeared to back away from that position.

If Trump does reverse some of Obama’s executive orders, he wouldn’t be the first president to undo or modify a predecessor’s orders. Indeed, Obama has issued 30 executive orders that amended or revoked existing ones, according to the National Archives.

In one especially noteworthy example, two executive orders by George W. Bush amended an order by Clinton, which had modified an executive order that Ronald Reagan used to revoke a previous order by Jimmy Carter, who first amended a regulatory order created by Gerald Ford. Obama, in turn, eliminated the pair of George W. Bush amendments with another executive order.

Note: This post has been updated to include six executive orders issued by Obama on Jan. 12 and 13, 2017.
Right. That's who is in danger. 
Calls someone else out for "not having any intellectual response", but you post 2 anecdotal videos as proof instead of statistics.


Everyone knows there are people like that on any side of the political spectrum.

Take a look at the immediate and sharp rise in hate crimes and other racist incidents in the UK post-Brexit. The Brexit campaign wasn't nearly as hateful and bigoted as the Trump campaign but its supporters still committed all sorts of hate crimes against immigrants, people of color, the LGBT community, ... And unlike videos, there are actual statistics from police reports etc. to prove that.

To assume that Trump's supporters would have graciously taken their defeat if Trump had lost is a baseless assumption.
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To try and lighten the mood on an otherwise dismal day, hell it's even raining here in southern California :smh:

Calls someone else out for "not having any intellectual response", but you post 2 anecdotal videos as proof instead of statistics.


Take a look at the immediate and sharp rise in hate crimes and other racist incidents in the UK post-Brexit. The Brexit campaign wasn't nearly as hateful and bigoted as the Trump campaign but its supporters still committed all sorts of hate crimes against immigrants, people of color, the LGBT community, ... And unlike videos, there are actual statistics from police reports etc. to prove that.
Yeah those videos are pretty fun, right? Good one. I bet you thought the Dallas police shootings were hilarious too.

You know how easy it is to lie about things right? How easy it is to tag up your fence with swastikas and call the police? The left are quite famous for their proliferation of outrage culture and fake news. Much like this fine young lady, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...b-police-say-she-lied/?utm_term=.d282174c5124

There's a reason I post video proof. You can't lie about it.
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1/ Yes it does. When your *** gets hauled to the emergency room and you can't pay, my premiums go up. And they always went up before the the ACA was passed. Since the law was implemented, the rate of increase has gone down. Most people who are crying about the sharp increase under the ACA live in states that refused to accept subsidies from the federal government.

4/ bad reading comprehension.
It is still a false equivalency no matter how you spin it. 

Bad reading comprehension? Your point makes no sense no matter how you read it.

Should have clarified that it is the number per year.


Obama: 34/yr

Cleveland: 35/yr

No spin to number 1. That is how it worked until the ACA, and there weren't coverage protections included in the law. That's why the GOP is stuck with a law that can only be improved by going left.
Yeah those videos are pretty fun, right? Good one. I bet you thought the Dallas police shootings were hilarious too.

You know how easy it is to lie about things right? How easy it is to tag up your fence with swastikas and call the police? The left are quite famous for their proliferation of outrage culture and fake news. Much like this fine young lady, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...b-police-say-she-lied/?utm_term=.d282174c5124
I didn't laugh at the videos, I laughed at the idiocy of you using anecdotes in an attempt to prove a large point like violence among certain groups.

I doubt you've ever set foot in a college class but that would get you laughed out of the room in any serious debate.
To try and lighten the mood on an otherwise dismal day, hell it's even raining here in southern California :smh:

It never rains in southern california thst what they tell me

Now it may be cold on the east coast
but on the other side of town it never rains...
I didn't laugh at the videos, I laughed at the idiocy of you using anecdotes in an attempt to prove a large point like violence among certain groups.

I doubt you've ever set foot in a college class but that would get you laughed out of the room in any serious debate.
Damn dude. Yet again you got me. I'm totally not a sophomore in college, typing this in between classes as we speak. Don't quit your day job to be a psychic.
I didn't laugh at the videos, I laughed at the idiocy of you using anecdotes in an attempt to prove a large point like violence among certain groups.
I doubt you've ever set foot in a college class but that would get you laughed out of the room in any serious debate.
Damn dude. Yet again you got me. I'm totally not a sophomore in college, typing this in between classes as we speak. Don't quit your day job to be a psychic.

No wonder you have no idea what the Bush years were like.
No wonder you have no idea what the Bush years were like.
What does Bush have to do with this though? His name continues to come up.
Then I would hope you don't try to use "but i saw a few videos" in an essay to argue for or against a nationwide trend.
This is a shoe forum. People are calling each other racists and idiots on here. This is not an academic website. It is more impactful to show visual, tangible examples of hatred and racism than to post sketchy statistics based on hearsay.
This is a shoe forum. People are calling each other racists and idiots on here. This is not an academic website. It is more impactful to show visual, tangible examples of hatred and racism than to post sketchy statistics based on hearsay.

Are posts not tangible though? Cause I'm almost 100% positive you wouldn't spout your racist rhetoric to any members on here face to face. You're good doing it in your safe space behind a screen though.

And Bush is brought up because YOU said Obama was the worst president in modern history. 2008 was under a decade ago.
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