***Official Political Discussion Thread***

People are right to say some part of the TPP were horrible, and there would have been plenty of losers.

But to say the entire plan was horrible is ********.
Seems the TPP has a list of pros and cons. The one con to stand out the most is job losses it seems is what causes people to hate the TPP other than the good it tries to create.

ACA, TPP, etc anything that Obama created is not perfect but it was the step In the right direction or trying to promote change. But seems GOP is using this as ammo to scrap everything Obama has done.
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I still don't really understand why people should really be hyperventlating about the TPP either way.

The best argument I heard against it was that the economic benifits weren't great to justify granting greater IP protection from coperations.
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[COLOR=#red]don't know If any of this is true but I found this excerpt in a article[/COLOR]

Last week, WikiLeaks released the final text of the TPP’s intellectual property rights chapter and it is absolutely terrifying.
These are just a few of its most dangerous pieces:
Compel ISPs to take down websites without any sort of court order, just like SOPA. (Appendix Section I)
Extend the US’s copyright regime to require copyrights stand for life plus 70 years, preventing anyone from using works that belong in the public domain. (Article QQ.G.6)
Criminalize whistleblowing by extending trade secrets laws without any mandatory exemptions for whistleblowers or investigative journalists. (QQ.H.8)
End anonymity online by forcing every domain name to be associated with a real name and address. (Article QQ.C.12)
Make it illegal to unlock, modify, or generally tinker with a device you own. (Article QQ.G.10)
Export the US’s broken copyright policies to the rest of the world without expanding any of the free speech protections, like fair use. (Article QQ.G.17)
The worst part is that this is just one of the TPP’s 30 chapters.
The final text confirms our worst fears — click here to take action demanding Congress vote NO on the TPP.
For years, governments have held critics of the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement in a perfect catch 22. Officials brushed off public outcry and concern by claiming that the dissenters didn’t have all the facts.
This was by design—the 12 country trade deal was negotiated entirely behind closed doors by industry lobbyists and government appointees, and even now the text of the agreement is still classified.
But late last week, WikiLeaks released the final text of the Intellectual Property chapter, meaning those excuses won’t work anymore.
We’re planning to go all out against the TPP, but the first step is to make sure Congress knows just how many people oppose the TPP.
Click here to take action demanding Congress vote NO on the TPP.
Taking action today is just the beginning, because if all we do is send emails and make phone calls, Congress is not going to reject the TPP. Too many giant industries are seriously invested in making sure Congress ratifies the TPP.
If we’re going to win, we need to go big. Which is exactly what we’re going to do.
So take action right now. Contact your Congresspeople now and tell them to vote against the TPP. Then get ready to do more because we’re going to unleash some of our strongest campaigns ever.
Already we have plans to work with hundreds of different groups as a massive coalition to fight the TPP, coordinate gigantic on-the-ground protests in key cities across the country, and produce compelling content to spread the word to as many different audiences as possible just what is at stake in the TPP.
To do all that, we need your help — if you can, pledge to chip in $5 every month between now and when the TPP fight ends so that we can run our biggest, boldest, and best campaign yet.
Thanks for all you do,
P.S. Want to read the text of the chapter for yourself? Check it out on WikiLeaks here, or read their overview of it here. It’s long and complicated, so maybe you'll see something that we didn't. If you do, send us an email.
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Seems the TPP has a list of pros and cons. The one con to stand out the most is job losses it seems is what causes people to hate the TPP other than the good it tries to create.

ACA, TPP, etc anything that Obama created is not perfect but it was the step In the right direction or trying to promote change. But seems GOP is using this as ammo to scrap everything Obama has done.
GOP loved TPP back at 2015 actually which is the irony
Only support they gave obama in [emoji]128514[/emoji]
The entire TPP is online and was released by the Obama Administration.

Please read that, or the Economist breakdown of it, hell read Krugman's views on it.

You do yourself favor by not reading sources that just use the deal to fear monger.

I am against the TPP btw.
The entire TPP is online and was released by the Obama Administration.

Please read that, or the Economist breakdown of it, hell read Krugman's views on it.

You do yourself favor by not reading sources that just use the deal to fear monger.

I am against the TPP btw.

seems like I'm too late on this TPP business. I looked at this


but that is too long of a read on something that doesn't have any significance anymore.

I thought this was a interesting read tho

We will find out how insecure he is the next four years
I'll give him 1.5 years tops.
"...we can disagree with the facts..."

WUT [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
"...we can disagree with the facts..."

WUT [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

All of this is happening because we have become very loose with the distinction between facts and opinions, to the point where "that's just, like, your opinion, dude" is a valid response in debates.
@Reuters: Glad to see Obama go, Gulf Arabs expect Trump to counter Iran https://t.co/oTxZsH4nKT https://t.co/1vGZh9R94A

I wonder how enthusiastic Americans will be about possibly being led into a confrontation with or actually fighting a war with Iran at the behest/behalf of Israel and Saudi Arabia...
Hillary was evil because she cozied up with gulf countries but then Iran deal was bad because.... because why?

people voted for trump because he'll antagonize both Iran and the Arabs?

or do most of his supporters not even know the difference between Arabs and Persians, shia and sunni Muslims, or Iran and Iraq?

I'm gonna go with the second option.
Hillary was evil because she cozied up with gulf countries but then Iran deal was bad because.... because why?

people voted for trump because he'll antagonize both Iran and the Arabs?

or do most of his supporters not even know the difference between Arabs and Persians, shia and sunni Muslims, or Iran and Iraq?

I'm gonna go with the second option.

This is a non-alternative fact
Trump brought a cheering section to the CIA event. :smh: :rofl: :rofl:

How insecure can one man be


CBS News confirmed reports that President Donald Trump brought a studio audience to his visit with the CIA on Saturday.

and this wouldn't be the first time:


The Trump campaign won’t get in trouble for this, the FEC concluded, but yes they used a casting agency called The Extra Mile to pay extras to attend Donald Trump’s announcement


he is a fraud all the way through.

:lol: at those of you who got fooled. you're class A idiots.
Sean Spicer is the equivalent of Baghdad Bob

Trump is a fraud with fake press conferences, fake photo ops. Everything that comes out of the White House press briefings should be taken with a grain of salt. TMZ will probably have better news coverage than the White House now!
Correction: military and public health exempt from hiring freeze
this pay freeze is being done to protect the American worker (trump's explanation)? what kind of ****** up logic is this?

if there's any hiring that keeps money in the united states and generates a lot of jobs, it's the ******* us government.

and it's been shown before that a hiring freeze will hurt the economy.

**** trump and all his people.
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