***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Turned off the interview last night when he started saying he could be "the most presidential" president ever, besides Abe Lincoln. What does that even mean? :rofl:

Read in the news where translators overseas are having a difficult time translating his speech because it's so incoherent.
I dont think koopa supports donald. I think he's one of those "I'm too woke to vote. They're all the same." brothers
i'm neither 

just have varying opinions.

rusty has woke me on a lot of **** and so has ninja.

i'm not stubborn and see rights and wrongs, open to admit my mistakes and have no problem on changing my views with growth and knowledge.

something a lot of you political junkies hate
He needed to tell the orange clown to his face in front of the media, "we are not paying for no damn wall" and watch Donald melt down and act like he back in that WWF ring

You should go read up on the rise of Hitler....and Authoritarians/Facist/Dictators.

Very interesting read.

One of the first steps they ALL have in common is to stifle dissent and discredit the media.

It's pretty interesting watching that happen before our eyes.

A whole segment of this country believes and only believes the words that come out of Trump or Fox News mouth.

Think about that for a second.....

Not to mention what Trump did to silence the EPA yesterday. You seem reasonable. Just uninformed. Hope you learn a few things today.

U.S. President Donald Trump's administration has instructed the Environmental Protection Agency to remove the climate change page from its website, two agency employees told Reuters, the latest move by the newly minted leadership to erase ex-President Barack Obama's climate change initiatives.

The employees were notified by EPA officials on Tuesday that the administration had instructed EPA's communications team to remove the website's climate change page, which contains links to scientific global warming research, as well as detailed data on emissions. The page could go down as early as Wednesday, the sources said.
The Associated Press

BREAKING: Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto says he has informed the White House he has canceled trip to Washington.
This is not good
nah man it's cool.. just the country directly south of you, that literally shares land mass

aint that right @KingKoopa? people just being extreme and overreacting for shhts and giggles? same shht under Obama, right? good to see ruffled feathers, right?
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this looks bad on Nieto's part imo. he should stand his ground and address Trump and let him know that Mexico aint paying and keep drilling that in his head 

Dude is a clown anyway. He's always 20 steps behind when it comes to Trump.
This is not good

this looks bad on Nieto's part imo. he should stand his ground and address Trump and let him know that Mexico aint paying and keep drilling that in his head 

Mexican President: we're not paying for ****.

Mexican President: we're not paying for a damn wall.

Mexican President: you're acting like a child
When you look at NAFTA, one of the only ways it could get better for us is lower tariff on our eggs and milk in Canada, and more exports. But we don't produce as much so we can't really export more.
Dude is a clown anyway. He's always 20 steps behind when it comes to Trump.
yeah he could be handling the situation way better than he is now. even if Trump deflects, if Nieto stands his ground it will only make Trump look worse 

nah man it's cool.. just the country directly south of you, that literally shares land mass

aint that right @KingKoopa? people just being extreme and overreacting for shhts and giggles? same shht under Obama, right? good to see ruffled feathers, right?
 yeah thats not good.

Go wait for your draft card, ill wait to see what the response will be.

Sorry, i'm just don't panic.

​Sorry if that rubs you the wrong way. 
Trump is looking for a few examples of voting discrepancies, especially in minority precincts, so the GOP can rationalize voter suppression on a federal scale.
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