***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Could you also post a Milo speech and the corroborating statistics and fact checking that back us his claims.

Thanks so much

He has a dirty mouth. I dont think thats allowed on the site ?
Btw, do they have any safe spaces for you to deal with Milo? You know coloring books, play-doh, and counselors you can shed a tear to ?
Could you also post a Milo speech and the corroborating statistics and fact checking that back us his claims.

Thanks so much

He has a dirty mouth. I dont think thats allowed on the site ?
Btw, do they have any safe spaces for you to deal with Milo? You know coloring books, play-doh, and counselors you can shed a tear to ?

Oh ok, so your just another troll that spews nonsense and can't back it up for the life of them. Also you use the same lame slander as every over right wing race troll. How adorable.

If you would like to discuss politics with people that hold the same ignorant views as Milo, and can't stand the progressive minority voice on NT, you have tons of other options.

I hear Stormfront is always looking for new members. Or you can seek out some local Klan members, white supremacist and vile racists in your community to chop it up with
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As far as having conservatives speak on Campus is concerned, I do think they should be allowed to do so.

I am confident in liberalism and I believe that in an intellectual fair fight will almost always prevail. You either have a moderated debate or you let the troll speak and then have a rebuttal talk the next day or later that night.

So much of contemporary conservatism relies on the belief that they are some beleaguered insurgency. I want to deny them as much ammunition as possible. I say let them come, be polite and then proceed to rip their ideas to shreds.

We can withstand and defeat their bad ideas, especially the community in and around California's crown jewel of higher education.
Word to the NTer who pretended to be black just to **** on black folks with his boy Ninja
yup and ninja threw his cape on quick lmaoo what a surprise
The hypocrisy of the left on display here is actually pretty unreal. Haven't been legit angry over any of your posts before. What's worse is that you cant even see or realize it. Scared for the future of this country seeing how many people like that are out there. 

Come back when the left leads as many filibusters in the next few years as the right did in 8 years.

There is a reason hate speech is restricted in countries that actually saw their cities being leveled because of it. The hypocrisy is in acting as if weaponized language doesn't exist when we have examples from the WWII to Serbia and Rwanda.

**** off.
He has a dirty mouth. I dont think thats allowed on the site ?
Btw, do they have any safe spaces for you to deal with Milo? You know coloring books, play-doh, and counselors you can shed a tear to ?
I suggest you contact @ninjahood  if you wish to learn more about safe spaces. He is our biggest supporter of safe spaces.
‏@ReutersWorld: White House says Israeli settlement construction may not be helpful to peace

Finally a more measured position by this admin :lol:,funny it comes after all the huffing and puffing after Obama wouldn't veto that UN resolution though.

Also,that Milo dude deserved what was coming to him given this...

@kombiz: Milo was going to target and out undocumented students at uc Berkley http://www.sfgate.com/news/amp/UC-warns-campus-group-Yiannopoulos-event-could-10901517.php
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I suggest you contact @ninjahood
 if you wish to learn more about safe spaces. He is our biggest supporter of safe spaces.

I will look into that. Thank you for the referral ! From everything i have heard about "safe spaces" it sounds great ! I know for sure my 2 year old son would have a blast !
I will look into that. Thank you for the referral ! From everything i have heard about "safe spaces" it sounds great ! I know for sure my 2 year old son would have a blast !
You're welcome. Some of our members, despite being adults, tend to whine about being critized and threaten to spam the report button over the slightest petty critique or insult. In some cases even threaten to "catch a felony" because their feelings were hurt. While I have no need for safe spaces, I'm glad they exist for vulnerable people like @ninjahood  
I think it is time to give Angela Merkel the title as "Leader of the Free World"
People can say what they want about her refugee policy, but Germany's federal government posted up a €6.2 billion surplus in 2016.

They can't deny her exceptional leadership.
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Seriously though,why?
Less (mentally ill) people buying guns = less $$$ for gun manufacturers and sellers

Surely it doesn't hurt to let a severe paranoid schizophrenic buy a gun, those poor businesses have to make a buck somehow.
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Yeah I think it's time to strap up and defend ourselves since our government is trying to make it a free for all
Looking more into Trumps newfound,moderate position regarding Israel I saw this...

Exclusive: Donald Trump supports a two-state solution and is warning #Israel to cease settlement announcements.

White House official tells ‘Post’ all parties should cease ‘unilateral actions,’ affirms two-state solution.


Mindblown :wow: :wow:,dude was fake outraged at Obama towing the exact same line just weeks ago :rofl:

Kushner must realize that his business ties/financial interests would suffer if Israel continues to isolate themselves internationally

Bibi must be getting nervous
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