***Official Political Discussion Thread***

- If you are coming to a University and looking to be a vigilante, then yeah, you should be blocked from even entering. White guys (and wannabe white guys) who act like vigilantes and who make "citizen's arrests" are horrible. They act like they own the legal system.

- Angela Merkel is the leader of the Free World for now and we need Carlton Banks to help Trump with pronouncing her name correctly.

- Every conservative on here sucks right now because conservatism isn't even a coherent ideology right now. If you have ideas that are opposite of mine, I can talk to you. When your political alignment consists entirely of hating members of the opposing coalition, there is not much to discuss.
Has there ever been a "right winged" conservative poster you guys have ever respected or not bullied?

Yesterday someone made a deliberate effort in not coming off confrontational in pointing out your constant need to play Devils advocate.

Today we're gonna keep it funky, you stay defending known racists and ****ish uncle Tom's on here. :lol:
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I've noticed more and more Trump supporters getting quieter and quieter :lol:

I'm actually reading and laughing at da dire mood in here. :lol:

How can the owner of Tesla, who is pushing cars that run on clean energy, reconcile working with the Trump administration?

because Telsa makes more money getting federal subsidies from da government than selling cars.

I think it is time to give Angela Merkel the title as "Leader of the Free World"

she's toast because of da unfettered migrant problems...she tried to triangulate back by banning burkas in public but she's on record lamenting da failures of cultural diversity (which I don't even agree with, she just handled da migrant crisis horribly.)

Has there ever been a "right winged" conservative poster you guys have ever respected or not bullied?

Crballer55 is da only conservative ish type guy who I know they haven't attacked...but then again he's pretty much steered clear of this thread.
Yesterday someone made a deliberate effort in not coming off confrontational in pointing out your constant need to play Devils advocate.

Today we're gonna keep it funky, you stay defending known racists and ****ish uncle Tom's on here.
It wasn't not a shot. You yourself have admitted that about your political views, I'm not making it up.

And I'm telling you that you don't know the history or right wing trolls in this thread. Because you were not around for the entire election cycle.

Take a step back.I never come at you, even when you have posted some frustrating things. You are the one talking slick famb, not me.
Well my bad.

Yeah, the only right wing opinions shared in this thread are by posters with questionable past.

That's why the question was phrased the way it was.

Just wondering why there are not more logical right winged posters on this board.

Liberal or bigots and it can't be that.
My man...why do you have to play devil's advocate for the right every time you post in here?

Like...do you even know who Milo is?
Not as well as some of you but i also never made a comment about him or defend the "devil".

Do you not think a knowledgeable Republican would not be beneficial in a political debate?
Today we're gonna keep it funky, you stay defending known racists and ****ish uncle Tom's on here.
Defending who?

Asked a ******* question? 
I've noticed more and more Trump supporters getting quieter and quieter :lol:

I'm actually reading and laughing at da dire mood in here. :lol:

How can the owner of Tesla, who is pushing cars that run on clean energy, reconcile working with the Trump administration?

because Telsa makes more money getting federal subsidies from da government than selling cars.

I think it is time to give Angela Merkel the title as "Leader of the Free World"

she's toast because of da unfettered migrant problems...she tried to triangulate back by banning burkas in public but she's on record lamenting da failures of cultural diversity (which I don't even agree with, she just handled da migrant crisis horribly.)

Has there ever been a "right winged" conservative poster you guys have ever respected or not bullied?

-Crballer55 is da only conservative ish type guy who I know they haven't attacked...but then again he's pretty much steered clear of this thread.

-Merkel will probably win reelection.

-Crc has come back every one in a while but stopped posting a lot because he said he was tried of being called a racist he claimed.

He couple last post before leaving was saying that Dems should be against abortion because black people are killing "their future constituents"

Said black people are committing genocide because they have abortions at higher rates (ignoring the poverty angle)

And when I said that minorities support the Dems because their policies are more diverse, he got pissed and said the diversity I was talking about was handouts.

I could take is selfish "everything is a moral failing" shtick and his Riko level selfishness. His delusions of Reagan are par for the course for any conservative but dude looked funny in the light plenty of times.

-And I love how you fail to mention all your one-rep conservative buddies that got banned for racism by Meth, you know, the dude you threaten everyone with nowadays. Do you pour our some Dominicano rum for Blco, TitantiumTea?
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This dude Koopa, trollin and playing dumb. He knows what he's doing. Devil's advocate my ***. You not that blind to the political landscape OR the vibe(s) of this thread.
Even if Merkel were to run into trouble in the election,her closest challenger right now, Martin Schulz, is a former European parliament president who's called Trump an un-American problem for the world, and is also the head of a Centre-Left party. Think Germany's gonna be good regardless no matter what Ninja says :lol:

The French elections are gonna the real test for the EU
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Maybe for a weekend I will be a pretend conservative so the trolls can hear what measured conservative arguments sound like.

I have tons of debates with my conservatives friends in real life and they go nothing like they do on here.

Mainly because the have a decent knowledge of the issues, are not overly bigoted, are fiscally responsible, and argue in favor of market solutions and aligning incentives.
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Aaaand Gavin McInnes gets maced by tolerant, intellectual liberals while trying to speak at NYU. Back at it again with the free speech violations [emoji]128517[/emoji] you guys are worried about Trump being a Nazi when the real fascists are amongst your own.

Also, whoever called me a homophobe is a complete nonce. You literally make things up in here [emoji]128514[/emoji]
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This dude Koopa, trollin and playing dumb. He knows what he's doing. Devil's advocate my ***. You not that blind to the political landscape OR the vibe(s) of this thread.
Again, i know the known culprits.

The question is pertaining to a right winged Conservative you could have a healthy debate with.

Seems like the answer is no this is a heavily liberal leaning message board with the occasional extreme leftist.

Honest question.

But i'll show myself the door tonight.

GN fellas. 
Aaaand Gavin McInnes gets maced by tolerant, intellectual liberals while trying to speak at NYU. Back at it again with the free speech violations [emoji]128517[/emoji] you guys are worried about Trump being a Nazi when the real fascists are amongst your own.

Also, whoever called me a homophobe is a complete nonce. You literally make things up in here [emoji]128514[/emoji]

U wanna go tit for tat at some of the **** that was said and done towards Obama during his tenure? Free speech, right?

This the hill you're choosing to die on?
Aaaand Gavin McInnes gets maced by tolerant, intellectual liberals while trying to speak at NYU. Back at it again with the free speech violations [emoji]128517[/emoji] you guys are worried about Trump being a Nazi when the real fascists are amongst your own.

Also, whoever called me a homophobe is a complete nonce. You literally make things up in here [emoji]128514[/emoji]

-Gavin should have not gotten maced. But like we said before, it is kinda hard to feel sorry for intolerance against people that preach intolerance

-You have no idea what fascism is obviously.

-You just had a post deleted where you referred to people as "butt-blasted liberals". Please jump off your high horse, you are not fooling anyone

And even now, you try being slick with calling people a "nonce". It is like you can't help but act like a clown.
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U wanna go tit for tat at some of the **** that was said and done towards Obama during his tenure? Free speech, right?

This the hill you're choosing to die on?
That has literally nothing to do with what I just said. Keep deflecting.
-Gavin should have not gotten maced. But like we said before, it is kinda hard to feel sorry for intolerance against people that preach intolerance

-You have no idea what fascism is obviously.

-You just had a post deleted where you referred to people as "butt-blasted liberals". Please jump off your high horse, you are not fooling anyone
I wass clearly referring to the tactics used by these "antifa" clowns. Using violence and fear to silence opinions is the same garbage that was done by fascist and communist regimes all over.
I love watching snowflakes melt during my spare time. Snowflakes seem to be melting at record numbers these days!
I mean Crballer55 basically has a ideological opinion that isn't just shared with conservatives...it's shared and overlaps with social objecters of abortion...some people are completely opposed to Democrats steps to normalize da procedure that makes abortion as common as a physical..

Andrew Cuomo is suggesting to amend da NY state Constitution to cement da right to late turn abortion (which is disgusting) in case Roe V Wade gets overturned and sent back to da States. I got a cousin who's pentecostal who rejected Clinton out of hand strictly off her stance to late turn abortion...

when Crballer noted blacks are proportionality more devastated by abortion than any other group ya said (I didn't see da exchange so I'm going on what you're telling me).. calling him a "racist" for stating da stats feels like a incongruent response.

that snowballs into folks goading others into making emotional errors...I make no such mistakes, I know how to navigate da waters... I been on NT since nearly da dawn of its inception.

once Meth told me I couldn't fight fire with fire (which was da unspoken rule from 2002-2007ish at it peak during ********'s backdoor alleyway bloodsport heyday) I just let him handle any personal derailments.
He's probably one of those people who think being a contrarian constitutes critical thinking.

That's more like kingkoopa kingkoopa :lol:

I think dude well meaning.....but I get that vibe.

Like Koop seems to speak first.....and do research later. Contrarian DOES NOT EQUAL CRITICAL THINKING.....or thinking OUTSIDE THE BOX.
That's more like kingkoopa kingkoopa :lol:

I think dude well meaning.....but I get that vibe.

Like Koop seems to speak first.....and do research later. Contrarian DOES NOT EQUAL CRITICAL THINKING.....or thinking OUTSIDE THE BOX.
Sitting in a homogeneic bubble and patting eachother on the back for having identical opinions isnt critical thinking either, pa.
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