***Official Political Discussion Thread***

-Gavin should have not gotten maced. But like we said before, it is kinda hard to feel sorry for intolerance against people that preach intolerance

-You have no idea what fascism is obviously.

-You just had a post deleted where you referred to people as "butt-blasted liberals". Please jump off your high horse, you are not fooling anyone
I wass clearly referring to the tactics used by these "antifa" clowns. Using violence and fear to silence opinions is the same garbage that was done by fascist and communist regimes all over.

American Antifa don't consider themselves liberal afaik, they even make a distinction in many cases that there is a difference. They don't expressly "like" liberals, especially farther left leaning ones.
I mean Crballer55 basically has a ideological opinion that isn't just shared with conservatives...it's shared and overlaps with social objecters of abortion...some people are completely opposed to Democrats steps to normalize da procedure that makes abortion as common as a physical..

Andrew Cuomo is suggesting to amend da NY state Constitution to cement da right to late turn abortion (which is disgusting) in case Roe V Wade gets overturned and sent back to da States. I got a cousin who's pentecostal who rejected Clinton out of hand strictly off her stance to late turn abortion...

when Crballer noted blacks are proportionality more devastated by abortion than any other group ya said (I didn't see da exchange so I'm going on what you're telling me).. calling him a "racist" for stating da stats feels like a incongruent response.

that snowballs into folks goading others into making emotional errors...I make no such mistakes, I know how to navigate da waters... I been on NT since nearly da dawn of its inception.

once Meth told me I couldn't fight fire with fire (which was da unspoken rule from 2002-2007ish at it peak during ********'s backdoor alleyway bloodsport heyday) I just let him handle any personal derailments.

-He was not called a racist for his abortion comments. And I'm not gonna explain stats to you, or discuss abortion, because you have spew nonsense on both issue enough already. You say with the emotionally charged fringe argument. Not only that, your view on abortion rights by Dems is a strawman

-And that is not what Meth told you. He said you were baiting people, and when dudes clap back you were reporting them, and when you fired back he had to check you too. He told you to chill on the victory lap nonsense

He was criticizing your behavior as well, and being the common denominator for a lot of problem in political threads. Don't try to act like your hands are clean.
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I mean Crballer55 basically has a ideological opinion that isn't just shared with conservatives...it's shared and overlaps with social objecters of abortion...some people are completely opposed to Democrats steps to normalize da procedure that makes abortion as common as a physical..

Andrew Cuomo is suggesting to amend da NY state Constitution to cement da right to late turn abortion (which is disgusting) in case Roe V Wade gets overturned and sent back to da States. I got a cousin who's pentecostal who rejected Clinton out of hand strictly off her stance to late turn abortion...

when Crballer noted blacks are proportionality more devastated by abortion than any other group ya said (I didn't see da exchange so I'm going on what you're telling me).. calling him a "racist" for stating da stats feels like a incongruent response.

that snowballs into folks goading others into making emotional errors...I make no such mistakes, I know how to navigate da waters... I been on NT since nearly da dawn of its inception.

once Meth told me I couldn't fight fire with fire (which was da unspoken rule from 2002-2007ish at it peak during ********'s backdoor alleyway bloodsport heyday) I just let him handle any personal derailments.

I don't like abortion, but I respect the right for abortion, while many are just irresponsible and careless, there is a lot of people who need that right, a couple should have the right to abort a late pregnancy should they need to, I don't understand how anyone feels they have rights over someone else's body, let alone decide that is best to bring a child into this world to suffer and in the same breath talk about gutting the funding that helps so many kids whos parents walked out on them.
The ones that post in here frequently get the same treatment they give from what I can tell. There's just not many of them so they're steadily getting roasted.

I would love more conservative viewpoints that make sense in here because the slant is obvious
I talk to conservatives and liberals in real life, like not online, and we have a lot of respectful dialog. But they don't parrot talking points at me, they tend to have real substantial arguments that we build on and find common ground. Them, I love talking to.

It's the guys who completely ignore facts, or go with "alternative facts" that I can't stand. When you talk to people like that IRL one on one they either get loud or just shut up. Online they just keep piling on because the screen is in the way and they can flex. There is nothing inherently wrong with liberals or conservatives IMO, but I absolutely refuse to respect anyone who won't respect others and is solely out for themselves.
This. It's no secret that damn near every conservative/"independent" who comes in this thread ends up getting himself for spewing extremely ignorant bigotry/racist remarks. Ninja and Rico are the only two who have managed to be here for a relatively long time as far as I know. Ninja gets no respect for obvious reasons; frequently crossing the line with extreme ignorance, disparaging comments against African-Americans or the lgbt community, ... And on top of that he is perpetually intellectually dishonest. Constant strawman arguments, deflections, never conceding to being wrong even if he gets called out for being wrong about the amount of days in a week or decade, or caught not reading his links over and over again...

And thus also not learning from mistakes.

Rico is fine by me despite disagreeing on nearly everything. In the past he repeatedly told me I shouldn't post here because I'm a foreigner, as did several other conservatives but we've gotten past that. I would say we can get along now.

In real life most of my friends are conservatives. We disagree on certain topics of course but we can discuss those views in a friendly discussion without any problems. My voting record for national elections here is one vote for the largest conservative party and the second election I voted for a center/moderate left party.

Ninja and others often like to say we hate opposing views, which simply isn't true. At least not for most of us I think. We have a problem with bigotry and racism, and the majority of conservatives who joined us happen to display those traits quite often as evidenced by the very high % of conservatives who regularly post here getting themselves banned for extreme bigotry or racism. I don't believe conservatives in this thread on NT represent conservatives as a whole. My issue is with bigots and racists, not with conservatives or other opposing views. And there are plenty of conservatives out there who are not a bigot/racist and open to a reasonable debate.
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Aaaand Gavin McInnes gets maced by tolerant, intellectual liberals while trying to speak at NYU. Back at it again with the free speech violations [emoji]128517[/emoji] you guys are worried about Trump being a Nazi when the real fascists are amongst your own.

Also, whoever called me a homophobe is a complete nonce. You literally make things up in here [emoji]128514[/emoji]
I don't think you understand the 1st amendment. 

I became a independent just by hearing da nonstop bashing of of right on NPR & CNN from 2007-2009..made me curious about what exactly was da problem and decided to hear both sides and make my determination from there, which is da BEST course of action.
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No it is not the best course of action.

You should learn the issues and study public policy instead.

Then you will have a better filter and knowledge base.

You're basically admitting that you went with the side that sounded the best
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I became a independent just by hearing da nonstop bashing of of right on NPR & CNN from 2007-2009..made me curious about what exactly was da problem and decided to hear both sides and make my determination from there, which is da BEST course of action.
You're not "independent" because you listen to both sides. You're trolling right?
No it is not the best course of action.

You should learn the issues and study public policy instead.

Then you will have a better filter and knowledge base.

You're basically admitting that you went with the side that sounded the best

Conservatives only rely on numbers and stats when it helps them. The moment facts contradict their beliefs, they find every little justification to dismiss them, and if they can't do that, they simply hit you with the "that's not what I believe" schtick.
I don't think you understand the 1st amendment. 
I would argue that you dont if you believe that there is a "Its cool to beat the brakes off of meany heads and assault others to prevent them from watching said meany heads speak" clause

The 1st amendment mainly protects you freedom of speech from the state.

If someone punches you to shut you up, they get charged with assault, not suppressing your freedom of speech.
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I mean Crballer55 basically has a ideological opinion that isn't just shared with conservatives...it's shared and overlaps with social objecters of abortion...some people are completely opposed to Democrats steps to normalize da procedure that makes abortion as common as a physical..

Andrew Cuomo is suggesting to amend da NY state Constitution to cement da right to late turn abortion (which is disgusting) in case Roe V Wade gets overturned and sent back to da States. I got a cousin who's pentecostal who rejected Clinton out of hand strictly off her stance to late turn abortion...

when Crballer noted blacks are proportionality more devastated by abortion than any other group ya said (I didn't see da exchange so I'm going on what you're telling me).. calling him a "racist" for stating da stats feels like a incongruent response.

that snowballs into folks goading others into making emotional errors...I make no such mistakes, I know how to navigate da waters... I been on NT since nearly da dawn of its inception.

once Meth told me I couldn't fight fire with fire (which was da unspoken rule from 2002-2007ish at it peak during ********'s backdoor alleyway bloodsport heyday) I just let him handle any personal derailments.

I don't like abortion, but I respect the right for abortion, while many are just irresponsible and careless, there is a lot of people who need that right, a couple should have the right to abort a late pregnancy should they need to, I don't understand how anyone feels they have rights over someone else's body, let alone decide that is best to bring a child into this world to suffer and in the same breath talk about gutting the funding that helps so many kids whos parents walked out on them.

i don't agree with this, you shouldn't be able to terminate a life that late into da pregnancy because it's a inconvenience... there were a bunnnnnch on contraceptive solutions that could've been taken to avoid a pregnancy, including a abortion that's waaaaaay earlier in da 1st trimester.

sooner or later, technology is gonna get good enough where late Term abortion will be looked upon as barbaric...and laws will eventually grant human rights to babies that are already 6-8 months developed.

da tide is already turning, a vast majority of Americans oppose late turn abortion outside da life of da mother being at risk or Heath viability of da fetus.
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Aaaand Gavin McInnes gets maced by tolerant, intellectual liberals while trying to speak at NYU. Back at it again with the free speech violations [emoji]128517[/emoji] you guys are worried about Trump being a Nazi when the real fascists are amongst your own.

Also, whoever called me a homophobe is a complete nonce. You literally make things up in here [emoji]128514[/emoji]
Great bait!
I'm not a big fan of abortion, but who am I to tell a woman about their body
They have their choice to do whatever
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Crc is a good guy and I'm happy to have a discussion about ideas with him any time. I think he has some blind spots when it comes to race and his own white privilege but no one is perfect. There are black and brown men who are woke as hell when it comes to race but don't know the first thin gabout the struggles of women or LGBTQIA folks.

To the conservatives who are willing to listen, when I say racist, I do not mean that you are out there harming people of color. White Supremacy is the received wisdom that we all get (and many black and brown folks carry it as well). We are not born knowing how to do Calculus or how to research and write an essay. We learn those things in school and it is the same situation when it comes to reckoning our levels of privilege within our society.

If someone tells me "you cannot speak Mandarin Chinese" I wouldn't say "I speak all sorts of languages" or "I have nothing against Chinese people, why are you calling me stupid?" Education, in and out of the class room, it is a life long process and we all need it.
The hypocrisy of the left on display here is actually pretty unreal. Haven't been legit angry over any of your posts before. What's worse is that you cant even see or realize it. Scared for the future of this country seeing how many people like that are out there. 

Safe space is that way
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Trump supporters using the term "snowflakes" makes me :lol: that **** been used in da hood since forever as a term for white folks and I'll keep using it like that.
i don't agree with this, you shouldn't be able to terminate a life that late into da pregnancy because it's a inconvenience... there were a bunnnnnch on contraceptive solutions that could've been taken to avoid a pregnancy, including a abortion that's waaaaaay earlier in da 1st trimester.

sooner or later, technology is gonna get good enough where late Term abortion will be looked upon as barbaric...and laws will eventually grant human rights to babies that are already 6-8 months developed.

da tide is already turning, a vast majority of Americans oppose late turn abortion outside da life of da mother being at risk or Heath viability of da fetus.

What if the baby is diagnosed late with some congenital disorder? Which will completely alter his/her quality of life and put the parents through a potential lifetime of turmoil, do they NOT have the right to abort? Will you help them raise the kid?
I would argue that you dont if you believe that there is a "Its cool to beat the brakes off of meany heads and assault others to prevent them from watching said meany heads speak" clause

Where was this outrage when Gavin was assaulting people?
I'm not a big fan of abortion, but who am I to tell a woman about their body
They have their choice to do whatever

Basically how I feel. With late termination at least. Fathers should have input but the decision really comes down to mothers IMO.

I'm pro mind my damn business.
i don't agree with this, you shouldn't be able to terminate a life that late into da pregnancy because it's a inconvenience... there were a bunnnnnch on contraceptive solutions that could've been taken to avoid a pregnancy, including a abortion that's waaaaaay earlier in da 1st trimester.

sooner or later, technology is gonna get good enough where late Term abortion will be looked upon as barbaric...and laws will eventually grant human rights to babies that are already 6-8 months developed.

da tide is already turning, a vast majority of Americans oppose late turn abortion outside da life of da mother being at risk or Heath viability of da fetus.

What if the baby is diagnosed late with some congenital disorder? Which will completely alter his/her quality of life and put the parents through a potential lifetime of turmoil, do they NOT have the right to abort? Will you help them raise the kid?
Late term abortion makes me queasy as hell. If you wait until a baby is damn near ready to be born before you abort, you wrong for that.
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