***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The policy, set to begin March 1, means that misdemeanor offenders with less than four ounces of marijuana will not be arrested, ticketed or required to appear in court if they agree to take a four-hour drug education class, officials said
suprisingly this just passed here in houston...which imo is a good start.  

4 ounces is a lot
There is no such thing as a valid argument for banning and criminalizing marijuana. Charging and imprisoning people for minor marijuana use/sale is nonsense.
Alcohol is irrefutably much worse than weed. There's a reason I've yet to meet a single doctor who disapproves of it even though it's illegal here and that some of the top specialists in this country working on my diagnosis actually suggest and encourage using it for pain relief. I'm prescribed a vast array of different medications including opiate painkillers, sleeping medication, a cortisol and testosterone hormone treatment, ...

Obviously I can't drink much alcohol. I'm allowed to in small doses (1 or 2 beers at most) on rare occasions but to drink a more significant amount is potentially lethal because of numerous medication interactions. On the other hand, the specialists working on my diagnosis are very supportive of cannabis because I can safely use it for effective pain relief with zero interactions with my other medications. My mom was strongly against cannabis (and alcohol and all other drugs) but after the specialists explained its benefits they changed her views. Now she gets it for me from a coworker who lives just on the Dutch border, where you can easily get medicinal grade cannabis.

So much can be accomplished if the Feds would just allocate a small portion of US Treasury on the research of CBD in Canabis, however our Govt rather allocate billions into the DEA and continue on with reefer madness propaganda.. It's terrible that families with autistic kids having to move to Colorado or legal MJ states just to have access to the miracle marijuana strain called Charlotte's Web.

If you have time...

Honestly, I don't think any real headway will be made until more "millennials" start getting into office. Laws usually change w/ the times and the older people are usually out of touch. I can imagine that when I get older I won't really understand some things that the younger generations understand. Question is, will I wanna hold onto my power for as long as I can like these cats are move out of the way.
Weed legalization should be the norm specifically for the legal component. The recreational bill that passed in Cali specifically had provisions in it that addressed people who were currently in jail for possession and reduced the punishments for those caught with certain amounts going forward. The medical research on its benefits has been nothing but positive, unlike alcohol its not actively destroying your body. As someone who has done my equal share of both as still does albeit less frequently weed is far easier to manage and has less negative consequences than alcohol. But I'm worried these clowns now will try and negate the positive progress that has been made on the cannibas front.
i've done both and i'm the opposite. 

weed had more negative effects than alcohol has had for me. probably because i wouldn't just drink at any time...only on social occasions. 

weed was the opposite...i used to want to smoke any and everywhere and actually cigarettes were my biggest vice. i still crave them today even after years of not smoking.
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These clowns are playing with fire by ducking all of these townhalls or claiming that their actual constituents are all "liberal activists" or paid off :lol:. They really think that's gonna alleviate peoples anger? :lol:

Marco Pequeno ain't up for election for another 6 years. Plus he got dat Cuban protection from the Florida electorate

He ain't got no worries
These clowns are playing with fire by ducking all of these townhalls or claiming that their actual constituents are all "liberal activists" or paid off :lol:. They really think that's gonna alleviate peoples anger? :lol:

Marco Pequeno ain't up for election for another 6 years. Plus he got dat Cuban protection from the Florida electorate

He ain't got no worries

Wasn't talking about Rubio in particular,just seeing a trend in these GOP reps all reading from the same script and bringing up the same talking points in their responses to the very real anger among their constituents and the increased push for accountability from them :lol:
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These clowns are playing with fire by ducking all of these townhalls or claiming that their actual constituents are all "liberal activists" or paid off :lol:. They really think that's gonna alleviate peoples anger? :lol:

Marco Pequeno ain't up for election for another 6 years. Plus he got dat Cuban protection from the Florida electorate

He ain't got no worries

They better recognize, if the Jewish community and police unions can be attacked, they could be up next supporting the GOP :lol:
"This President has blood on his hands"


An Indian IT engineer employed with a US company in Kansas was fatally shot and a colleague, also from India, was wounded by a white man who allegedly thought they were from the Middle East and was heard telling them to “get out of my country” at the time of the shooting.


Witnesses said Purinton was heard telling the two men to “get out of my country”. Grillot intervened. “I opened the door and was like, ‘I’m going to have to ask you to leave, sir. There’s no reason to act like that around this bar. This is a family restaurant’,” he has said.

Purinton did leave, but returned shortly after and opened fire, killing Kuchibhotla and wounding Madasani. Grillot, who was also hit, tried to chase the shooter. “I thought his magazine was empty. So I got up and started chasing him down. I tried to subdue him so that police could come in and do what they needed to do and I guess I miscounted with everything going on. I got behind him. And he turned around and fired a round at me.”


edit: I was thinking if this continues, I may have to get myself a gun for the upcoming war. But actually I'd rather put in some work with a knife. Guns are for cowards and those who aren't really about that life. :nerd:

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So much can be accomplished if the Feds would just allocate a small portion of US Treasury on the research of CBD in Canabis, however our Govt rather allocate billions into the DEA and continue on with reefer madness propaganda.. It's terrible that families with autistic kids having to move to Colorado or legal MJ states just to have access to the miracle marijuana strain called Charlotte's Web.

If you have time...

Wasn't aware about that particular use, interesting.

Even if you ignore the medicinal component of cannabis, alcohol is far worse in just about every aspect.

Alcohol is a toxic for the body, physically addictive and can directly result in death from overdose. It is also one of few drugs that can cause death from withdrawal. Others in that category are Xanax for example.

Cannabis can be safely ingested as edibles or by vaporizing it instead of smoking it. It's not physically addictive and therefore does not result in physical withdrawal.

It also does not directly cause death from overconsumption and has far less dangerous drug interactions than alcohol. Most of my prescription medications have dangerous and potentially lethal interactions with alcohol, whereas cannabis has no serious interactions with any of them according to all of my doctors.

It can be mentally addictive but that goes for just about anything. There's also the gateway drug argument, which I think is a fair point but I would assume that legalizing it for both medicinal and recreative use would be more beneficial as it would decrease the need for dealing with drugdealers.

I don't mind alcohol and it's certainly not a big deal in moderation but I do have a problem with the false narrative that cannabis has more health hazards than alcohol. Science does not support that.
Love watching those Obama videos.

65 on a Friday in February. Can't beat that. trump can go kick rocks at his white supremacist convention.
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