***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Barry got that "Y'all on your own look" as he steps into his jeep :lol:
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The great press war of 2017 rages on

@Noahbierman: Breitbart, OANN, Washington Times are all in White House briefing. CNN and NY Times (and LA Times) not allowed in.

@jimsciutto: Just in: @CNN @nytimes @Politico & others blocked from attending White House gaggle with @PressSec. WH has so far offered no explanation

@AP & @TIME boycotted as a result. WH Correspondents Assn protesting. Conservative outlets Breitbart, Washington Times, @OANN allowed in

Tiny hands is easing into those Authoritarian tendencies quite fast...

Obama doesn't even need a rally to attract a huge crowd :pimp:

:lol: :pimp:
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WASHINGTON (AP) — White House chief of staff Reince Priebus asked top FBI officials to dispute media reports that Donald Trump's campaign advisers were frequently in touch with Russian intelligence agents during the election, according to three White House officials who confirmed the unusual contact with law enforcement involved in a pending investigation.

The officials said that Priebus' Feb. 15 request to FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe came as the White House sought to discredit a New York Times report about calls between Russian intelligence officials and people involved with Trump's presidential run.

As of Friday, the FBI had not commented publicly on the veracity of the report and there was no indication it planned to, despite the White House's request.

The White House officials would only discuss the matter on the condition of anonymity. Two hours later, Trump panned news stories that rely on anonymous sources, telling a conservative conference that reporters "shouldn't be allowed to use sources unless they use somebody's name."

White House officials said it was the FBI that first raised concerns about the Times reporting but told Priebus the bureau could not weigh in publicly on the matter. The officials said McCabe and Comey instead gave Priebus the go-ahead to discredit the story publicly, something the FBI has not confirmed.

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi accused Priebus of committing "an outrageous breach of the FBI's independence." She called on the Justice Department's inspector general to open a new investigation into all conversations Priebus and other White House officials have held with the FBI on ongoing investigations.

A 2009 memo from then-Attorney General Eric Holder said the Justice Department is to advise the White House on pending criminal or civil investigations "only when it is important for the performance of the president's duties and appropriate from a law enforcement perspective." When communication has to occur, the memo said, it should involve only the highest-level officials from the White House and the Justice Department.

CNN first reported that Priebus had asked the FBI for help, and a White House official confirmed the matter to The Associated Press Thursday night. On Friday morning, two other senior White House officials summoned reporters to a hastily arranged briefing to expand on the timeline of events.

The officials said Priebus had a previously scheduled meeting with McCabe the morning after the Times story was published. Priebus and Comey then spoke later in the day, the officials said in a highly unusual accounting of the White House's discussions with FBI officials.

Earlier Friday, Trump accused the FBI of being "totally unable to stop the national security 'leakers' that have permeated our government for a long time."

"They can't even find the leakers within the FBI itself. Classified information is being given to media that could have a devastating effect on U.S. FIND NOW," Trump tweeted.

Trump has been shadowed by questions about potential ties to Russia since winning the election. U.S. intelligence agencies have also concluded that Russia meddled in the campaign to help Trump defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Last week, Trump fired national security adviser Michael Flynn because he misled Vice President Mike Pence and other White House officials about his contacts with the Russian ambassador to the U.S.

Flynn, who was interviewed by the FBI about his contacts, is said to have talked with the ambassador multiple times during the transition, including a discussion about U.S. sanctions policy.

Still, Trump and his advisers have denied having had contacts with Russian officials during the election. Last week, Trump said "nobody that I know of" spoke with Russian intelligence agents during the campaign.

Priebus alluded to his contacts with the FBI over the weekend, telling Fox News that "the top levels of the intelligence community" have assured him that the allegations of campaign contacts with Russia were "not only grossly overstated, but also wrong."

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said Priebus' comments opened the door for FBI Director Comey to discuss the bureau's investigation publicly.

"If the White House chief of staff can make public claims about the supposed conclusions of an FBI investigation, then Director Comey can come clean with the American people," Wyden said.

Justin Shur, a former Justice Department public corruption prosecutor, said it was imperative that Justice Department investigations not be swayed by political considerations.

"As a general matter, investigations and prosecutions should be about gathering the facts and the evidence and applying the law," Shur said.

During the campaign, Trump and other Republicans vigorously criticized a meeting between then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton, husband of Trump's general election opponent. The meeting came as the FBI — which is overseen by the Justice Department — was investigating Hillary Clinton's use of a private email address and personal internet server.
@ZeddRebel: The reporting angle needs to be that Trump is SPECIFICALLY excluding news orgs that have broken news on his ties to Russia. Clear motive.

Buzzfeed: Steele Dossier
NYT: Cohen/Sater, FBI case
Politico: Manafort blackmail
CNN: Priebus-FBI
WaPo: Flynn discussing sanctions

This isn't even a mystery. He ranted about the WaPo's Flynn reporting at CPAC and this morning rage-tweeted about the FBI after the CNN news


Let's see if a lot of the same folks outraged at colleges cancelling conservative and alt-right speakers share the same outrage at agent orange's attempted censorship of the press...

Also,this week in a nutshell

"Military" approach to immigration
ID's checked on domestic flights
Major media iced out
Regulations gutted
FBI pressured into silence
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Trump going to mess around and have the ic community tell everything

Jimmy hoffa body
Who killed kennedy tupac biggie
Why diet dr pepper taste the same as real dr pepper
Why steve left blue clues
What in the box of pulp fiction
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dat ether

also, if this was another country, obama could easily lead a coup right now.

have an orange banner hanging in the streets...
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Gohmert is the same cat who supported the removal of measures that would restrict gun ownership for people with mental issues.

The irony.

And I love the narrative of "violent leftist strain" they've been peddling for a while. Should be a good idea to remind him that his president promised to cover the lawyer fees of anyone arrested for assaulting protesters.

Maybe they should stop dishing out stuff they can't take.
Double g


Aint they the one always if some has a gun at the it would prevent further harm or something like that

Second amendment love dont want to get shot ny crazy people
..... Irony?
Gabby flipped the switch on that ***** ***. Let the yoppa sing on him :pimp: Only thing missing was pointing out which side of the political spectrum her shooter aligned with.

Alex AndreouVerified account@sturdyAlex 5h5 hours ago

Trump: "When was the last time we won a war? Do we win anything? We're gonna start winning big folks."

*crowd chants USA USA* #CPAC2017
Reporters from The Times, BuzzFeed News, CNN, The Los Angeles Times and Politico were not allowed to enter the West Wing office of the press secretary, Sean M. Spicer, for the scheduled briefing. Aides to Mr. Spicer only allowed in reporters from a handpicked group of news organizations that, the White House said, had been previously confirmed
Amy KlobucharVerified account@amyklobuchar 3m3 minutes ago

REAL NEWS: In December,Spicer said barring media access is what a ‘dictatorship’ does. Today, he barred media accesshttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2017/02/24/in-december-spicer-said-barring-media-access-is-what-a-dictatorship-does-today-he-barred-media-access/  …
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