***Official Political Discussion Thread***

There needs to be a bankruptcy rule for someone like Trump. You get bankrupt three times you can't get bailed out no more, or something lol
Politics is it's own beast, I believe you need experience to understand it. Folks were talking that business **** with Trump and look how he's flailing. Zuckerberg, Cuban would have the same issues. Being smart and running a business isn't a qualifier. Start small if you're really serious about it.

But Trump doesn't come off as smart at all. Guys like Cuban and Zuckerberg probably runs circles around him in terms of intelligence.

We can say this now but many people were legitimately saying he was a brilliant business man, he's only being crass for the campaign, and when he's in he'll run the country like a business. Some of these were seemingly smart people that likely got paid more than all of us.
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I think Ta'Nehisi Coates, who is not a big Clinton fan at all, had two of the best insights into people's reaction to Hillary.

-First he said that the messenger mattered more to some people than the message. That Hillary took up many causes of the left, but people dismissed her and looked pass her progressive platform because it was Hillary Clinton speaking.

In other words, the lady that said Super Predators can't really be trusted to fight for criminal justice reform, the woman whose husband passed NAFTA can't really be for helping the Rust Belt, the New York politician would not really regulate Wall St, and the person who championed means testing so much isn't really out to help the poor.

-Second, the media punished her whenever she told the truth, especially when she told big truths. No one in the mainstream media tried to look into the truthfulness of the "deplorables" comment. They just talked about how much she should not have said it. It being true or not didn't matter. Also when she straight up told Coal Country their jobs are not coming back and she would look to help them in other ways, the media presented it as a gaffe and never brought on an economist or energy wonk to explain where that comment was coming from. Even with single payer, she was honest that Bernie was selling a political pipe dream, yet progressives media on the left got mad at her

It is kinda weird. You distrust someone because you think they are never honest, but you flip out when they keep it #100. It incentivizes them to not be fully sincere in the future.

There are a lot of criticism to give the Clintons and Hillary, but folk need to come to terms that much of it is irrational. Based in emotion and suspicion, rather than hard fact.
Bolded for the people in the back who can't hear you
Wasn't McMaster supposed to be a reasonable guy?
President Donald Trump’s top advisers are refusing to address reports that his son-in-law and a top Russian diplomat may have discussed setting up a secret communications channel.

In a press conference in Sicily, Saturday, advisers H.R. McMaster and Gary Cohn declined to comment on new revelations about Jared Kushner’s communications with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak (SER’-gay KISS-lee-yak).

The Washington Post reported Friday that Kislyak told his superiors that he and Kushner discussed setting up a back channel between Trump’s transition team and the Kremlin.

The White House in March confirmed that Kushner and Kislyak met at Trump Tower in December for what one official called a brief courtesy meeting.

McMaster adds, “we have back channel communications with a number of countries.”

He says, “it allows you to communicate in a discreet manner.”
I think Ta'Nehisi Coates, who is not a big Clinton fan at all, had two of the best insights into people's reaction to Hillary.

-First he said that the messenger mattered more to some people than the message. That Hillary took up many causes of the left, but people dismissed her and looked pass her progressive platform because it was Hillary Clinton speaking.

In other words, the lady that said Super Predators can't really be trusted to fight for criminal justice reform, the woman whose husband passed NAFTA can't really be for helping the Rust Belt, the New York politician would not really regulate Wall St, and the person who championed means testing so much isn't really out to help the poor.

-Second, the media punished her whenever she told the truth, especially when she told big truths. No one in the mainstream media tried to look into the truthfulness of the "deplorables" comment. They just talked about how much she should not have said it. It being true or not didn't matter. Also when she straight up told Coal Country their jobs are not coming back and she would look to help them in other ways, the media presented it as a gaffe and never brought on an economist or energy wonk to explain where that comment was coming from. Even with single payer, she was honest that Bernie was selling a political pipe dream, yet progressives media on the left got mad at her

It is kinda weird. You distrust someone because you think they are never honest, but you flip out when they keep it #100. It incentivizes them to not be fully sincere in the future.

There are a lot of criticism to give the Clintons and Hillary, but folk need to come to terms that much of it is irrational. Based in emotion and suspicion, rather than hard fact.

Your first point is actually taught in Political Science 101: American voters don't care about policy as much as they care about who's talking.

Your second point is straight on the money and speaks of the tendency that people here have to create their own reality.

Americans who wanted Hillary's platform but didn't vote for her are being taught a lesson about the consequences of elections. Too bad many of them are too prideful to admit they ****** up and because of that, they will probably do the same thing again if given the chance to correct their choice.

In that sense, maybe Trump ******* **** up is ultimately a good thing for the revival of American democracy and the awakening of the American citizen.
^Yeah I highly doubt Bernie is running in 2020. I think he's just using his new found popularity to keep people engaged.

And ANYBODY who thinks Hillary should run again needs to be slapped on sight. She lost to a black guy who's name rhymes with Osama and a reality TV star suffering from dementia, clearly this just ain't for her
She got the third most votes for any Presidential candidate ever (after Obama 2008 and 2012), that alone is enough reason not to completely rule her out.
Lawyer: Kushner ‘has no recollection’ of reported undisclosed Russian contacts

How convenient :lol:,I see why he came back form tiny hands foreign trip early now...

Dude is gonna have to lawyer up if he doesn't want to end up going to jail like his pops

If Kush is really guilty, I hope he had the good sense to not let Chris Christie find out. :lol:

It would be poetic justice is Corrupt Chris is the one to take down baby Kush after wrecking pops back in the day

Christie gonna be on the witness stand, eating a 12 pc bucket, snitching on ole goy
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And to be clear, I'm not making fun of Christie's weight.

It is just that he is a gluttonous bastard that bullies people and feel that everyone else needs to suck it up, while he gets bought and paid for.

He does even take care of his damn self, yet demands everyone just do better and fall in line

**** him
And to be clear, I'm not making fun of Christie's weight.

It is just that he is a gluttonous bastard that bullies people and feel that everyone else needs to suck it up, while he gets bought and paid for.

He does even take care of his damn self, yet demands everyone just do better and fall in line

**** him
Christie thought he was gonna become president.
Would that lieutenant governor from Cali ever consider running?
Gavin Newsome? I hoped he was going to run for governor a few years back. He brought city wide healthcare to SF, I don't remember hearing any complaints about that.

That's the one

Seems to have a pretty progressive record and he looks charismatic/telegenic as hell.

Might need to run for higher office before running in a general though
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Are the dems gonna force feed us Cory Booker?

For the last ******* time, we have primaries. The person that wins the primary, the party rallies around.

Vote in your primary, volunteer for you preferred candidate, and accept people in the Dem coalition might have a difference of opinion on who they want as president.
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Would that lieutenant governor from Cali ever consider running?
Gavin Newsome? I hoped he was going to run for governor a few years back. He brought city wide healthcare to SF, I don't remember hearing any complaints about that.

That's the one

Seems to have a pretty progressive record and he looks charismatic/telegenic as hell.

Might need to run for higher office before running in a general though
He would be great to have run in 2020 or 2024.
If we're talking about mayors, NOLA's mayor Landrieu should be at the top of the list imo
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