***Official Political Discussion Thread***

cl-1b just resposted "facts" from a widely circulating chain email it seems....

Our inbox has been overrun with messages asking us to weigh in on a mammoth list of claims about the House health care bill. The chain e-mail purports to give "a few highlights" from the first half of the bill, but the list of 48 assertions is filled with falsehoods, exaggerations and misinterpretations. We examined each of the e-mail’s claims, finding 26 of them to be false and 18 to be misleading, only partly true or half true. Only four are accurate. 
-Giving tax cuts to the top earners is what made our debt explode in the first place. Go look up what Bush's tax cuts did.

-No one is putting a dent in anything right now.

-And by your logic, shot earners should be taxed more. Because taxing them will generate more revenue, allowing us to put the greatest "dent" in the debt.

- first off your throwing around Bush like he's the only president that cut taxes. spending as much as bush did at the time because of war is more of a tax deferral situation. In hindsight you can obviously understand the TRUE cost of things at that time.

-This is my point. There has been almost 8 years of nonsense policies being put in place by a leftist with an agenda because of this obama care garbage with 20,000 pages of over-regulation that absolutely no one has read completely that has destroyed the medical field and breached personal bank accounts and privacy.. read if you don't believe me (government can have real time access to personal bank accounts and transfer funds from the accounts pages 58/59, tax is not tax page 203 line 14/15, cancer treatment will be RATIONED according to patients age page 272 sec. 1145, prohibition on hospital expansion pages 317/321, government decides which doctors can write end of life orders page 429 lines 13-25, and mentioned in there somewhere states that this bill doesn't apply members of congress, just to name a few). Im sure your familiar with it, i could go on and on about it. Don't get it twisted tho, I'm with providing our citizens health care, but at what expense?

And what else, almost 10 more trillion in debt added to the situation because of the HUGE spending measures and added poverty. Welfare is another huge problem stemming off of this, there are more welfare recipients then full time workers in this country. The average american without a college degree and even some with, have a very difficult time finding full time work in the greatest country on earth. 

-by my logic, you never heard me say what my logic is, so maybe wait for that to comment?

-Bushes Tax Cuts and Wars were huge. America could have paid off the national debt, but his policies have wreaked more havoc than anything Obama has done. Plus what were Obama's big expenses. Giving people health insurance and a stimulus to save the economy. Over Bush's tax cuts that did little to nothing and a failed wars.

-What kind of Welfare are we talking about exactly? I hope you don't mean Food Stamps and TANF

There are budget charts posted a couple pages back. You can look up the exact cost of any programs. You seem to just be pulling stuff out your *** and presenting them as facts. LINK

-You don't have to say "my logic" for someone to notice how you reason. That is not how it works
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Famb really found a way to look even more foolish than not knowing how marginal tax rates work.

Obamacare lies from 2009. Jeeez :lol:
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@GrayConnolly: Team Jeb forgot to renew jebbush.com so Trump bought the site which now forwards to Trump's site...cannot make this stuff up

Crying :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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@GrayConnolly: Team Jeb forgot to renew jebbush.com so Trump bought the site which now forwards to Trump's site...cannot make this stuff up
This was posted a few months ago, but still hilarious.

If there's anything I enjoyed from this entire debacle, it's the pettiness of the candidates.

I expect more trolling in 2020.
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Rusty we can go on and on about the issues, that version of the act did not become law thats correct but the agenda is there my brothers, regardless is you believe it or not. There are only a few people that are able to decipher these types of bills.. they include lawyers, law makers, judges (such as the man who brought this to light) ect. not leftist magazine columnists that are supportive of that same agenda. don't even waste your time linking those sources because its a waste of my time. I'm no lawyer but don't think that there wasn't legal jargon intended to allow care of that nature to be issued. Private insurance is ridiculously expensive as well. Let me not even get started on Nancy pelosi and her broadway spectacle of events that summed up as follows.. "In order for the public to find out what is in the legislation, it MUST PASS FIRST". Please family, Mr Obama is a lawyer before all, and these types of people thrive off of over regulation.

The lefty government is slowly taking control of more freedom & rights everyday. First medicine and then what? I can guarantee you the 2nd amendment and firearms have been on their radar longer... the only right i have in the constitution to legally protect myself and my family by my own means is under fire everyday because of this same agenda. Just take a look at Chicago, where I'm from and how difficult they are trying to over regulate everything esp. firearms for law abiding citizens while the slums have more weaponry then the armory down the highway. EPA is doing asinine things to citizens for dumbfounded reasons, violating constitutional rights on a regular basis. They do not want to see americans prosper, they want to keep us hungry, over regulated and dependent upon them. You can sit here and try to refute every line in my responses but it has no impact on the reality and truth of the situations at hand. 

Im just sick of these people constricting, telling me i can't do things, where i can and can't go, how much things are that I'm purchasing and so fourth. They squeeze small business so tight that people can't even get full time jobs with decent benefits unless they complete higher education. People risk there lives everyday from other countries to get away from socialism and communism and here we are steaming directly into these types of scenarios in the United States. 

btw marginal tax rates have absolutely nothing to do with the tax rate being what it is at the top bracket. Anyone that checks can see the number. You can't say by over-regulating trade and taxing businesses more is the way to see economic growth and debt reduction. If this is the case, you probably cash government checks on a regular, work for someone and are not an owner of your own business entity. I am not knocking you, I'm just stating fact. 

Also, i've been seeing that you guys think people with money are tax dodgers and so fourth, but these deductions/incentives are made available for a reason. Most of these are things come from ownership like homestead exemptions and mortgage interest write offs for second owned properties, Capital Gains which is typically based on ownership of stocks/bonds ect., Step up rules that have to do with inheritance and appreciation, and even charitable donation write offs.  They are incentivizing spending money that is going back into the economy, not just being rich. So before you go on and say things like rich people and businesses don't pay tax, think again.  

You were just reposting chain emails now you trying to make a comeback with multiple paragraphs to distract from the fact that you spend more time recycling talking points instead of actually researching your own opinion?

You should refrain from posting for awhile. Serious.

You were just reposting chain emails now you trying to make a comeback with multiple paragraphs to distract from the fact that you spend more time recycling talking points instead of actually researching your own opinion?

You should refrain from posting for awhile. Serious.

Dude is just rambling at this point, hoping no one notices how uninformed he is.

You were just reposting chain emails now you trying to make a comeback with multiple paragraphs to distract from the fact that you spend more time recycling talking points instead of actually researching your own opinion?

You should refrain from posting for awhile. Serious.
believe the hype if you want... a district judge sent the email around. Do you know how many times they were forced to re-write that healthcare legislation? you guys have not idea what you are talking about. 
Dude is just rambling at this point, hoping no one notices how uninformed he is.
uninformed? By who CNN and the rest of the left? 
Dude just stop.

Bills get altered all the time. You tried to past off lies and truth and a fact checking link from 2009 shut you down.

It is not even about right v. Left anymore. It is about reality v. your imagination.

-And I'm Analyst btw.
typical lefty response. Go read 3200 and the sub-sections and let me know what you find. You must work for the DNC 
typical lefty response. Go read 3200 and the sub-sections and let me know what you find. You must work for the DNC 

You keep using the word lefty like it is an insult.

They only person your usage of that word makes look bad is yourself.
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