***Official Political Discussion Thread***

hopefully the finlanders will finally pay their debts to the USA! USA! USA! so that we can finally brings the COAL and STEEL jobs back to the rust belt. The economic anxiety, if left unchecked, is going to KILL these HARDWORKING AMERICANS OTHERWISE.

tell the finlanders to pay for the wall between Russia and Finland that we are going to build. first we need to expand our budget so that we can afford it and then AT SOME POINT in the future I am fairly sure Finland will pay us back.
hopefully the finlanders will finally pay their debts to the USA! USA! USA! so that we can finally brings the COAL and STEEL jobs back to the rust belt. The economic anxiety, if left unchecked, is going to KILL these HARDWORKING AMERICANS OTHERWISE.

tell the finlanders to pay for the wall between Russia and Finland that we are going to build. first we need to expand our budget so that we can afford it and then AT SOME POINT in the future I am fairly sure Finland will pay us back.

I just want confirmation that the president is a white version of R Kelly in terms of leaking

Tekken will always be repped
Meanwhile, in Germany...


Germany achieved a near record budget surplus of €18.3bn (£16.8bn) in the first half of 2017, according to government figures released on Friday.

The timing of the figures could not be better for Angela Merkel, who is seeking a fourth term as chancellor in elections next month.

The surplus is the second largest Germany has recorded since reunification in 1990. The country recorded an even bigger surplus of €28.8bn in the second half of 2000, but that was boosted by a government windall from the sale of mobile phone licenses.

By contrast, the surplus for the first half of 2017 was fuelled by higher tax revenues than expected, as the German economy continues perform strongly.

Unemployment fell to just 3.8 per cent in June, when measured by the International Labour Organisation standards used in the UK.

High government spending on housing and integration for the more than 1m asylum-seekers who have arrived in Germany since 2015 is also believed to have driven the strong figures.

"Something something austerity good, government spending bad, social services bad, stuff stuff trickle down works, trust us"

Where's Rico to make sense of this?
IMO Trumps reason for that pardon was to test his own strength...Republicans dead serious created a political Frankenstein....pretty **** shortsighted plan to take over, once dudes term is up I'd be surprise if there is anything left of the GOP
While I came to terms with the pardon, people should look it as a big a deal as the Comey firing. In terms of it being an impeachable offense.

Trump pretty much told the Federal courts to **** off your power does not matter.
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