***Official Political Discussion Thread***

aepps20 aepps20 I haven't seen anyone drop this much heat since twopac blessed us with 'hit them up."

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson fired back at a New York Magazine report on Wednesday after the magazine questioned whether there was "anyone home" at HUD.

In an interview on Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier, Carson blasted the magazine for not doing a "journalistic investigation" before publishing the piece.

“I would say that you should ring the doorbell before you conclude that nobody's at home. I don't think they did a very good job at journalistic investigation there," Carson said.



aepps20 aepps20 I haven't seen anyone drop this much heat since twopac blessed us with 'hit them up."

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson fired back at a New York Magazine report on Wednesday after the magazine questioned whether there was "anyone home" at HUD.

In an interview on Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier, Carson blasted the magazine for not doing a "journalistic investigation" before publishing the piece.

“I would say that you should ring the doorbell before you conclude that nobody's at home. I don't think they did a very good job at journalistic investigation there," Carson said.





I always thought that I'd one day use this clip for ninja or maybe aepps20 when he finds that special someone (I know that Patty was your true love but she, like some many people in Bluffington, has died of an elephant tranquilizer overdose). Never thought it would apply to my man Rusty.

Actually, the idea of a woke West Indian immigrant marrying a professional Becky, gives me an idea for a TV show. You could have it be like a cross between Morning Joe and Real Time, where the co hosts would be a Tomi like character and the other a Rusty like character. Our Rusty like character would use standard American English most of the time when when our "tomi" says something really ignorant, our "rusty" would start slipping into the patois while rapidly rebutting all the none sense.

I'd start my day off to a show like that, with a cup of blue mountain coffee, spiked with rum.

I always thought that I'd one day use this clip for ninja or maybe aepps20 when he finds that special someone (I know that Patty was your true love but she, like some many people in Bluffington, has died of an elephant tranquilizer overdose). Never thought it would apply to my man Rusty.

Actually, the idea of a woke West Indian immigrant marrying a professional Becky, gives me an idea for a TV show. You could have it be like a cross between Morning Joe and Real Time, where the co hosts would be a Tomi like character and the other a Rusty like character. Our Rusty like character would use standard American English most of the time when when our "tomi" says something really ignorant, our "rusty" would start slipping into the patois while rapidly rebutting all the none sense.

I'd start my day off to a show like that, with a cup of blue mountain coffee, spiked with rum.

Mannnn go head with having my name involved in such nonsense.

She's right about the tax cuts, which is pretty crazy. I never thought I see an arch conservative talk about high bracket and corporate rates like Paul Krugman.

Of Course, she is using it to cover her tracks and pivot into her usual racist garbage.

Immigration is tricky to talk about because people can oppose aspects of it for legitimate economic justice reasons and other people oppose aspects of our immigration policy because of white supremacy/ethnonationalism.

I good way to tell the former from the latter is to ask if the critic talks about other ways that workers have been crushed by capital and capitalist friendly politics. Union busting, divestment from education and infrastructure and the systemic favoring of the financial services sector are the major drivers of stagnation and decline among the middle class.

By the same token, if someone is constantly talking about how criminal and disease ridden immigrants are then you know that their claims of suppressed native born wages are just a fig leaf for their bigotry.

Put another way, if the only time you show concern for American born workers is when you talk about immigration, you are a racist and not a champion of American workers.
Defence & Security Equipment International, one of the world's biggest arms fairs, will showcase cutting-edge military equipment to some of the most brutal and repressive regimes in the world. TRNN speaks to CAAT's Andrew Smith about the campaign to stop it

Trump's plan would mean 'a huge increase in the budget deficit primarily to give tax cuts to the richest people in the country,' says economist Dean Baker. 'I don't think most people would think that sounds like a very good idea'

Hypothetically, I could gain guaranteed access to at least 2 of those. Probably 3 to 5 with some luck.
$200 in Bitcoin to one of my associates for each of the @AOL emails. Comcast's security and customer service is beyond awful and I know at least a handful of people, probably much more than that, who have regularly jacked Comcast emails with ease. Shouldn't be that much of a problem, especially with so much information about Manafort available.
Those 2 yahoos shouldn't be too hard either for some of the people I know.

Edit: Just look at all these AOL emails :sick::sick::smh:
These people are goddamn idiots b :rofl:
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what's everyone's thoughts on the charlie hebdo cover?

It's obviously offensive. The victims of the Harvey are good people and they are struggling.

However, when you realize this is obvious satire and when you consider Ann Coulter's tweet, it's actually sort of clever. It shows how we're now viewed by the world, as a cesspool of white supremacists, and these natural disasters would be viewed by ultra-religious types as god's punishment for our country's sins.

what's everyone's thoughts on the charlie hebdo cover?

It's obviously offensive. The victims of the Harvey are good people and they are struggling.

However, when you realize this is obvious satire and when you consider Ann Coulter's tweet, it's actually sort of clever. It shows how we're now viewed by the world, as a cesspool of white supremacists, and these natural disasters would be viewed by ultra-religious types as god's punishment for our country's sins.

It's within the confines of Charlie Hebdo's satirical content but personally I think this one is crossing the line too far. I understand the satire behind it but at the end of the day I think using an ongoing natural disaster of this magnitude to satire some religious nutjobs and nazis is a bridge too far.
It's important to note that Charlie Hebdo is satire and that they're not shy of this kind of controversy, it's not a regular paper just deciding to go for big shock value. Not that their satire model excuses this cover imo but this provides a bit more context behind their reasoning.
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Trump landed in austin trying to say he saw devastation in houston
That 3.hours away

He was in th3 shire while talking about seeing mordor
what's everyone's thoughts on the charlie hebdo cover?

It's obviously offensive. The victims of the Harvey are good people and they are struggling.

However, when you realize this is obvious satire and when you consider Ann Coulter's tweet, it's actually sort of clever. It shows how we're now viewed by the world, as a cesspool of white supremacists, and these natural disasters would be viewed by ultra-religious types as god's punishment for our country's sins.

dog...what the **** is that...
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