***Official Political Discussion Thread***


This is the guy the TV networks want to give humanitarian points to.

800,000 people who were brought here by their parents at an age no older than 7-8, lived all their lives here under the assumption they were legal until it was time to get official documents. They go to school/work and have no criminal records here and they will be kicked out just like that.


I have a friend who didn't know he was illegal until his parents told him at 18. He tried to years to go get a drivers permit and his parents always said no, no, no. Eventually they told him, and he was DEPRESSED.

Luckily, he fixed his status and is now a permanent resident.
The sad part is it was already presented and passed by almost half the damn country. They voted for someone they could relate to. Someone who said it's OK to not give a shot about the next man, or your neighbor, disconnecting from the guilt or stigma that comes with not giving a shot.
The sad part is it was already presented and passed by almost half the damn country. They voted for someone they could relate to. Someone who said it's OK to not give a shot about the next man, or your neighbor, disconnecting from the guilt or stigma that comes with not giving a shot.
It's true. People are generally pretty selfish.
My grandmother had the foresight to have my mother and aunt on US soil, so that when she eventually came here illegally and brought them over at least they'd be citizens.
But everyone doesnt have a choice on where to have their kids and no one has a choice on where to be born. It's wrong to punish children for other's decisions.
Libbies will never understand how much Don agonized over this decision. Insiders told me that Don was so troubled by the decision that he spoke with Barson, DeVos Bae, Jeffrey Sessions, the ALT RIGHT, The COAL GANG DELEGATION (whywesteppin, Noskey and Belgium were there) and Tomi.
Coal Country about to flourish now since they'll be able to get jobs that the Mexicans stole from them. Tha don out here making America White Again.
Well Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio, it's time to put your words into action if you guys really want DACA to continue....they got 6 months.
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