***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The dead horse is still dead guys, stop beating it.
You will not get blood from that turnip you're squeezing
once again, you're wrong.

you're conflating legal immigration with illegal immigration.

that RAISE act to restrict LEGAL immgration Aint going anywhere and da base care zilch about it.

illegal immigration is what da furor is all about, hence "da wall".

That base is particularly fond of Sessions' desire to return to the immigration laws of 1924, which even restricted Italians and Irish from coming here. What you think they want is not what they actually want. And like I said, eliminating DACA and rounding up anybody undocumented is the first step in a series of actions that will ensure that this nation stays ethnically White. That is what "take our country back" is all about.
Ninja a dark-skinned Latino caping for a White Supremacist. Ninja couldn't even pass for White if he tried.
That base is particularly fond on Sessions' desire to return to the immigration laws of 1924,

once again, you're wrong.

let's go to yesterday's Rush Limbaugh transcript for a consensus of da "trump base".

They’re fed up with every attempt that Trump makes to move it forward being thwarted by his own party. So the Democrats are coming along, and Chuck and Nancy have made it look like, “Hey, we’re willing to work with the guy. Hey, we’ll help him get what he wants, but it’s gotta be what we want.” That’s where we are right now. So they struck a deal. Chuck and Nancy go out there tell the media, “Hey, we got rid of the wall! Trump’s joining us on the DACA kids and we got rid of the wall.” They report that; everybody believes it. Then Trump and Sarah Huckabee Sanders say, “No, no, no. That didn’t happen.” Now everybody’s wondering, ’cause everybody believes the first thing that they hear.


anything else?

i think most Republicans/trump supporters are anti-immigrant but only up to the point it doesn't target them.

white protestants who came 50+ years ago would like to keep out Italians/Catholics, Jews, and Asians. Mexicans who came legally want to kick out their neighbors who came more indirectly. immigrants who were naturalized 10 years ago don't want newcomers to get any more greencards.

it's a completely inconsistent and fragmented anti-immigration stance that unites the party. it's driven more by promises of xenophobia without actually explaining that true xenophobia would single out many in support of it. in a way it's like opposition to Obamacare -- much easier to scream about what you'll do than to have to actually do it.

for example, i have a friend named samurai ghetto. I'm thinking of calling ice on him...
once again, you're wrong.

let's go to yesterday's Rush Limbaugh transcript for a consensus of da "trump base".

They’re fed up with every attempt that Trump makes to move it forward being thwarted by his own party. So the Democrats are coming along, and Chuck and Nancy have made it look like, “Hey, we’re willing to work with the guy. Hey, we’ll help him get what he wants, but it’s gotta be what we want.” That’s where we are right now. So they struck a deal. Chuck and Nancy go out there tell the media, “Hey, we got rid of the wall! Trump’s joining us on the DACA kids and we got rid of the wall.” They report that; everybody believes it. Then Trump and Sarah Huckabee Sanders say, “No, no, no. That didn’t happen.” Now everybody’s wondering, ’cause everybody believes the first thing that they hear.


anything else?

Like I said, you stay focused on the little steps instead of looking at the final destination.

Now tell me how getting rid of the green card lottery factors in the Trump administration targeting illegal immigration only (especially since you should know that getting picked in the lottery doesn't guarantee an immigrant visa). Another example of them restricting legal immigration is contained in the muslim ban: they added a directive to restrict the grand parents and siblings of American citizens originally from the targeted countries from being able to move here, when American citizens were previously able to petition for these types of relatives.

The WS agenda is all there, all you have to do is look.
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so what you believe, Trump's base TELLING you they don't care? or NPR's interpretation of Trump's base? :nerd:

and on top of that da NPR clip is older than da clip i posted about Trump getting his wall.

cuz im telling you, as well as Rush Limbaugh conservatives as long as Trump gets his wall this is a non issue for his base.
4 things in life are certain. death taxes and two certain people being wrong almost every time. one of them is president.
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