***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Nah, this is just sad at this point.

How do you drive a truck find time to throw this thread into disarray so frequently?

Serious question.
which essentially proves my point.

author is quoted it for their article which im getting it from them.
Mueller is carrying out the mandate he was given though. He was appointed to investigate Russian interference and any possible links and/or criminal wrongdoing.
If there's nothing there then there's nothing to worry about with a GOP majority in all branches.
Meth no longer his playground chaperone and safe space protector, so i guess the next logical step is to fight it out... **shrugemoji
And in all seriousness, changing quotes could be funny here at there, but continuing to misrepresent people's words the way you're doing stops being funny when you continue it as if it's some sort of defense.

Either have a discussion or go back to driving that truck or whatever it is you do, man. You may think you're accomplishing something, but all you're literally the only one thinking you don't come off wild immature and ignorant.

Sidenote: Still looking at windbreaker suits for the fall. Thoughts?:nerd:

Mueller is carrying out the mandate he was given though. He was appointed to investigate Russian interference and any possible links and/or criminal wrongdoing.
If there's nothing there then there's nothing to worry about with a GOP majority in all branches.

once again.

One individual who is familiar with an aspect of the Mueller inquiry but asked to not be named
do i ask you often you navel gaze at you city job? sit down b.
Dog, it was a serious question. Don't be disrespectful, because you're the first one snitching when someone returns that same energy.

Why so defensive. I honestly want to know, and this isn't the first time I've asked, how you manage to drive and spew ignorance in here so often. If you can't or wont answer, just move on. Your insecurity is showing.

Want me to text Jesus for you, Edwin?
I answered your question. Mueller is carrying out the mandate Deputy AG Rosenstein appointed him for.
Speaking of not answering questions, that's rich coming from you.
You still have not answered this question, which you defended by claiming you don't understand the question. I even made a kids version drawing to simplify it and you ignored it.

Even if going with the assumption that Trump picked up the birtherism rumor from a Hillary campaign staffer, should he be held accountable for his own actions in pushing birtherism for years?
All you could say was "but Hillary..." while refusing to utter a single word of criticism for Trump pushing the racist birtherism. Nobody forced him to push that racist nonsense for years and he's a grown a man responsible for his own actions.
I'm in tears right now, because back in the day when sidekicks were popping I actually engineered a way to put my sidekick on my cars steering wheel, I had a Toyota Corolla and riced the crap out of it and that was one of my mods, for some reason after H2DBX's posts I'm picturing NH with a similar set up on his truck :rofl:
your question was condescending.

i don't ask or care about your employment while you're on NT.
I don’t care, *****. I wanna know how you manage to watch 30 hrs of news, post on NT consistently and drive cross country.:lol:

I couldn’t care less, there just isn’t enough hours in a day, and humans don’t have enough arms to do what you do.

I find it ironic you take issue with condescension. Especially looking back at your posts from the past few hours. What ever happened to being tough. There aren’t any safe places, bro. This is what you wanted, don’t be sensitive now. Let’s talk about the actual issue at hand and not my tone...unless you want me to pose that question in a more digestible way for you.
aka a fishing expedition (which he has latitude to do).
If there's nothing there, good. Then we don't have to deal with arguably the biggest political scandal in history. The potential is there and it would have disastrous implications for the future, hence why he was appointed in the first place to investigate potential criminal wrongdoing regarding Russian interference.
A GOP congress isn't gonna do anything if there's nothing there.

Also, you deliberately edited the quote and removed my other question, I wonder why?
You still have not answered this question, which you defended by claiming you don't understand the question. I even made a kids version drawing to simplify it and you ignored it.

Even if going with the assumption that Trump picked up the birtherism rumor from a Hillary campaign staffer, should he be held accountable for his own actions in pushing birtherism for years?
All you could say was "but Hillary..." while refusing to utter a single word of criticism for Trump pushing the racist birtherism. Nobody forced him to push that racist nonsense for years and he's a grown a man responsible for his own actions.
I answered your question. Mueller is carrying out the mandate Deputy AG Rosenstein appointed him for.
Speaking of not answering questions, that's rich coming from you.
You still have not answered this question, which you defended by claiming you don't understand the question. I even made a kids version drawing to simplify it and you ignored it.

Even if going with the assumption that Trump picked up the birtherism rumor from a Hillary campaign staffer, should he be held accountable for his own actions in pushing birtherism for years?
All you could say was "but Hillary..." while refusing to utter a single word of criticism for Trump pushing the racist birtherism. Nobody forced him to push that racist nonsense for years and he's a grown a man responsible for his own actions.
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