***Official Political Discussion Thread***

why u even wasting my time? go Volunteer to help your island, be useful.
So you aren’t going to answer the question?

Cause if I’m honest, I find it hard to believe you drive trucks cross country.

It was a genuine question, though. You could have just answered and moved on.
If there's nothing there, good. Then we don't have to deal with arguably the biggest political scandal in history.
A GOP congress isn't gonna do anything if there's nothing there.

Also, you deliberately edited the quote and removed my other question, I wonder why?

essentially we're back to square 1, aka what i already said hours ago.

and im not entertaining what wasn't part of my point, no need to wonder.
essentially we're back to square 1, aka what i already said hours ago.

and im not entertaining what wasn't part of my point, no need to wonder.
It's a simple question. Answer it. You claimed that I needed to work on my English because you "couldn't understand the question".
Is that still your defense, that you don't understand the question?

Even if going with the assumption that Trump picked up the birtherism rumor from a Hillary campaign staffer, should he be held accountable for his own actions in pushing birtherism for years?
All you could say was "but Hillary..." while refusing to utter a single word of criticism for Trump pushing the racist birtherism. Nobody forced him to push that racist nonsense for years and he's a grown a man responsible for his own actions.
Even if going with the assumption that Trump picked up the birtherism rumor from a Hillary campaign staffer, should he be held accountable for his own actions in pushing birtherism for years?

A. it wasn't a Rumor, da MSNBC link debunked that.

B. da time to hold Trump "accountable" for picking up a ball Clinton inflated was at da voter booth, and by ball accounts, that "reckoning time" has long past.
A. it wasn't a Rumor, da MSNBC link debunked that.

B. da time to hold Trump "accountable" for picking up a ball Clinton inflated was at da voter booth, and by ball accounts, that "reckoning time" is long past.
Anyone who ever pushed that racist nonsense engaged in very racist behavior. Period. Fact checkers would disagree with that assertion but I'll go with yours then. The point still stands.
Regardless, Hillary herself never publicly stated Obama was not born in the US. Statistically speaking, Trump was by far the largest contributor to birtherism as he continued to push it for years.

Trump has also stated this: "Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy," Trump said in a 30-minute press conference Sept. 16, 2016. "I finished it."
Going by his word, he saw the racist birtherism conspiracy theory and then he picked it up and ran with it for years.
You put "accountable" and "reckoning time" in quotes and you're talking about the voting booth. That's not what I asked. I asked you a question. Should he be held accountable according to you for engaging in a racist conspiracy theory which he continued to push for years? Voters holding him accountable or not has nothing to do with that.

I feel like in your case the question even needs to be asked whether or not you think there's anything wrong with the idea of birtherism in the first place. Was it wrong for anyone to engage in that?
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You're cherrypicking again, removing the rest of the post. I already said for the sake of the argument I'll agree with said assertion. I also explicitly condemned anyone who engaged in the racist birtherism theory, you have not and probably will not.

So here's the rest of the quote again:
Anyone who ever pushed that racist nonsense engaged in very racist behavior. Period. Fact checkers would disagree with that assertion but I'll go with yours then. The point still stands.
Regardless, Hillary herself never publicly stated Obama was not born in the US. Statistically speaking, Trump was by far the largest contributor to birtherism as he continued to push it for years.

Trump has also stated this: "Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy," Trump said in a 30-minute press conference Sept. 16, 2016. "I finished it."
Going by his word, he saw the racist birtherism conspiracy theory and then he picked it up and ran with it for years.
You put "accountable" and "reckoning time" in quotes and you're talking about the voting booth. That's not what I asked. I asked you a question. Should he be held accountable according to you for engaging in a racist conspiracy theory which he continued to push for years? Voters holding him accountable or not has nothing to do with that.

I feel like in your case the question even needs to be asked whether or not you think there's anything wrong with the idea of birtherism in the first place. Was it wrong for anyone to engage in that?
You guys just never learn to not engage with him huh? Smh
I take breaks here and there, but it's enjoyable at times to ask a person a question that you know they won't answer just to watch them try to shift focus.

Especially when he's the only one that thinks he's being sly by doing so.:rofl:

I've asked him about it a couple times in the past, and he always manages to avoid seeing it. I honestly want to know, because the frequency of his posts deadass has me perplexed.:lol:

I'll let it go, though. It isn't fun anymore.
When will this man simply TRY to see things from a different perspective than his? Why is it he can't ever be wrong or misinformed in his mind? I expect that from an adolescent teen, not from a man approaching his 40's that's no way to lead a successful social life....Edwin bro, is ok to be wrong! That **** doesn't make you any less of a man b....for Gods sake :lol:
and because other people do it it shouldn't matter. cuz if u gonna condemn one side, do da other equally or shut up about both

its that simple.
It's time to stick to your own words Ninja and see if you can utter even just one single word of criticism of Trump for engaging in the racist and false birtherism theory for numerous years.
I'll drop it and leave you to decide whether or not you can condemn racist behavior spanning multiple years. I can think we can all draw our conclusions if you neglect it.
I just don't see the point anymore. At this point it's just dudes stroking their own ego espicially when y'all know that there isn't gonna any dialogue with substance. It's always just a one-side talk with a blubbering idiot
On issues of race, I find Ninja nonsense so vile that it has to be talked down.

In this instance, he was clearly caught looking stupid so I do not mind dudes making fun.
Back on topic, though...what do you think the GOP plan for healthcare reform is moving forward. I'm blown away that they've managed to fail on their central promise over and over with full control.

And do voters actually hold GOP candidates accountable when voting time comes around, or do they successfully shift the conversation to how Obamacare blew up and they had nothing to do with it?
Should he be held accountable for engaging in a racist conspiracy theory which he continued to push for years

unlike your country, there's a 1st amendment here, he can repeat what Hillary stated for years and be protected Constitutionally..so your question is flawed as far as "accountability".

da only recourse for retribution was at da voter booths and da public elected him into office as president.
On issues of race, I find Ninja nonsense so vile that it has to be talked down.

In this instance, he was clearly caught looking stupid so I do not mind dudes making fun.
i understand that. On certain issues where he shows a complete and utterly disrespectful lack of regard and understanding of, I'm all for it. Bigoted viewpoints should be discussed and talked down upon with factual evidence but on most other issues...y'all can just let the wind blow lol
Back on topic, though...what do you think the GOP plan for healthcare reform is moving forward. I'm blown away that they've managed to fail on their central promise over and over with full control.

And do voters actually hold GOP candidates accountable when voting time comes around, or do they successfully shift the conversation to how Obamacare blew up and they had nothing to do with it?

none of this will be answered until da midterm elections are done.
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