***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump not only does not stand or place his hand over his heart, but instead talks through the song and assumes it's being played to honor him or Hannity.

People watching the rally can be seen standing for the song in the background of Trump's interview but Trump seems to not know what the song means.

"Are they playing that for you or for me?" Trump joked to Hannity.

"They're playing that in honor of his ratings. He's beating everybody."

Is that RustyShackleford RustyShackleford @ 12 seconds in?
Yes ACA was a piece of legislation signed into law. Yes Trump and his band of idiots cannot work together to repeal. And yes Republicans wanted ACA to fail.. just like the Democrats want Trump to fail. Not that hard to understand DC politics.

Regardless of all that... what you fail to understand is simple facts. ACA is failing based on CBO analysis from 2010. Look at the stats.. low enrollment, increase deductibles and premiums, families losing their Doctors because their Medical groups are getting ousted in the health plan's network, insurers are now leaving the exchange meaning less options, and for the 2016 tax filing season, the IRS will NOT go after taxpayers who do not pay the penalty for not having health insurance so consequently there goes the mandate. The entire system is crumbling.

This post is nonsense on so many levels

Stripping context from a bunch of stuff to prop up a flimsy argument
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The old strategy was is working just fine but it has the disadvantage of being signed by a black man...can't have Obama's name on anything under the new regime

Well at least defense stock's are gonna skyrocket when they're back on the war footing with Iran...

Should I be looking into defense stocks? :nerd:
I have a rather substantial amount of funds sitting in a low-risk investment pool right now. It's doing well but at the end of the day it's pretty minimal growth due to the low risk.
I could repurpose some of the funds or set up a second investment pool and meet with the bank to look into defense stocks and how Dapper Don is affecting them.
Trump is all around jackass, but when he talks about economics and fiscal matters he takes his idiocy to new heights. Just like his supporters.

Peep this gibberish.....


With Trump now in the White House, we’re starting to get a better sense of why he had so many difficulties in the business world. As The Daily Beast noted, the president tried to argue last night that he’s already managed to shave off a huge chunk of the national debt.

“The country – we took it over and owed over $20 trillion. As you know the last eight years, they borrowed more than it did in the whole history of our country. So they borrowed more than $10 trillion, right? And yet, we picked up $5.2 trillion just in the stock market,” Trump told Sean Hannity. “So you could say, in one sense, we’re really increasing values. And maybe in a sense, we’re reducing debt. But we’re very honored by it.”

This wasn’t just some verbal gaffe. Yesterday afternoon in Harrisburg, during a speech on taxes, he pushed a related point: “Very proudly, just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion, that’s right, since Election Day. $5.2 trillion. Think about that, that’s a quarter of the $20 trillion that we owe.”

Sadly there are tons of people ignorant and delusional enough to buy this nonsense.
That would be like someone saying "The guards and prisoners at Auschwitz were at the same camp." That's technically truly but also a way of willfully missing the point.

Problem is, you're discounting da lack of perceived accountability a white person in 2017 feels they had a hand in da "systemic oppression" what spurs da extreme rhetoric from black members of BLM or whatever they wanna equate Spencer and his ilk with.

Da first reaction most caucasians have is, to borrow rhetoric from da certain folks is "what privilege?"

Here's today's NPR link that perfectly doves with da point.


Da utter blind spot da author failed to address is da fact that he assumes da politics of races that he subscribes to applies universally, but it only applies to American shores of jurisdiction and to a declining segment of WASPS.

Da things da guest is depicting as "white privilege" is merely da relflection of living in a majority population, which is not a exclusively white thing when you go abroad, or live in a domestic ethnic diaspora bubble where your peers mirror you. da author can't assume shared experience from immigrants who just got here, and dont care about prior history of folks who came before them, including slavs, nordics, etc.

As a nation of immigrants da United States is, da sins of da past of one racial group will no longer feel applicable to future born whites who see rhetoric as "all white people are racist/dangerous/bigots/etc. as incendiary as a Richard Spencer and his brand of vitriol.

This is why when Trump says things like "both sides" in reference to Antifa/Neo Nazis are different sides of da same coin, there's traction with large reasonable swaths of da population.
Looks like Kusner managed to "forget" something on a disclosure form yet again. How many times is this now? Well over a dozen?
An "administrative error" they say. At what point does forgetting or administrative errors again and again and again become deliberate ommissions? Perhaps Kushner and/or the people handling these disclosures aren't fit for their job if they're having so many failures on these disclosures?
I was thinking the same thing.

Glad to see Tomi out there pulling some strings to get her man in the front row. :pimp:

True love.

Given how gorgeous Tomi is I used to think just how lucky Rusty is to have such an amazing woman but the recent pics we've seen of Rusty, it is CLEAR AS DAY that TOMI IS THE LUCKY ONE. Rusty is the Black Dapper Don in his prime. Shape up on point, outfits looking great and Covfefe and Coal running through his veins. AMAZING
And idiot Republicans, struggle contrarians, and bonehead leftist, will somewhat act like it is natural market conditions that doomed the ACA market place. Or it is partially the Dems fault.

This sabotage has going on for years.

If anyone things is the a bipartisan failure, they don't know what the **** they are talking about, period. Nearly every great to reasonable idea on health insurance and care is currently occupies the left side of the political spectrum. One side is trying to get to universal coverage, something most of the first world has gotten too. The order side has no objective than dooming more people to death just to get a ****ing unnecessary (and stupid) tax cut.
The marketplace refused to implode on its own, Trump and his merry band of f-boys lost their talking point, they could not pass their half-assed bills, so they do this.

If he goes through with this move means more people uninsured (about a millions), higher premiums (20% next year and 25% by 2025) and it will increase the deficit.

Now I beat the Orange Bigot and his clown *** supports will demand the Dems come save the country from something Trump is doing. Just like DACA

Or maybe blame Obama for not idiot, and bigot, proofing the presidency beforehand.
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