***Official Political Discussion Thread***


BARSON has moves
Trying desperately to converse with a Trump supporter

Personally, I thought I was fine too and went without employer health insurance because it was expensive. Then I took my blood pressure one day and it was like 250/150, got some insurance asap and had to be in the hospital for a week because they couldn't bring it down though I felt fine aside from migraines I was used to. Hereditary plus not paying attention to my health and stress. How many younger folks even check their vitals or do annual physicals? you could have no idea that something is silently killing you.

I know folks in their 30s that don't even do regular check-ups and physicals. The concept of health insurance is really lost on a lot of people until it's too late, then they see how terrible it is.

My late teens-early 20s were not a good time for me healthwise. Everyone needs insurance no matter the age.

I had to have two $50-75K procedures, one when I was 13, one when I was 18. Both required 2 week hospital stays (I actually watched Tyson-Holyfield in the hospital when I was 13). If my mom had to pay for those she would've lost her house.

You all gotta face the fact that intellectually, the country is regressing. If I were unethical, I'd become a witch doctor (or a "healing" pastor) because they're about to make bank.

Watch people die of undiagnosed appendicitis and their family blame the soup they ate at their last family gathering.

Real third world stuff going on in this country right now...:smh:
Kinda wild how he cares about nothing but his ego, he's a sociopath. What he's missing though is the surest path to being loved is to actually take care of his people.

What do other key players say?
Foreign leaders, including UK Prime Minister Theresa May and French President Emmanuel Macron, have urged Mr Trump to keep the deal.

"We also have to tell the Americans that their behaviour on the Iran issue will drive us Europeans into a common position with Russia and China against the USA," German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel warned in a newspaper interview.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that US withdrawal from the nuclear deal would "damage the atmosphere of predictability, security, stability and non-proliferation in the entire world".

Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt said a US withdrawal from the deal would show it could not be relied upon and could have ramifications elsewhere, for example on efforts to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue.

The IAEA and Congress currently both agree Iran is complying with the terms of the nuclear agreement.
I remember I was in high school a teacher made a good point, teenagers and young adults think they're invincible. It's so true. Homedude doesn't think he could get into a car accident or trip and fall hard and need an ER visit? Personal experience, those are $$$$$ without insurance.
The only reason people have such contempt for the ACA is because of Obama's name being on it. 3/4 of these boneheads who are condemning it will ultimately suffer the effects if republicans gut it like they say they will. They're literally applauding and co-signing action that will hurt them :lol:

Reminds me of this commercial.

The only reason people have such contempt for the ACA is because of Obama's name being on it. 3/4 of these boneheads who are condemning it will ultimately suffer the effects if republicans gut it like they say they will. They're literally applauding and co-signing action that will hurt them :lol:

Agreed, that's one thing I give Republicans credit for they know how to craft and stay on message. Even if it's ridiculous and hurtful to their voters, they are masters at spin and coded language.

The IAEA has conducted over 400 inspections of Iranian nuclear sites and a lot of snap ones too btw.

This regime doesn't exist in reality...

Truly is a post-truth presidency
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