***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Obama didn't try to do **** for black people, get ****ing real ...
Shut up, you have no idea what you are talking about.

If the ACA had passed in OG form or if the Medicaid expansion was allowed to cover the whole nation, it would have been on of the biggest economic/civil rights accomplishments of the pass 100 years.

The GOP was against much of what Obama wanted because they knew it would help minorities a ton.

Obama's record on civil and labor rights prosecution is wayyyyyy better than Trump's.

You know nothing about public policy so you spew right wing bigotry repackaged as "telling it like it is"
Obama didn't try to do **** for black people, get ****ing real ...
For the sake of the argument I'll go along with something you posted earlier. You said that Trump has done more for black people than Obama because jobs.
Could you describe the state of the economy after Bush and Wallstreet tanked the whole economy, and then describe the path of the economy from 2008-2016?
I think racism has long been trivialized by the sensationalist's pursuit of indoctrinating racism in our youth ...

We are now at a point where many are desensitized when racism is thrown around because it seems to be a catch all for disagreement ... O, you don't believe in affirmative action, you are racist ... O, you voted for Trump, racist ... O, you support pro-life candidates, disproportionately impacting minorities, must be racist ...

As someone who has been around the block, has a biracial child and considers themselves a productive US citizen with limited time to deal with anything, let alone being labeled a racist when I know I'm not, it hurts the cause because I shut down and keep to myself and views calls of racism through a skeptical lens ...
If it walks like a racist duck, and quacks like a racist duck, then if might be a.....
For the sake of the argument I'll go along with something you posted earlier. You said that Trump has done more for black people than Obama because jobs.
Could you describe the state of the economy after Bush and Wallstreet tanked the whole economy, and then describe the path of the economy from 2008-2016?
By this logic, Trump just had the greatest year as a president in our history ... I'm not the one ...
yo boy erick dyson agrees with that sentiment
Post anything from him that says that Obams didn't try to do anything for black people. You either lack comprehension of everything Dyson has written about Obama, or you're purposely obfuscating facts again.
By this logic, Trump just had the greatest year as a president in our history ... I'm not the one ...
That's not what I asked. And I do not agree with the logic you used in your earlier post because using jobs as the sole metric to determine how much a president has done for black people is a deeply flawed argument.
I'm simply going along with your earlier post.

So could you describe for us the state of the US economy after Bush and Wallstreet tanked it and then describe the path of the economy throughout 2008-2016 under the Obama administration?
While you're at it, could you also provide us a total of jobs created under the Trump administration along with a total of jobs created under the Obama administration?

You said Trump has done more for black people than Obama because of jobs. So under this logic I would assume you can provide a higher number of jobs created under the Trump administration than the Obama administration.
I think racism has long been trivialized by the sensationalist's pursuit of indoctrinating racism in our youth ...

We are now at a point where many are desensitized when racism is thrown around because it seems to be a catch all for disagreement ... O, you don't believe in affirmative action, you are racist ... O, you voted for Trump, racist ... O, you support pro-life candidates, disproportionately impacting minorities, must be racist ...

As someone who has been around the block, has a biracial child and considers themselves a productive US citizen with limited time to deal with anything, let alone being labeled a racist when I know I'm not, it hurts the cause because I shut down and keep to myself and views calls of racism through a skeptical lens ...

for every dollar of white wealther black people have a nickle.

There is a 50-1 wealth gap and your telling me black americans should not call out racism because....people are sensitive about being called racist?.... :lol:

you have to admit. that's an pretty unreasonable request
Racism racism racism

Show me where Trump has ever been racist? You cant pull that card every time

Nah this isn't racist at all...lmao


Oh google, how prescious are you :lol:
Shut up, you have no idea what you are talking about.

If the ACA had passed in OG form or if the Medicaid expansion was allowed to cover the whole nation, it would have been on of the biggest economic/civil rights accomplishments of the pass 100 years.

The GOP was against much of what Obama wanted because they knew it would help minorities a ton.

Obama's record on civil and labor rights prosecution is wayyyyyy better than Trump's.

You know nothing about public policy so you spew right wing bigotry repackaged as "telling it like it is"
Lol ... You are certainly a funny one ...

I have forgotten more about public policy than you can comprehend ... In short, look at income disparity over the Obama years and how much he did for black people ... I'll wait ...

The ACA is the biggest piece of joke legislation to ever pass ... It has failed ... And actually brought less care and higher costs disproportionately upon minorities ... This wasn't simply because of Republicans, it was because it was a utopian piece of legislation proposed in a never perfect world ... People don't like being told what to do with their money or to buy **** they don't use ... It was setup for failure from jumpstreet ... I spent 2 years evaluating the ACA, btw, just FYI ...

You can take shots all you want ... I do know this for a fact - I have personally provided wealth to more minorities than you could dream about ... I have paid for scholarships and given jobs ... I have fought for raises and trained up ... Again, I'm not the one ...
Lol ... You are certainly a funny one ...

I have forgotten more about public policy than you can comprehend ... In short, look at income disparity over the Obama years and how much he did for black people ... I'll wait ...

The ACA is the biggest piece of joke legislation to ever pass ... It has failed ... And actually brought less care and higher costs disproportionately upon minorities ... This wasn't simply because of Republicans, it was because it was a utopian piece of legislation proposed in a never perfect world ... People don't like being told what to do with their money or to buy **** they don't use ... It was setup for failure from jumpstreet ... I spent 2 years evaluating the ACA, btw, just FYI ...

You can take shots all you want ... I do know this for a fact - I have personally provided wealth to more minorities than you could dream about ... I have paid for scholarships and given jobs ... I have fought for raises and trained up ... Again, I'm not the one ...

okay this is just obvious trolling. :lol:
You can take shots all you want ... I do know this for a fact - I have personally provided wealth to more minorities than you could dream about ... I have paid for scholarships and given jobs ... I have fought for raises and trained up ... Again, I'm not the one ...

I appreciate your attempt to sound intelligent but I am afraid you simply are not ...

No, I'm not going to go in great detail about the state of our economy pre and post Bush, Obama etc. because I'm not even talking about the presidency ... You want me to compare less than a year to 8? Where they do that at?

I'm talking about personal philanthropy or job creation ... By definition, Trump has done more personally for minorities than Obama ... Period ... You cannot dispute that ... And in 7 years when Trump is evaluated, we will have seen the greatest economic performance in US history restore progress to minorities that was stifled under Obama because of onerous regulations and utopian fantasy ...

trump admin quick to take credit for residual benefits from the Obama era 2 months after inauguration tho
Trying to cut insurance subsidies and cutting spending in schools doesn’t help minorities or income inequality at all lol
Lol ... You are certainly a funny one ...

I have forgotten more about public policy than you can comprehend ... In short, look at income disparity over the Obama years and how much he did for black people ... I'll wait ...

The ACA is the biggest piece of joke legislation to ever pass ... It has failed ... And actually brought less care and higher costs disproportionately upon minorities ... This wasn't simply because of Republicans, it was because it was a utopian piece of legislation proposed in a never perfect world ... People don't like being told what to do with their money or to buy **** they don't use ... It was setup for failure from jumpstreet ... I spent 2 years evaluating the ACA, btw, just FYI ...

You can take shots all you want ... I do know this for a fact - I have personally provided wealth to more minorities than you could dream about ... I have paid for scholarships and given jobs ... I have fought for raises and trained up ... Again, I'm not the one ...
Another right winger that does know basic statistics or economics

Wealth disparities existed before Obama took office, and we're accelerated by the great recession. Anyone that can read a number line could figure this out. Obama was never given the opportunity to try to reverse the trend.

Secondly you don't under the basic of of the health insurance market place or any insurance market place. If you are so much against mandates I assume you take the bus because law requires all drivers to have insurance. How dare big Government demand universal coverage to protect drivers.

Also the mandate is necessary to avoid averse selection and free riding. Nearly all countries that do health insurance right have a mandate. The problem with the mandate that it is too weak. Even right wing wonks agree.

You know nothing besides right wing talking points and bigotry. Policy to you is "Dems support it so it must be bad, the GOP supports it so it must be good". It is clear you have no understanding of the economicsand behind policies.

So please, sit down. You sound like every other delusional supporter of the system of white supremacy. That wants credit for having a biracial kid, that wants credit for help a brown person, that denies racism and systemic oppression because they feel they helping a minority absolves their bigotry.

You actions at the polls as hurt minorities way more than anything you have done in your personal life. Which to be honest, is probably a lie.
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