***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Thread poppin now, its not 1 vs 5 anymore :pimp:

8 years wasn't enough to do anything material, got it ... All clear, captain ...

And as for credentials, PM me yours and I'll show you mine #NoWeinstein
there's plenty.

there's a salvo.

There's literally nothing in that video that says what you quoted. Dyson has gripes with what Obama was able to get done. He's also acknowledged the issues that Obama was up against. Like I said, you either lack comprehension or are misrepresenting things as usual.
school spending & health care spending ≠ school success & heath care success.
Not understanding your logic there, if you defund areas that are already in problem, that would leave the problem there or just make it worse.
There’s a reason why states that spend more into healthcare have better numbers of insured than those who spend less and those who go to of higher income area schools have better graduation rates than lower income ones due to funding.
Draconian cuts will just make the situation even worse.
There's literally nothing in that video that says what you quoted

there's PLENTY more though, you can act like it don't exist and ill post it after work, or you can drop it here. :lol: him and tavis smiley basically feel Obama squared his blackness as far as power in da oval office.
Thread poppin now, its not 1 vs 5 anymore :pimp:


Your backup is a cretin from 4chan and a guy who was promoting racial profiling yesterday...same dude who thought the emotional reaction to the Vegas shooting was just Americans wanting to complain about things...same dude who said rape victims don't deserve sympathy unless their behavior matches his parameters

Kudos to you for finally making friends tho
I appreciate your attempt to sound intelligent but I am afraid you simply are not ...

No, I'm not going to go in great detail about the state of our economy pre and post Bush, Obama etc. because I'm not even talking about the presidency ... You want me to compare less than a year to 8? Where they do that at?

I'm talking about personal philanthropy or job creation ... By definition, Trump has done more personally for minorities than Obama ... Period ... You cannot dispute that ... And in 7 years when Trump is evaluated, we will have seen the greatest economic performance in US history restore progress to minorities that was stifled under Obama because of onerous regulations and utopian fantasy ...

You know what makes me chuckle? When people claim Trump is racist ...

I implore you to use the Google and research what the Lord and savior Obama has done for minorities and compare to Trump ...

It might sound bad, and yes there were a few times that Trump chose profit over all else, but the only thing that really helps people is jobs ... Of which, Trump provides more to minorities than most ...
Except you did not talk about personal philanthropy or job creation. You simply stated that Trump has done more for black people than Obama because of jobs.

Now you want to pivot because that logic was completely nonsensical.
Perhaps you should take a bit more time to think before you post so you don't back yourself into a silly argument that you may not have intended in the first place.

On to the next step, does the presidency have any personal relation to the individual who is serving as president at any given time? If Obama gives a speech, Trump speaks a rally or tweets, are those not personal statements from acting presidents? If Trump issues an executive order, pushes legislation, ... is that not a personal action by Donald J Trump?
On what basis does being president have no relation to the personal actions of the individual who serves/served as president?
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I guess Obama's move to phase out privatized prisons didn't do anything for black people either. Or the Fair Sentencing Act for crack/cocaine sentencing disparities? Or the Smart On Crime initiative the DOJ led under him?
I appreciate your attempt to sound intelligent but I am afraid you simply are not ...

No, I'm not going to go in great detail about the state of our economy pre and post Bush, Obama etc. because I'm not even talking about the presidency ... You want me to compare less than a year to 8? Where they do that at?

I'm talking about personal philanthropy or job creation ... By definition, Trump has done more personally for minorities than Obama ... Period ... You cannot dispute that ... And in 7 years when Trump is evaluated, we will have seen the greatest economic performance in US history restore progress to minorities that was stifled under Obama because of onerous regulations and utopian fantasy ...

SMH at the ignorance that is the defending of anything Trump has done for minorities... r we talkin bout the same Trump? Or is the Trump who is now Pres. a totally different person from who is was in the past??? I'm confused...
What has Trump done to boost the economy?

Like I legit don’t know, politics isn’t my strong point

Exampled by this response

he's pro business and less regulations, which puts da markets in a more confident stance.

consumer confidence is at a 17 year high.

Basically by being president and doing nothing. Unless there's some tangible evidence to show what Trump has done to raise consumer confidence.
Your backup is a cretin from 4chan and a guy who was promoting racial profiling yesterday...same dude who thought the emotional reaction to the Vegas shooting was just Americans wanting to complain about things...same dude who said rape victims don't deserve sympathy unless their behavior matches his parameters

Kudos to you for finally making friends tho
Ninja talks tough about handling us, but look how giddy he is to have friends.

Just like when Blco or Titanium Tea was here spewing their bigotry. He doesn't care as long as he has someone cosigning

And when they get banned, he complains about things being one sided.

It would be funny if they weren't trolls spewing vile nonsense.
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Your backup is a cretin from 4chan and a guy who was promoting racial profiling yesterday...same dude who thought the emotional reaction to the Vegas shooting was just Americans wanting to complain about things...same dude who said rape victims don't deserve sympathy unless their behavior matches his parameters

Kudos to you for finally making friends tho

Birds of a feather
I guess Obama's move to phase out privatized prisons didn't do anything for black people either. Or the Fair Sentencing Act for crack/cocaine sentencing disparities? Or the Smart On Crime initiative the DOJ led under him?
But Trump hired black people, so is black should be thankful.
yo boy erick dyson agrees with that sentiment

Post anything from him that says that Obams didn't try to do anything for black people. You either lack comprehension of everything Dyson has written about Obama, or you're purposely obfuscating facts again.

there's plenty.

there's a salvo.

There's literally nothing in that video that says what you quoted. Dyson has gripes with what Obama was able to get done. He's also acknowledged the issues that Obama was up against. Like I said, you either lack comprehension or are misrepresenting things as usual.

there's PLENTY more though, you can act like it don't exist and ill post it after work, or you can drop it here. :lol: him and tavis smiley basically feel Obama squared his blackness as far as power in da oval office.

yoooo. :rofl::rofl:
I guess Obama's move to phase out privatized prisons didn't do anything for black people either. Or the Fair Sentencing Act for crack/cocaine sentencing disparities? Or the Smart On Crime initiative the DOJ led under him?
Doesn't count b. The presidency has zero to do with the person who is president.
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