***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It is but the manbaby is too caught up in his own ****bubble to believe Mueller's investigating both Dems and his own cronies

Nothing to see here...

Could Mugabe finally be getting taken out of the paint?
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Trumps last effort to deflect all the **** that's gonna come down on him, is declaring war, we all know it....

We elected a crook that will put thousands of troops at risk and a global crisis as a deflection tactic....well done America
Who woulda thought that electing a morally bankrupt human being with zero policy, a 3rd grader's intelligence, and a history of only serving himself would backfire? It's like there weren't enough signs that this was a terrible idea.
The GOP is comically corrupt. It'll be interesting to see how republicans will attempt to distance themselves from this party and their f-ery in the future.

Sessions is a bish
Goodlatte and Sessions CLEARLY rehearsed this :smh:



Lmaoooooo who this fool think he playing these mental gymnastics withhh!????? Son doing mental quadruple summersaults into a 720 spin! This **** is INSANE the things they get away with..

So let me get this straight, when initially pressed, he didn't remember, visual proof exposes his lie, NOW he remembers, however! He doesn't remember what they spoke about, BUT he does remember telling him HE WAS NOT AUTHORIZE to represent the campaign...

Lavar won

Over the weekend NK called the situation on the peninsula the worst its been since the armistice as 3 aircraft carriers were sent to the region...
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