***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm just trying to imagine Osh Kosh founding a private army to terrorize Canada before moving south into America. It wouldn't end well for him :lol:
Or @Belgium trying to claim the beautiful european countryside for Papa Vlad with his russian rifles :rofl: Wouldn't end well for him either :lol:
- Rex and his socialist buddies planning their move from dem Cali avocado plantations as we speak.

-Me and Tomi finna come on scene with some hand crafted (((((((((Israeli))))))))) TAR-21, and start regulating like season one Ragnar and Lagertha
so it’s ok to pass all kinds of laws to make it super difficult for non-whites to vote but it’s not ok to pass laws to make it difficult for anyone to get guns? i guess that’s because voting is much more dangerous. imma do my best to get people registered and out to the polls.
Obama reaching his full potential as a president or even close was to it, was too dangerous for white supremacy. He had to be stopped

It could have spelled the end for the economic terrorism the GOP loves to inflict on the brown and poor in America.

Like putting all the good center-left and left-of-center policy aside, a wildly successful would have formed an "Obama Coalition" that could have ruled for decades just like the New Deal Coalition.

No the economic side, left of center economics would have gotten people a taste of social democracy, and have them feindin for more. High subsidies private plans would turn into public options, and then to Medicare buy-ins. Free community college would turn into free four-year college; jobs bills would turn into job programs.

On the cultural side, it would have proven to marginalized groups that things can get done when you vote. With an empathetic president and a functioning Congress, the oppressed would have gotten their first taste and good governance, and that would have started a lifelong affinity for the left and Democratic Party. If the black vote got rewarded, and turnout remained high, then that would probably have been the beginning of the end of the current GOP. If you could get the same demographics of 2008 to turnout year after year, combined with the shift in demographics, then it would be a bloodbath for conservatives all over the country regularly. The Republican Party would have to revert back to a moderate party to regain relevance.

But alas, the Tea Party was very successful, and a massive wave of white nationalism swept over the country in 2010; and it is a census year made things a million times worst.

Then Trump came along and ramped up the white supremacy and white nationalism to another level. But we really should have expected it. The GOP has been marching towards a person like Trump for decades. Every time you think they might go back to the center and be reasonable, they chose to go further right and sink further into white supremacy.

Goldwater, Reagan, Gingrich, Chaney, Palin, Cruz, Trump.... And may god and his socialist son "Comrade Jesus" help us at what comes next.

But yeah, if bigotry and white identity politics keeps giving you the W, why stop. Especially when so many on the left seem comfortable with watching democracy slip away, their institutions destroyed, and time bombs being placed on the economy. Expecting one day that "sensible conservatives" will step in and stop things from getting too bad. Without realizing that those people never stepped in before, and are pretty much nonexistent now (on the federal level).
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A post from my congressional rep yesterday, after the updated pa CD map. This whiney ***** has lost it :lol:

so it’s ok to pass all kinds of laws to make it super difficult for non-whites to vote but it’s not ok to pass laws to make it difficult for anyone to get guns? i guess that’s because voting is much more dangerous. imma do my best to get people registered and out to the polls.

@TariqNasheed @Maximus Meridius here is some early morning reading material for you two above. Good morning, and I hope all is well.

Dam I miss Obama. You truly never know what you have till its gone. Seeing this video made me realize how great he was/is and how he truly cared about the American public......he didn't need some sympathy talking points note card.
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