***Official Political Discussion Thread***

With all due respect, she won't be staying in her position much longer. This appears to imply that Haley was not "confused" and that Trump intervened to walk back upcoming Russia sanctions for whatever reason.
I don't see much reason to doubt Haley in this case given that the other side of that argument comes from Trump and Huckabee Sanders. Haley is one of the better picks in the Trump administration imo. I often disagree with her but I think she's qualified and good at her job.
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it’s a shame that she really is ashamed of her indian roots, Shows that her self esteem is low and that she doesn’t want to be considered a POC.
A more advanced form of fake news is on the rise. I would recommend watching at least the second video.
This is an example from Buzzfeed:

Now watch this to see some of the technology behind this more advanced form of fake video news. Note that this is from 2016 so it will likely have improved significantly by now.
Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the presidential election ... That will never get old ... What a complete travesty for the left ... And now claiming historically typical congressional swings as potential victories ... LOL what a time to be alive ...

I'm picturing Nimrata saying it so she'd enunciate her "the" differently; all the while, gearing p for the same buffoonery.

Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the presidential election ... That will never get old ... What a complete travesty for the left ... And now claiming historically typical congressional swings as potential victories ... LOL what a time to be alive ...

You're already paying the expectation game? Your side should not give up so easily, you truck loads of donor dollars, onerous restrictions of poor and minority voters and an armade of coal rollin' CHUDs on your side. Your side may yet hold it's majorities in finally take us all the way back to 1850.

Marty, with enough auxiliary coal generated power in the F150, we can burst forth to 88 mph even while dragging several Domicans behind the truck! We can return to a time before the troublesome 13th amendments, family court and work place safety regulation! Great Scot!
Rex is white right about this.

coal gang wants NOTHING to do with RINOs already giving up on the midterms. What a SLAP in the FACE to Dapper Don and all HE has done for YOU. SMH WOW!

the Trump train is at capacity. get the **** off already.

choo choo what mother ****er
Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the presidential election ... That will never get old ... What a complete travesty for the left ... And now claiming historically typical congressional swings as potential victories ... LOL what a time to be alive ...

Eh 2/10 with one point given for consistency. Try again tomorrow
It's like it's all they have left, sad, played out trolling. Clinging to it instead of moving on with their lives and facing reality.
Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the presidential election ... That will never get old ... What a complete travesty for the left ... And now claiming historically typical congressional swings as potential victories ... LOL what a time to be alive ...
Approaching mid-2018 and the only thing delusional people have to hold onto to is the fact the stars aligned to allow a bigot to win more electoral college votes.

Plus the only reason you guys even hold so many districts is because of gerrymandering, and voter suppression

The racist snowflake party you support are scared to have open elections in fair districts because of they know that minorities and young people would be able to run them a political fade whenever they want.

Now that Trump makes his supporters look like suckas on a daily basis, you wanna take one more victory lap because really that is the only thing you got left, struggle trolling.

White fragility at an all-time high, what a time to be alive.
Real Patriots, aboard the Donald Trump Casino river cruiser will tie off the safety valves and stoke the boilers with greasy Trump Tower taco bowls (take that MooChelle Obama) and humanoid cats #steamboatichy. The ship will reach 88 mph and Trump's loyalists will return to 1965 and convince the young, Dapper Donald to invest his modest inheritance into a mutual fund. They will also convince him to bang professional escorts in NATO Countries.

Back in 2018, an already impressive leader now has even more wealth and an even cleaner past and would reach God tier Emperor status.
Real Patriots, aboard the Donald Trump Casino river cruiser will tie off the safety valves and stoke the boilers with greasy Trump Tower taco bowls (take that MooChelle Obama) and humanoid cats #steamboatichy. The ship will reach 88 mph and Trump's loyalists will return to 1965 and convince the young, Dapper Donald to invest his modest inheritance into a mutual fund. They will also convince him to bang professional escorts in NATO Countries.

Back in 2018, an already impressive leader now has even more wealth and an even cleaner past and would reach God tier Emperor status.


Where we're going we don't need morals.
They’re 3 reasons you could consider anything Trump does as you “winning”

1. You’re a racist and dispite coming out at a loss with EVERYTHING promised you’re fine supporting him on a racist basis alone aka “at least he’s a racists like me”.

2. You’re an edgyMcEdgelord that really doesn’t know what’s happening but like to be “different”

3. You’re the 1%

Now since I highly doubt anyone on here is packing hundreds of millions in the bank you have to conclude it’s either 1 or 2. Oh, and spare me the “I got 20 more bucks on my income tax!”
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Moving off the trolls for a while, Erza Klein spoke with Carol Anderson recently. She is the author of "White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide."

While I don't think she gave the best answers to some questions, she seems very frustrated at the current state of things. But she makes some very strong points about how we have to view our current situation within the context of history. The last 30 minutes of the interview is its best part. She makes some good recommendations for further reading too.


Then Vann R. Newkirk II wrote a great article in the Atlantic about how white supremacy gives foreign agents and bad political actors and instantly way to persuade people.


But there’s one main thread running through all of these stories, one that should orient readers to the things that truly matter, whether the news is about Cambridge Analytica or the Russian “troll farm” known as the Internet Research Agency. It’s the fact that the human brain is eminently exploitable—as are, by extension, the civic and democratic institutions the human brain has built. And in America, a country built from its foundations on white supremacy, where identity is forged in the crucible of a centuries-old “race question,” one of the easiest and most effective ways to “hack” those institutions is the use of racism in disinformation and propaganda campaigns. Almost every single American era of widespread racial friction was buttressed by sophisticated psychological manipulation, data gathering, and propaganda, a concoction that when taken together, often helped push whites to the extremes of anti-democratic oppression and violence. It’s the oldest American trick in the book.

Think of the last line, then think about Fox News, and tell me that shoe doesn't fit.
Oh yea that is fact. It’s how my bosses truly feel and talk when it’s me and this one other superior of mine for dinners or lunches in private. While I tend to challenge their thoughts on certain things and call them on their BS, the portion you just mentioned is why they are blinded. Growing up a sheltered white and never going to school with a minority until college exacerbated those beliefs and made them more susceptible and accepting to those same messages that Faux news spews.

Many white men in power feel this way but unless you’re white you won’t ever hear it. Only hope is to have more of us progressives get into those positions of power to change things. Funny thing is they think that eventually we will agree with them and change to their thought. But I didn’t grow up sheltered and my experiences are completely different in how they shaped me. I don’t understand how smart individuals can be so naive in so many ways.

They gonna get that album back from Shkrelli !! :pimp:

The Census is looming, ya'll

Between da hip-hop intelligencia speaking and da census looming, it’s clear. COAL GANG will return with da wrath of a hundred hemis for mid-terms

Jesus will return to this thread for da libbie apocalypse, and it will be in da form of a Jesus piece. No longer on layaway thanks to da SOARING trump stock market, but where it belongs. On da neck of a true red white and blue, but definitely not black, conservative that refuses government handouts in any form.
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