***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Even if Nixon does not win she is doing the next best thing. She is running so solidly left of Cuomo that he has to move to the left to cover his flank.

I want more progressive in office governing and writing policy at all levels, and I also want them pressuring the hell out of centrist and establishment Dems every chance they get. Primaries are a great place for that. Constant pressure will keep the party moving left.

Just look at healthcare, a Medicare buy-in/public option is now becoming the mainstream position in the Democratic Party, not the leftist one. Like or dislike the dude, that does not happen unless Bernie makes the idea of full single payer a serious topic of conversation.
Barrack would probably be allowed to serve as VP, but he could not run for reelection if he became President through Biden passing.


But lets be honest, Barrack probably ain't up for America's bull**** anymore :lol:

My wife, by her own admission, was a liberal Sansa when she was an an L1 and she has since become a leftist Cersei. Her philosophy, as far as political strategy goes, is to "make the Marshals take you." In other words, enact your ideological project and place the onus on the opposition to accuse, gather evidence, impanel an a court with sufficient jurisdiction, prosecute and arrest you on the grounds that you violated the Constitution.

Republicans employ this strategy but Democrats feel a deep sense of fidelity to a 230 year old document that was written by slave owners as well as loyalty to the Senate traditions that were created and upheld by segregationists.

Everyone, watch this...

On the one hand I say, white supremacy is crazy. It lets parents vote against their children's education, in violation of the most basic of nature's laws (which conservative claim to follow).

On the other hand, I think that maybe white conservatives in Middle America know, deep down, that the neoliberal promise of education as a bridge into the professional managerial class is a sham.

Rusty gotta run for President in 2020. He has my vote.

The lad would be 34 in 2020. There would be, however, a 36 year old leftist from the Central Coast who loves himself some dialectics.
Sidenote: If Dems get back a ton of governor mansion this fall, they need to do stuff like giving ex-con there voting rights back, pushing automatic voter registration, and fight for more voting access any way they can.

The GOP does not wantfair and open elections. They know their ideas suck too much to win majorities in a world with fair and open elections.
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Sidenote: If Dems get back a ton of governor mansion this fall, they need to do stuff like giving ex-con there voting rights back, pushing automatic voter registration, and fight for more voting access any way they can.

The GOP does want fair and open elections. They know their ideas suck too much to win majorities in a world with fair and open elections.

Yes Yes and Yes

The liberal angel on my shoulder says to make sure that every single eligible voter has the easiest time possible exercising their right to the franchise.

The leftists devil says to impose voter suppression on Republican voter blocs. Limit polling places in the exoburbs, make exoburban voters wait in long lines. Make Gun owners take literacy tests. Let illegal aliens vote.
If I were elected president my first executive order would be to change the face and ethnicity choices on da census.

Latino and Hispanic ethnicities will be moved under "Black"

And the "Other" box will be renamed "You Still Black, That Ain't Hyperpigmentation, Papi"
You should become mayor of NYC. Get rid of rent control so welfare kings and queens cant abuse the system.
If I were elected president my first executive order would be to change the face and ethnicity choices on da census.

Latino and Hispanic ethnicities will be moved under "Black"

And the "Other" box will be renamed "You Still Black, That Ain't Hyperpigmentation, Papi"

My man
Sidenote: If Dems get back a ton of governor mansion this fall, they need to do stuff like giving ex-con there voting rights back, pushing automatic voter registration, and fight for more voting access any way they can.

The GOP does not wantfair and open elections. They know their ideas suck too much to win majorities in a world with fair and open elections.

@Maximus Meridius
**** Coal Gang

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