***Official Political Discussion Thread***

NYTimes are trash..... they've been trash since the lead up to the Iraq war.
I think Cuomo probably is gonna win 60-40 (even bigger in upstate NY) but nice to see a debate

Cuomo is a real piece of ****. He'll always choose power consolidating/publicity instead of what move will lead to the most public good. The man is the definition of an empty suit politician. His approach to Marijuana is almost completely based on him thinking will it hurt him on the national stage.

I wish Cynthia was a more polished politician herself or that there was a more polished politician running instead of her. Cuomo is not untouchable, he's just intimidated all the people who should run against him.

Read the whole thing, damn. You know this group has swapped A Wyatt Mann’s works and the work of Ben Garrison and those 2016 photoshopped Ben Garrison works that incorporated A Wyatt Mann’s explicitly anti semetic drawings into Ben Garrison’s vaguely anti semetic drawings.

:sick:|l NY Times at it again

Literally yesterday, a Republican gubernatorial candidate called his black opponent a monkey, how much more literal do Republicans have to be?
"racial anxieties"

this was the overriding theme of our Coal Gang Retreat. that, along with weather anxiety (are we gonna have to cancel the softball game due to thunderstorms?), toilet paper anxiety (did we bring enough?), immigrant anxiety (they're going to destroy our culture and we have to get rid of them all), and, of course, economic anxiety (how the hell did we elect a black man to be our president? the world is laughing at us).

the open forum discussion on racial anxiety really touched on a few key racial anxieties that people had: 1) would being in the sun too long cause your kids to become darker skinned? 2) if police did not randomly gun down innocent black youth, how else could we keep them in check? (not letting them have a monopoly on saying the n-word was proposed as one deterrent. couldn't hurt to try, right?), 3) is it ok to direct racism at a mixed ethnicity child? (very complicated and lots of soul-searching on this one, guys), 4) if the black guy becomes governor of Florida, will he enslave white people?
If a Republican candidate was at a rally and said "We should lynch that ****ing n-word" about his black political opponent, the NYT headline would be "Republican candidate escalates the war of words: floats plan to use physical force against his opponent in an attempt to excite his base"
I don't know what the NYT gains by doing this. Conservatives aren't going to all of sudden subscribe to them.

it's not for conservatives.

it's for da independents.

you know, the people who are in denial and need to feel safe in a "both sides are the same" kind of world.

the same people who complain that the NYT is too liberal but then use it as their primary source of news ("I like to read it but with a grain of salt so I know what the liberals are thinking").
The NYT was never perfect, they always had some level of buffoonery but on aggregate they were decent.

But now? Besides Blow, Krugman, The Upshot and a few other stuff here and there it has turn to centrist contrarian nonsense.

When I read National Review and Reason, I at least know that the writers a really lost in the sauce. I have no clue what damn point NYT writers are trying to make.

David Brooks' hot takes be so incoherent sometimes I wonder if the ink will just self-smear one day to save itself the embarrassment of having to be associated with his nonsense.
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not just a traitor to his country but to his "dearest" friend too.

Graham says Trump called him after McCain tribute speech on Senate floor

Sen. Lindsey Graham said Wednesday that President Donald Trump called him after he delivered an emotional farewell to Sen. John McCain on the Senate floor, telling the South Carolina Republican he "did right by his friend."

"He called yesterday after my speech and he couldn't have been nicer. He said, 'That was very sad. I just want to let you know you did right by your friend.' I said, Thank you Mr. President.'"

Graham said, "If you know anything about me, I want to be relevant."
The NYT was never perfect, they always had some level of buffoonery but on aggregate they were decent.

But now? Besides Blow, Krugman, The Upshot and a few other stuff here and there it has turn to centrist contrarian nonsense.

At least when I read National Review and Reason, I at least know that the writers a really lost in the sauce. I have no clue what damn point NYT writers are trying to make.

David Brooks' hot take be so incoherent sometimes I wonder if the ink will just self-smear one day to save itself the embarrassment of having to be associated with his nonsense.

The biggest issue with the NYT is that they want to posit themselves as an all inclusive chronicle of the comings and goings of American (and in many cases, world politics) but they tailor their content for an audience of urban professionals.

This is especially true for their editorial page. It’s most slightly left of center to slightly right of center. If they wanted to be the paper of record and house a true sampling of opinions, they would have to include hate speech from the right and revolutionary calls to action from the left. They can’t and won’t do it.

So as the reality on the ground heads inexorably towards a clash of socialism versus barbarism, we have this self styled authority on all things politics creating a narrow, insular and irrelevant cloister on its editorial page.
not just a traitor to his country but to his "dearest" friend too.

Graham says Trump called him after McCain tribute speech on Senate floor

Sen. Lindsey Graham said Wednesday that President Donald Trump called him after he delivered an emotional farewell to Sen. John McCain on the Senate floor, telling the South Carolina Republican he "did right by his friend."

"He called yesterday after my speech and he couldn't have been nicer. He said, 'That was very sad. I just want to let you know you did right by your friend.' I said, Thank you Mr. President.'"

Graham said, "If you know anything about me, I want to be relevant."
I wanted to extend my sympathies to the honorable Lindsey, but clearly he has already moved on.
Great thread here. Also something i wanted to point out is how strange the algorithms and search results are for YouTube. I spend a lot of my commute listening to news on YouTube...and sometimes, I wanna hear something live from MSNBC/CNN.

95% of the uploaded steams are Fox News or ultra right wing streams. YouTube is a platform that ain’t all the way right.

Yeah I noticed that too. Even with video games. I watch the BF5 trailer then I get suggestions about dudes complaining about SJWs and women in the game.

As soon as I watch anything remotely conservative my suggestion videos gets filled with crap
I watched a criticism of that new The Last Jedi and started getting all this sexist and racist bull****.
Same when I watched a criticism of recent comic books. I've learned to stop watching criticisms.
It seems like all the critics are either bigots or friends of bigots. I don't get it.
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