***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Clearly Trump is worried in some form about his videotaped admission to Lester Holt 2 days after firing Comey. Now all of a sudden the audio and video of his remarks is "fudged."
It wouldn't be the first time Trump tries to later declare his own remarks on camera and audio are fake. Usually long after already acknowledging the matter to defend it.
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/28/us/politics/trump-access-hollywood-tape.html (November 28 2017)
Trump Once Said the ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape Was Real. Now He’s Not Sure.
Shortly after his victory last year, Donald J. Trump began revisiting one of his deepest public humiliations: the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape of him making vulgar comments about women.

Despite his public acknowledgment of the recording’s authenticity in the final days of the presidential campaign — and his hasty videotaped apology under pressure from his advisers — Mr. Trump as president-elect began raising the prospect with allies that it may not have been him on the tape after all.

Most of Mr. Trump’s aides ignored his changing story. But in January, shortly before his inauguration, Mr. Trump told a Republican senator that he wanted to investigate the recording that had him boasting about grabbing women’s genitals.

“We don’t think that was my voice,” Mr. Trump told the senator, according to a person familiar with the conversation. Since then, Mr. Trump has continued to suggest that the tape that nearly upended his campaign was not actually him, according to three people close to the president.


For the record, here is Trump's Lester Holt interview. His comments about the Russia investigation regarrding Comey's firing start at about 0:50
Here is the problem,

the kind of people attracted to working for Trump are crooks,

BUT crooks don't like scrutiny...but because Trump is, ya know, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITES STATES it means, in the words of the great Tauheed "Tity Boi" Eppsthe "THE FEDS ARE WATCHING".

That mean what should be your chief applicant pool; low bottom crooks....are dis-incentivized to apply.

It's really a classic corporate recruitment problem.
These are only the best people though.

But all jokes aside, they knew what they were signing themselves up for by joining the circus. If you were cool with the clown show when things were going good, you have no right to complain when Trump does Trump things and there’s no type of stability or structure. You knew the type of person you signed up to work for. Can’t complain when the going gets tough.
I remember the wind was blowing through with that veritas stuff in here a while back only for it do be exposed as literal fake news not long after :lol::lol:

Warms my heart to see O'Keefe in the Feds' crosshairs
Real question
Why didn’t Obama take care of this while in office????
The water thing in Michigan happened before the election right???
It is usually state and city officials jobs to monitor local infrastructure and maintain stuff like the water system. And it has been shown that Michigan that state and local officials are incompetent to the point that of being criminal.

Obama requested funding for an infrastructure program that could have provide funds to address stuff like this nationwide, but he was rebuffed by Congress.
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If you work for the federal government and voted for the Orange Bigot, congrats, you played yourself.

And remember:

-The federal government is the new of the largest suppliers of middle class jobs

-Our deficit issue is caused by Trump's tax cuts which mainly help the richest of the rich.

Trump is ****ing trash.
Heard this question on MSNBC yesterday and wanted to ask, if Abrams or Gillum win as black candidates with progressive platforms in the deep South, will that change the Dems 2020 plans?
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