***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I just saw an opportunity to provide an utterly ridiculous counter-argument.

I, for one, am ecstatic that you seized the opportunity to prove my point in such a masterful way.

Do you think he REALLY said it because she was a woman? :nerd:
The special counsel is conducting a criminal investigation. Crimes have been found and punished.
The more bipartisan Senate Intel committee is conducting its own Russia probe. The Republican House Intel committee obstructed its own probe.
The special counsel is conducting a criminal investigation. Crimes have been found and punished.
The Senate Intel committee is conducting its own Russia probe. The House Intel committee obstructed its own probe.

The narrow issue of the probe was supposedly whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the election in Trump's favor. To this point, that has not been shown.
The narrow issue of the probe was supposedly whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the election in Trump's favor. To this point, that has not been shown.
That's not what Mueller's mandate says, as has been explained to you probably a dozen times.

At least one individual who testified before the House is a 'target' in Mueller's criminal probe.
Roger Stone amended his congressional testimony 3 times already.
Republicans blocked all motions to send his congressional testimony transcript to the special counsel. As well as every other motion to share transcripts regarding the Russia probe.

House Republicans blocked the testimony of a Trump campaign foreign policy adviser who had agreed to interview with Democrats regarding Papadopoulos' communications about Russia.
When the majority was informed, someone on their committee told the witness to stay away. John Mashburn then cancelled his testimony.

Key witnesses were allowed to stonewall without any legal statute to refuse questions. Only Bannon was subpoenaed for doing so and at the time he was a thorn in the side of the GOP establishment.

Witnesses yelled "I'm not answering your ****ing questions" at Democrats on the committee and subpoena motions were blocked.

Key witnesses were not interviewed under oath and many others were not interviewed at all.
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I'm trying to figure out the 16% of Black men that voted for Ted Cruz in Texas. That's high as hell.

Or the 18% of black women who voted for DeSantis.

Perhaps people decided to vote based on their interests and issues that they felt strongly about
He love him some Obama. But Obama... It was Obama.... What about Obama.... Where's Obama... Obama Did It!
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