***Official Political Discussion Thread***


What? I believe it is continuing, in the manner that it is, due to sour grapes. If he lost, it would be a non-issue (in my opinion--a seemingly obvious caveat). This is not a proof v. non-proof issue. I am not talking about indicting/locking anyone up for sour grapes. Your analogy is off. Do better.
And you have no proof, but you still hold that belief.

I think a lot of people here would acknowledge that there is insufficient proof to convict many of these men on sexual assault charges. I don't recall seeing anyone talk about locking people up simply because of allegations.

Of course when you use a straw man, it does make it sound like my analogy is off.
Indeed. Rusty Malone and Rex Stockton will NEVER hoist the trophy. We WON this thread every single time. They tried the Aepps Rules to stop you but that's when Rico x Hood stepped in to hit the open 3.


The COAL RULES didn't work on us famb. They tried to foul us and take cheap shots with Lib conjecture and innuendo. Rustlambeer and RexMahorn are Dirty players but once we played team ball they had no answers. Now that Dwalkcurry and Bigrockforddurant are running the offense. LIBBYWINKSBELGIUM has no chance.
giphy (59).gif
And you have no proof, but you still hold that belief.

I think a lot of people here would acknowledge that there is insufficient proof to convict many of these men on sexual assault charges. I don't recall seeing anyone talk about locking people up simply because of allegations.

Of course when you use a straw man, it does make it sound like my analogy is off.

The only issue I have is with people who think that an allegation means guilty. That is an erosion of due process. If that’s not what people think, there is no issue and our positions aren’t at odds.
The only issue I have is with people who think that an allegation means guilty. That is an erosion of due process. If that’s not what people think, there is no issue and our positions aren’t at odds.
It's interesting that you automatically assume that's what people think. I have had to correct your assumptions multiple times. I guess you're not reading or you're trying to troll.
To this point, has Trump (or anyone in his campaign) been indicted, arrested, or convicted for colluding with Russia to influence the 2016 election? Or for conspiracy with Russia to influence the 2016 election?

Goalposts have not moved. The shiny objects for the echo chamber exist, but are off-target.
No, though 'collusion' isn't a legal statute, nor is it necessarily a crime and you are aware of this as you included "or conspiracy."
Don Jr and everyone involved in the Trump tower meeting have already admitted to collusion. It was specifically advertised to them that a Kremlin connected lawyer was offering them dirt on Hillary "as part of the Russian government's support for Mr. Trump." and their response was to more than happily accept the offer and show up hoping to receive exactly that. The president later stated that the goal of the meeting was to obtain dirt on Hillary. If someone is offering me a load of drugs and I respond that I love it and show up for a deal, whether or not I receive anything I've already committed to the goal of obtaining that offer. Whether or not anything regarding the Trump tower meeting rises to the level of criminal activity is for Mueller to answer.
Despite Trump and Hillary both receiving FBI briefings specifically about Russian influence and urging them to report suspicious overtures, all of the dozens of Russian interactions were kept secret and denied until the evidence eventually forced them to admit it.

What you do have so far is a concerted effort to lie about any and all contacts with Russians. Let's remember that it started from "there were no interactions with any Russians by anyone" to repeated interactions by Russians with at least 14 Trump associates.
In several cases those lies about Russian contacts resulted in criminal charges as Trump associates were lying to the FBI about them. Cohen's guilty plea for lying to Congress is the latest example in the pattern of lies about Russia related matters. Former national security adviser Michael Flynn, former deputy campaign chairman Rick Gates and Cohen are all providing substantial cooperation in multiple ongoing investigations according to Mueller court documents.
You also have a key witness/target publicly rejecting a draft plea agreement and stating he will face a perjury (and presumably obstruction) indictment for lying about material facts in Mueller's conspiracy investigation.

Also, the very first "has anyone been arrested?" posts started within months of the Mueller probe and thus can be dismissed as disingenuous drivel. Putting Mueller's mandate aside, investigations don't work that fast regardless of whether there is no, a little or a whole lot of criminal activity. Perhaps I am wrong but I don't recall you discussing the Mueller investigation in anything but complete dismissal.


BuT iTs MeAnT tO HiGhLiGhT ThE MeDiA

Congratulations, you've figured out the media tends to exaggerate and/or hype unnecessarily (ex. "Mueller probe close to wrapping up" ad infinitum for the past year or so).
Welcome to reality I suppose?

I think the “has anyone been arrested yet” is pretty self-explanatory. It is meant to highlight how daily the media acts like “this is it!” And yet, to this point, there insufficient evidence to show that trump, or his campaign, colluded with the Russian government to influence the election.

If its so clear they broke the law, I'm lost as to why no one has arrested them.

Has anyone from the Trump campaign been arrested yet?

Was he arrested for something related to the Trump transition? Or the Trump campaign? Or is this, like the trial against Manafort, completely unrelated?

Just checking in. Has trump been impeached or arrested yet?

Sidenote: Has Trump been impeached or arrested yet?
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No, though 'collusion' isn't a legal statute, nor is it necessarily a crime and you are aware of this as you included "or conspiracy."
Don Jr and everyone involved in the Trump tower meeting have already admitted to collusion. It was specifically advertised to them that a Kremlin connected lawyer was offering them dirt on Hillary "as part of the Russian government's support for Mr. Trump." and their response was to more than happily accept the offer and show up hoping to receive exactly that. The president later stated that the goal of the meeting was to obtain dirt on Hillary. If someone is offering me a load of drugs and I respond that I love it and show up for a deal, whether or not I receive anything I've already committed to the goal of obtaining that offer. Whether or not anything regarding the Trump tower meeting rises to the level of criminal activity is for Mueller to answer.
Despite Trump and Hillary both receiving FBI briefings specifically about Russian influence and urging them to report suspicious overtures, all of the dozens of Russian interactions were kept secret and denied until the evidence eventually forced them to admit it.

What you do have so far is a concerted effort to lie about any and all contacts with Russians. Let's remember that it started from "there were no interactions with any Russians by anyone" to repeated interactions by Russians with at least 14 Trump associates.
In several cases those lies about Russian contacts resulted in criminal charges as Trump associates were lying to the FBI about them. Cohen's guilty plea for lying to Congress is the latest example in the pattern of lies about Russia related matters. Former national security adviser Michael Flynn, former deputy campaign chairman Rick Gates and Cohen are all providing substantial cooperation in multiple ongoing investigations according to Mueller court documents.
You also have a key witness/target publicly rejecting a draft plea agreement and stating he will face a perjury (and presumably obstruction) indictment for lying about material facts in Mueller's conspiracy investigation.

Also, the very first "has anyone been arrested?" posts started within months of the Mueller probe and thus can be dismissed as disingenuous drivel. Putting Mueller's mandate aside, investigations don't work that fast regardless of whether there is no, a little or a whole lot of criminal activity. Perhaps I am wrong but I don't recall you discussing the Mueller investigation in anything but complete dismissal.


BuT iTs MeAnT tO HiGhLiGhT ThE MeDiA

Congratulations, you've figured out the media tends to exaggerate and/or hype unnecessarily (ex. "Mueller probe close to wrapping up" ad infinitum for the past year or so).
Welcome to reality I suppose?
Don’t pull out, just go inside
It was refreshing at first, but If I have to hear one more David Brooks story about him touring America and his remedies for the American Politic I’m going to lose it.
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No, though 'collusion' isn't a legal statute, nor is it necessarily a crime and you are aware of this as you included "or conspiracy."
Don Jr and everyone involved in the Trump tower meeting have already admitted to collusion. It was specifically advertised to them that a Kremlin connected lawyer was offering them dirt on Hillary "as part of the Russian government's support for Mr. Trump." and their response was to more than happily accept the offer and show up hoping to receive exactly that. The president later stated that the goal of the meeting was to obtain dirt on Hillary. If someone is offering me a load of drugs and I respond that I love it and show up for a deal, whether or not I receive anything I've already committed to the goal of obtaining that offer. Whether or not anything regarding the Trump tower meeting rises to the level of criminal activity is for Mueller to answer.
Despite Trump and Hillary both receiving FBI briefings specifically about Russian influence and urging them to report suspicious overtures, all of the dozens of Russian interactions were kept secret and denied until the evidence eventually forced them to admit it.

What you do have so far is a concerted effort to lie about any and all contacts with Russians. Let's remember that it started from "there were no interactions with any Russians by anyone" to repeated interactions by Russians with at least 14 Trump associates.
In several cases those lies about Russian contacts resulted in criminal charges as Trump associates were lying to the FBI about them. Cohen's guilty plea for lying to Congress is the latest example in the pattern of lies about Russia related matters. Former national security adviser Michael Flynn, former deputy campaign chairman Rick Gates and Cohen are all providing substantial cooperation in multiple ongoing investigations according to Mueller court documents.
You also have a key witness/target publicly rejecting a draft plea agreement and stating he will face a perjury (and presumably obstruction) indictment for lying about material facts in Mueller's conspiracy investigation.

Also, the very first "has anyone been arrested?" posts started within months of the Mueller probe and thus can be dismissed as disingenuous drivel. Putting Mueller's mandate aside, investigations don't work that fast regardless of whether there is no, a little or a whole lot of criminal activity. Perhaps I am wrong but I don't recall you discussing the Mueller investigation in anything but complete dismissal.


BuT iTs MeAnT tO HiGhLiGhT ThE MeDiA

Congratulations, you've figured out the media tends to exaggerate and/or hype unnecessarily (ex. "Mueller probe close to wrapping up" ad infinitum for the past year or so).
Welcome to reality I suppose?

You literally just reiterated that the goal posts have not shifted. Much appreciated.
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