***Official Political Discussion Thread***


:emoji_goat: negotiator
real talk
soooo why does it cost 8 billy
to build a wall
like will the wall have special lasers and missles or something
made of military grade titanium or something
real talk
soooo why does it cost 8 billy
to build a wall
like will the wall have special lasers and missles or something
made of military grade titanium or something
There aren't roads where they want to build the wall. Gotta build them to bring in the material. Gotta also build: drainage, electricity infrastructure, water infrastructure (it is supposed to be manned), etc... along 2000 miles of border. A large city like Chicago is 10 miles large, NYC is probably less; hell, even Flint, MI is smaller area-wise, and they had trouble installing new water faucets and tubing in the city.

Sounds absurdly costly already? I haven't even mentioned the cost to acquire the land they plan to build the wall on.

This wall would put a noticeable dent in Mansa Musa's money, and the guy had enough of it to cause a countrywide recession.

All to stop a thousand people who would just go around (or over) it anyway.
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