***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Private citizens like Tron passing out Thanksgiving turkeys makes government assistance unnecessary.
If you’re on welfare you’re trash and white people are racially oppressed !!!

Who has the Twitter quote, shared in this thread, where someone came in from the top rope with stupidest hot take ever: Straight White Male is the new N-Word? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
http://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20181221_04054930 (article is in Dutch)
Our 'Committee I', the independent federal agency tasked with oversight on intelligence agencies, seems to have concluded that our civil intelligence agency (VSSE) has the right to simply demand information from any corporation or profession with the sole exception of physicians, lawyers and journalists.

An accountancy firm had filed a complaint with the Committee I agency against a VSSE official. The CEO had filed the complaint and a lawyer for the top female executive in the firm alleged that the VSSE official was pressuring the woman to get the firm to turn over information on a particular client. The VSSE official demanded the information in the context of potential espionage according to the Committee I's report. The VSSE did not bring a subpoena and after initially being rebuffed simply started pressuring that female executive rather than returning with a court order.

The agency dismissed the complaint and ruled that the VSSE does in fact have that authority to go around demanding information as long as it's not protected under the confidentiality statutes for lawyers, physicians and journalists. Everything else is fair game apparently.

Having the authority to essentially walk into a bank and force them to turn over records on clients without a court order is wild.

Generally we get very little information from and about both our civil and military intelligence agencies. Many leaks on the awful state of the infrastructure in our intel agency buildings, communication and leadership issues, ... but in terms of what they're actually doing there's very little information. They make the CIA look transparent by comparison.
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McConnell rejects using nuclear option on wall
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) spokesman says the Senate does not have enough votes to change its rules and pass border wall funding with a simple majority.

“The Leader has said for years that the votes are not there in the Conference to use the nuclear option. Just this morning, several Senators put out statements confirming their opposition, and confirming that there is not a majority in the conference to go down that road,” said David Popp, McConnell’s communications director.

Popp issued his statement after several Republican senators voiced opposition to holding a procedural vote known as the “nuclear option” to change the Senate’s rules and make it easier to pass a funding bill that includes $5.7 billion to build a border wall.
Trump urged McConnell Friday morning to pull out all the stops to fund the wall.

“Mitch, use the Nuclear Option and get it done! Our Country is counting on you!” he tweeted.

The House passed on Thursday a short-term government funding bill that provides $5.7 billion to construct a border wall but Democrats say they will defeat it in the Senate.

While Republicans have a 51-49 majority in the upper chamber, Democrats can block the House bill with a filibuster or other procedural objections, which require 60 votes to overcome.

Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), who is up for reelection in 2020 in a state that Trump won by 20 points, has urged colleagues to invoke the nuclear option to lower the vote threshold vote stopping a filibuster.

Trump praised Daines for the bold position.

“Thank you @SteveDainesfor being willing to go with the so-called nuclear option in order to win on DESPERATELY NEEDED Border Security! Have my total support,” Trump tweeted.

Republican Sens. Jeff Flake (Ariz.) and Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) immediately announced Friday morning that they would not vote for the nuclear option.

The retiring Senate president pro tempore, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), also said he opposed the idea.

He said the Senate’s traditional 60-vote threshold for quashing a filibuster “has prevented our country for decades from sliding toward liberalism.”
I do have to give the Russians some credit for their trolling

State TV host Olga Skabeeva surmised that Americans are “losers, since Putin has defeated them in every way.” With a theatrical sigh, her co-host, Evgeny Popov, added: “Trump is ours again—what are you going to do?” Every member of the sizeable audience enthusiastically clapped. While these statements are decidedly sarcastic, Russian opinion makers recount the Kremlin’s victories with unmistakable glee. Popov smirked: “It seems to Americans that we won on every front: the U.S. Secretary of Defense has been removed, we unquestionably secured a complete, unconditional victory in Syria.” Skabeeva chimed in: “They’re also planning to leave Afghanistan.”
Popov pointed out: “On top of that, Rusal sanctions have been lifted with Trump’s hands.” Panelists of the show, including Russian lawmakers, couldn’t hide their satisfied grins.

Discussing the planned departure of the U.S. from Syria, state TV host Olga Skabeeva pondered why Trump suddenly decided to leave at this point in time: “Americans say, it’s because he is beholden to Putin. Is that logical? Yes, it is.”
Russia Gloats: ‘Trump Is Ours Again’
If Moscow was happy about the Syria pullout, it’s ecstatic about Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ resignation.

The Kremlin is awash with Christmas gifts from Washington, D.C. and every move by the Trump administration seems to add to that perception. On Wednesday, appearing on the Russian state TV show “The Evening with Vladimir Soloviev,” Director of the Moscow-based Center for Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies Semyon Bagdasarov said that the U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis is “struggling to keep up” with the flurry of unexpected decisions by the U.S. President Donald Trump. The news that Mattis decided to step down sent shock waves across the world, being interpreted as “a dangerous signal” by America’s allies.

Meanwhile, the Mattis departure is being cheered in Russia. Konstantin Kosachev, head of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Upper House of the Russian Parliament, has said that “the departure of James Mattis is a positive signal for Russia, since Mattis was far more hawkish on Russia and China than Donald Trump.” Kosachev opined that Trump apparently considered his own agenda in dealing with Russia, China and America’s allies to be "more important than keeping James Mattis at his post," concluding: "That’s an interesting signal, and a more positive one” for Russia.
Jubilation was even more apparent on Russia’s state television, which adheres closely to the Kremlin’s point of view. The host of the Russian state TV show “60 Minutes,” Olga Skabeeva asserted: “Secretary of Defense Mattis didn’t want to leave Syria, so Trump fired him. They are leaving Syria.”

President Trump’s press secretary, Sarah Sanders, remarked: “The idea that Putin is happy about this [Trump's decision to withdraw US forces from Syria] is ridiculous. It puts them at a greater risk, so I think that's just silly.” To the contrary, the idea of an American withdrawal from Syria is being widely perceived in Russia as “a total dream come true” if it truly takes place.

State TV host Olga Skabeeva surmised that Americans are “losers, since Putin has defeated them in every way.” With a theatrical sigh, her co-host, Evgeny Popov, added: “Trump is ours again—what are you going to do?” Every member of the sizeable audience enthusiastically clapped. While these statements are decidedly sarcastic, Russian opinion makers recount the Kremlin’s victories with unmistakable glee. Popov smirked: “It seems to Americans that we won on every front: the U.S. Secretary of Defense has been removed, we unquestionably secured a complete, unconditional victory in Syria.” Skabeeva chimed in: “They’re also planning to leave Afghanistan.”

Popov pointed out: “On top of that, Rusal sanctions have been lifted with Trump’s hands.” Panelists of the show, including Russian lawmakers, couldn’t hide their satisfied grins. The reference was to the announcement that Trump’s Treasury Department intends to lift sanctions against the business empire of Oleg V. Deripaska, one of Russia’s most influential oligarchs, sanctioned for Russian interference in the U.S. elections.

Texas Representative Lloyd Doggett told The New York Times that the move to lift Rusal sanctions amounted to Trump “sliding another big gift under Vladimir Putin’s Christmas tree.” The gesture is certainly being interpreted that way in Russia. Deripaska’s attorneys are reportedly mounting an aggressive campaign to pursue the removal of personal sanctions from the Putin-linked oligarch as well.

Discussing the planned departure of the U.S. from Syria, state TV host Olga Skabeeva pondered why Trump suddenly decided to leave at this point in time: “Americans say, it’s because he is beholden to Putin. Is that logical? Yes, it is.”
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