***Official Political Discussion Thread***

For someone who supposedly travels, you sure do stay in the same place intellectually. Perhaps visiting where survival rules, instead of conservative views, will give you a simple grasp of how humanity actually works.

Believe it or not, I think traveling more actually opens your perspective. There is a unique perspective that comes with living where survival rules--without doubt. But it is not the only perspective. There are struggles associated with several walks of life. Respecting differences is actually a great first step towards progress, in my opinion. Which is why I choose to respect the opinions of people on here, even when I disagree with them. Even when (as it is with the tax discussion) they are wrong on the facts.

I know a lot of people born and raised in NYC that rarely leave. They have a culture shock when they go down south. Or to the midwest. Or even out west.

I think Van Turner does a great job, on some of the shows I've seen, of attempting to empathize with people that he diametrically opposes (at least as it relates to politics).
Guys there’s no need to even have to address whether or not he’s black or a lawyer. His “discussion” tactics leave more than enough to talk about.

I just think it is funny because dudes is always intentionally flippant about things others care about just to get a reaction.

Now something has got under his skin and he is demanding order. :lol: :lol:
Believe it or not, I think traveling more actually opens your perspective. There is a unique perspective that comes with living where survival rules--without doubt. But it is not the only perspective. There are struggles associated with several walks of life. Respecting differences is actually a great first step towards progress, in my opinion. Which is why I choose to respect the opinions of people on here, even when I disagree with them. Even when (as it is with the tax discussion) they are wrong on the facts.

I know a lot of people born and raised in NYC that rarely leave. They have a culture shock when they go down south. Or to the midwest. Or even out west.

I think Van Turner does a great job, on some of the shows I've seen, of attempting to empathize with people that he diametrically opposes (at least as it relates to politics).
Lol, you actually think that you are respecting differences?! Surely you jest! The evasive tactics that you use are not only disrespectful, but are also incredibly useful in showing how not to be. Considering that the South has always been slow to evolve, hardly ever being on the right side of history due to its white supremacy leanings, I would never use that place as the bastion of progressive thinking, nor life. Jesus has a nice hold down there, so nobody should ever expect that to change either.
I just think it is funny because dudes is always intentionally flippant about things others care about just to get a reaction.

Now something has got under his skin and he is demanding order. :lol: :lol:

The reason I actually believe he’s a lawyer is cause there’s a method to how he engages people. He comes in like “I don’t have enough information to form my own opinion, but Here’s a counter to your argument that ignores the context your argument is founded on”.

He takes nonpositions on damn near everything aside from abortion so that he can’t be pinned down to make a definite statement. Like KHUFU KHUFU alluded to last week, dwalks here getting his ego’s rocks off because he feels like he’s arguing from an intellectually superior postion. Whether that’s because he’s a lawyer or not, who knows. But it’s super transparent and exactly why I don’t engage him seriously anymore because the favor won’t be returned.
Lol, you actually think that you are respecting differences?! Surely you jest! The evasive tactics that you use are not only disrespectful, but are also incredibly useful in showing how not to be. Considering that the South has always been slow to evolve, hardly ever being on the right side of history due to its white supremacy leanings, I would never use that place as the bastion of progressive thinking, nor life. Jesus has a nice hold down there, so nobody should ever expect that to change either.

Not sure how this was responsive. I am simply staying once can be pro-choice and another can be pro-life. Reasonable people can disagree with each other respectfully.
I just think it is funny because dudes is always intentionally flippant about things others care about just to get a reaction.

Now something has got under his skin and he is demanding order. :lol: :lol:

Nothing is under anyone's skin lol (well not mine at least). I'm not the one ignoring content for a safe space.

I did make an assumption that you were talking about me, you could be talking about another poster :nerd:
This is the kind of misrepresentation that you latch onto even though nobody is saying it. It's pro-choice (meaning they may or may not).
You take an issue, you misconstrue the opposition's argument, and you argue against your own version of the opposition's argument. Then, you wonder why people call you dishonest.

I put pro-choice in my last post. You can call it what you like. My point is that people can agree to disagree. Would you say you identify as pro-choice as it relates to abortion?
The reason I actually believe he’s a lawyer is cause there’s a method to how he engages people. He comes in like “I don’t have enough information to form my own opinion, but Here’s a counter to your argument that ignores the context your argument is founded on”.

He takes nonpositions on damn near everything aside from abortion so that he can’t be pinned down to make a definite statement. Like KHUFU KHUFU alluded to last week, dwalks here getting his ego’s rocks off because he feels like he’s arguing from an intellectually superior postion. Whether that’s because he’s a lawyer or not, who knows. But it’s super transparent and exactly why I don’t engage him seriously anymore because the favor won’t be returned.

I've stated my position on gun reform, immigration reform, taxes, mass incarceration, and welfare.

Is there a specific topic you want clarity on my position about?

BTW this is the part of the discussion where no one generally seeks a position and instead they revert back to something else.
I've stated my position on gun reform, immigration reform, taxes, mass incarceration, and welfare.

Is there a specific topic you want clarity on my position about?

BTW this is the part of the discussion where no one generally seeks a position and instead they revert back to something else.

Nope no specific topic needed. Just stop engaging in the type of discussions from yesterday when you equated Obama’s gain in wealth in office with trump positioning his business to profit from his political postion. And you’d be in good shape!
Not sure how long you have been following the thread, but I have no issue stating that Trump can and should do better with his tweets and the things that he says.

Meth is entitled to his opinion. So am I. As are you. We can debate/discuss issues, policies etc.

In this thread, the go-to tactic is to discredit the poster instead of discrediting the policies. Are you against the First Step Act? Are you pro-abortion? Are you against the tax cuts? Etc.

This issue of not discussing the issues and instead discrediting individuals was discussed by Bernie on the Breakfast Club. Anti-Trump isn’t a viable platform. Have affirmative policies that you support.

I would surely bet that I’ve been part of this thread longer or as long as you and I’d have people to back that up. I just pick my spots.

I’ll give him the prison reform as a first step towards massive change that needs to go further. I would never deny that. However, I can’t name one othe positive thing he did.

Environmental issues are worse. Sorry I don’t like deregulation of protections that end up sickening people even if it means jobs. That’s not a good trade off.

The economy is humming at the same rate as he inherited it. Sure I’ll give him the .5% bump for his tax cut but that’s all it’ll be is .5% for one year. But tax cuts are a joke. And please don’t try lecturing me about taxes like many others have. I work in the field and my background before that was economics, so if anyone here understands taxes and how they affect the economy it’s me. Now tell me since we already used a tax cut now, how do we soften the landing when the world economy goes into a recession during 1st half of 2020 or second half of 2019? US will soon follow once demand slows and loans stop being paid because well that’s how an interconnected economy works. But hey don’t listen to the tax guy who understands economics it’s okay.

Immigration issues? Well the right punted the issue for years and then now wants to make a national emergency to prevent the brown colored boogey man from coming in because they take our jobs. Can we also forget about the “summer camp” comment people left.

This is as far as I’m going to go because the other issues i rather not touch.
You passed the bar in CA? Good for you

No, I'm not a member of the CA bar. That is actually one of the toughest bars, if not the toughest, from what I hear.

But you don't need to be at the federal appellate level. Nor to attend/take depositions or set up in a war room in CA.

That said, the Cali travel is leisure (mostly), got a lot of fraternity brothers living in LA and Vegas.
Nope no specific topic needed. Just stop engaging in the type of discussions from yesterday when you equated Obama’s gain in wealth in office with trump positioning his business to profit from his political postion. And you’d be in good shape!

I would surely bet that I’ve been part of this thread longer or as long as you and I’d have people to back that up. I just pick my spots.

I’ll give him the prison reform as a first step towards massive change that needs to go further. I would never deny that. However, I can’t name one othe positive thing he did.

Environmental issues are worse. Sorry I don’t like deregulation of protections that end up sickening people even if it means jobs. That’s not a good trade off.

The economy is humming at the same rate as he inherited it. Sure I’ll give him the .5% bump for his tax cut but that’s all it’ll be is .5% for one year. But tax cuts are a joke. And please don’t try lecturing me about taxes like many others have. I work in the field and my background before that was economics, so if anyone here understands taxes and how they affect the economy it’s me. Now tell me since we already used a tax cut now, how do we soften the landing when the world economy goes into a recession during 1st half of 2020 or second half of 2019? US will soon follow once demand slows and loans stop being paid because well that’s how an interconnected economy works. But hey don’t listen to the tax guy who understands economics it’s okay.

Immigration issues? Well the right punted the issue for years and then now wants to make a national emergency to prevent the brown colored boogey man from coming in because they take our jobs. Can we also forget about the “summer camp” comment people left.

This is as far as I’m going to go because the other issues i rather not touch.

Well we agree on most of the points. The national emergency is more about the humanitarian issue as it relates to sex trafficking (as I understand it). I am no economist, so I will defer to you or Rusty on the possible long-term implications. But, tax liability has decreased at all income levels under this president. My portfolio, under Trump, is growing at a higher rate. Unemployment numbers are down, etc. I fail to see how that is a negative as it relates to the economy.

It seems to me that most scientist agree on the environmental issues. I think the issue (for me at least) is the method of attacking those issues and the amount of money that is wasted on seemingly less-than-fruitful research.
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