***Official Political Discussion Thread***

And those people too are under this white supremacist system.

How many black people here go to church?
How many black people own homes and come from families that own them?
How many can tell you anything at all about west African nations pre transatlantic slave trade?
How many here in the Americas can communicate in a language native to the continent of africa?
How many can name 5 countries and five cities in Africa with no help from google?
How many have enough self worth to not look down on themselves and other Africans of the diaspora?
How many black Americans feel connected to black people in the Caribbean? Why or why not?

They know. I dont care if its 3939403 years ago, I'm not speaking in yoruba or the igbo language or whatever for a reason.

It's not about selling IMO but let me chill before I end up on that bie list.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say a lot of us already got hits on our files based off online speech. Might as well speak your mind at this point within reason :lol:

I know black people personally who have said we should not receive reparations at this point. I hope if we do receive then they keep that energy and let their share of whatever the pot may be go to others. My idea of reparations isn't necessarily based on monetary compensation though.

LOL @ someone not realizing that slavery is far more beneficial to the economy over prison. Gotta love it! LOL @ someone not understanding that while the penal system is a form of slavery, that those in the field, on the plantations, could be worked harder, and then longer, creating a system that feeds itself through birth and death.

Slavery literally created the pathway to this economy. And that **** wasn't an accident.
Ya'll can fight over AOC. Im inviting Ilhan over to meet Big Momma soon fam
Big momma gonna whoop my ***, Ilhan know damn well she saw her Obama portrait next to her black Jesus at dinner.
Erik Prince is now acknowledging for the first time the August 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Trump Jr, Joel Zamel, UAE Emissary George Nader and Prince himself.
More importantly, he withheld all information about this meeting in his House Intel testimony (congress wasn't aware of the meeting at the time) and appears to have lied under oath because one of the questions was phrased in a way that would have required Prince to disclose the meeting.

For reference I have included the NYT report below that first broke the news about this August meeting.
Further down is some of Erik Prince's testimony that seems to be pointing strongly towards lying to Congress.
Erik Prince acknowledges 2016 Trump Tower meeting for first time
When pressed by Mehdi Hasan on Head to Head, Blackwater founder Erik Prince said the meeting was about 'Iran policy'.

Trump Jr. and Other Aides Met With Gulf Emissary Offering Help to Win Election

As mentioned earlier, the House Intel committee was unaware of the above August 2016 Trump Tower meeting. In this excerpt, Schiff questions Prince about a follow-up meeting that took place in December 2016.
There are a few keywords to note here in this line of questioning. The December meeting also took place in Trump Tower in NY and included at least one representative of the UAE. Erik Prince was not present at this December meeting.

Before moving on to the next question, remember the participants of the August 2016 Trump Tower meeting because it is important.
Erik Prince himself, Trump Jr, Joel Zamel and UAE Emissary George Nader.

Prince is now asked if any of the participants in the December meeting ever discussed with Prince on whether they met with representatives of the UAE in New York.
In response, Prince testifies that he couldn't recall. Again remember that Prince was present at the August 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in NY, which included both a representative of the UAE and a Trump campaign official (Trump Jr).

Schiff then presses Prince again and he responds that he can't recall specifically speaking to anyone about a meeting that happened with any Emirati officials in NY.
Schiff then says "let me put it this way, did any Trump campaign or transition officials tell you that they met with representatives of the UAE in NY?", referencing the December meeting.

In response, Prince withholds any mention of the meeting he and Trump Jr had in August 2016 in NY with a representative of the UAE. The correct sworn testimony would have been "yes because I was present at such a meeting."
Throughout the entire transcript he withheld all information about the August 2016 meeting. While the committee members were asking about the December meeting, the phrasing of the question in fact covers both meetings. Both meetings took place in NY and in both cases the participants included Trump campaign officials and a representative of the UAE. Prince withheld all information about the first meeting, where he was present.


Ilhan Omar >>>>

The real story/question is how on earth did she get elected??? I need to see videos and hear from those that voted for her.
Ilhan Omar >>>>

The real story/question is how on earth did she get elected??? I need to see videos and hear from those that voted for her.
Her district is very Democratic, with a high Somali population. She won the general by 56 points.

She got in because Ellison retired from Congress. She won because she is a very blue district.

My only wish with her is for to get off Twitter.
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Additionally, now that Erik Prince finally acknowledged the August 2016 meeting for the first time, he still can't keep his story straight even in the same interview.
First he says he did disclose any meetings he had in response to the question of why he didn't disclose it in his testimony.
When the interviewer pressed him further, Prince came up with the excuse that he wasn't asked about it. As seen in my previous post, Prince is correct to some extent. House Intel members were not aware of the August meeting at the time and thus did not question him specifically about the August meeting. Instead, Prince was questioned about the follow-up meeting in December 2016. The phrasing of some of the questions however covers both meetings and thus should have been disclosed. Both meetings fit the criteria of "meeting in NY between Trump campaign officials and representatives of the UAE" and unlike the December meeting, Prince was present at the August meeting in Trump Tower with UAE Emissary George Nader.
Nader has reportedly been cooperating with Mueller and has testified before the grand jury.

Later on, Prince backtracks again and contradicts himself. Now he says he did tell the House Intel committee about the August meeting.
The interviewer pressed him on why the transcript, released by House Republicans, does not contain any such mention or indication of Prince disclosing the August meeting, Prince comes up with the excuse that they might have gotten the transcript wrong.

Come on now.

He at long last acknowledges that August meeting and in the same interview already starts lying and contradicting himself about his sworn testimony.
Her district is very Democratic, with a high Somali population. She won the general by 56 points.

She got in because Ellison retired from Congress. She won because she is a very blue district.

My only wish with her is for to get off Twitter.
As a resident of her district I agree.

I remember having a conversation with her on gay rights, it was interesting.....She needs to chilll....She is literally at no risk of losing her seat, but her stances could be used in the presidential election to swing Minnesota.
As a resident of her district I agree.

I remember having a conversation with her on gay rights, it was interesting.....She needs to chilll....She is literally at no risk of losing her seat, but her stances could be used in the presidential election to swing Minnesota.
What were were comments on gay rights?
What has been going on with Omar and her comments this week? What did she say? It's hard to keep up with 24/7 news cycle when everything is breaking news and you got a life to live.
What has been going on with Omar and her comments this week? What did she say? It's hard to keep up with 24/7 news cycle when everything is breaking news and you got a life to live.

She made some comments over the past weekend too about AIPAC that got people pissed too

She made some comments over the past weekend too about AIPAC that got people pissed too

Interesting. She has an "Activist" tinge to her politics that could alienate her from the major players in the party while being cannon fodder for the right. There seems to be a power struggle going on where the new class of reps are trying to pull the party far to the left while the old guard are trying to keep it center. 2020 gonna be so major in what happens to the country years from now.
I don't want the Justice Dem/OurRev/DSA Congressional bae to stop posting but they should use twitter and social media, in general, a bit differently once they are in office.Twitter and Instagram are great for a nascent campaign with few resources, its a great way to connect with activists and its great for showing the transition into office.

When you're in office you should mostly use it to announce constinuent town halls in your district or important hearings. If you are going to "clap back" do it when you can pivot it towards a big, important issue for progressives nationwide. That is, of course, best left to AOC who is so freakin' good at exactly that.
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