***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I for one agree with Omar’s comments on obummer. And her AIPACs comments. I dont read into her comments as “this is how president a is similar to president b” But moreso a factual historical antecdote on americas perpetual immigration and geopolitcal policies.

I feel a certain how we want to sensor/limit these minority women's use of social media. Let them talk there ****. Its how modern democracy communicates. They will stumble and so ****in what. They cant be afraid of thier constituency and independents by spewing the same jargon every damn politicians vomits. Appeasement and conformity aint the wave.

But libs put themselves in this cage as enforcers of morality. To spark change of culture you will step on toes and being pc about immigration and israel is selling the american people short.

I feel the progressive wave should be more about empowering the minoroties of this society to talk they **** with the same fevor and power that white men have always had. Not censor discourse becuase of 2020.
It’s peculiar to me how a randomness asian lady knows all of these famous rich people. Definitely something damning there that probably won’t come out.
who's the dude holding Trump's hand?


edit: my bad, looks like @Christian Pulisic beat me to it 2 pages ago.

No #Thoughts&Prayers? Or did we leave that in 2018?
It’s peculiar to me how a randomness asian lady knows all of these famous rich people. Definitely something damning there that probably won’t come out.
These dudes can fly all over the world everyday like it’s nothing yet go to this random rundown place in Hicksville Florida. Cmon now. They brought 3rd world illegal prostitution to them and it’s obvious. Oh, and now they’re voting against sex trafficking laws..... hmm...
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