***Official Political Discussion Thread***

They're all trash but I forgot about **** boy Whitaker
What a shocker.
AP sources: Trump allies pressed Ukraine over gas firm
As Rudy Giuliani was pushing Ukrainian officials last spring to investigate one of Donald Trump’s main political rivals, a group of individuals with ties to the president and his personal lawyer were also active in the former Soviet republic.

Their aims were profit, not politics. This circle of businessmen and Republican donors touted connections to Giuliani and Trump while trying to install new management at the top of Ukraine’s massive state gas company. Their plan was to then steer lucrative contracts to companies controlled by Trump allies, according to two people with knowledge of their plans.
At this point I hope someone is just keeping score of what clown shoe Republican Politician said what so when Warren comes in and forces reform down their throats the clips of their stupidity will be played with curb your enthusiasm music in the background.

“How dare a Democrat force us to” tirade starts and then someone plays the clip and of that idiot saying they dont trust the FBI and CIA.

You could probably make a YouTube channel of the stupid crap they say at this point.
At this point I hope someone is just keeping score of what clown shoe Republican Politician said what so when Warren comes in and forces reform down their throats the clips of their stupidity will be played with curb your enthusiasm music in the background.

“How dare a Democrat force us to” tirade starts and then someone plays the clip and of that idiot saying they dont trust the FBI and CIA.

You could probably make a YouTube channel of the stupid crap they say at this point.

These people don’t realize information ain’t hard to get these days.. example 1 million and something:

I think that the past four Presidents of the United States has been asked this question. I have yet to hear the question asked of this residing President.

President Obama’s Reading List

What is this current President reading?

I think that the past four Presidents of the United States has been asked this question. I have yet to hear the question asked of this residing President.

President Obama’s Reading List

What is this current President reading?

He’ll say art of the deal and the Bible and still wouldn’t be able to name a single bible verse
Trump has traded away the safety and protection of the Kurds for god-knows-what financial or political favor from Turkey and Russia:

Mazloum said Trump’s decision was a shock because it came just a week after a personal visit from Ambassador James Jeffrey, the administration’s special envoy to Syria. Jeffrey promised that U.S. forces wouldn’t withdraw until they had achieved the “enduring defeat” of the Islamic State, the expulsion of Iranian troops from Syria and a political settlement that stabilized the country. Jeffrey’s promises “created a high level of morale,” Mazloum explained, “but unfortunately, after a short period, the opposite happened.”

edit: I really, really hope it's not as bad as it sounds, but everything is pointing towards an inevitable atrocity. This could go down as the worst thing that comes out of the dotard's presidency.


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Honestly tired of this narrative...most (99%) of their party has no problem with want Trump stands for because he embodies what they've always stood for...but want to act "embarrassed" because he can't convey his racism/bigotry/evilness with a sense of traditional rethug class

And where do they think their base is gonna go if they turned on him? Vote for "socialist"? They're not going anywhere either

These cowards get too much cover for all their **** ****
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