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I don't think the lying to the FBI about his communications with Kislyak is even all that bad compared to the other part of his plea, the part that often seems to go ignored.
Flynn was on the Turkish government payroll while he was participating in intelligence briefings as the campaign's national security adviser. He lied to his lawyers and caused them to file a false declaration to DOJ's FARA division. As Flynn's grand jury testimony shows, he received roughly $600k from "elements of the Turkish government" (funneled via a middleman) during a time when he participated in at least one intelligence briefing. It's not clear how long Flynn kept this up after the campaign ended but he acted at the direction of his Turkish paymasters right at the start of the transition when he wrote that op-ed in The Hill.

I also remember an incident in one of the early status conference hearings where the judge asked prosecutors why they weren't charging Flynn with treason. A very ignorant question given the statutory requirements for treason but if I were to colloquially apply it, it would be for the Turkey stuff.

Edit: I recalled another aspect of the Flynn case that often goes unnoticed. Flynn wasn't the only one who lied about his communications with Kislyak. In fact, WH Deputy NSC K.T. McFarland pretty clearly lied to the FBI too but did it under the guise of "I don't recall."
She claimed she didn't recall whether she talked to Flynn about the sanctions and whether she knew what Flynn had said.
When Flynn's guilty plea was made public, McFarland quickly contacted the Special Counsel to revise her previous statements as her memory had been magically refreshed. Turns out she now had a very vivid recollection of all the things she previously told the FBI that she couldn't recall. Communications also leaked that showed McFarland was very much aware of what Flynn was telling Kislyak, and she knew it at the time the call was happening. Then she magically forgot all of that when the FBI came knocking.
I never really understood why they didn't charge McFarland as well. Her lies were more elaborate than Flynn's, and she had communications in her possession that flatly contradicted everything she initially told the FBI. She did cooperate after revising her statements and told prosecutors that Trump asked her to create a written document that stated Trump didn't direct Flynn's communications with Kislyak.
She told prosecutors that she refused to make write the document because she wasn't convinced she would be writing the truth.
NSC lawyer Norm Eisenberg also advised her against following Trump's directive because her concurrent nomination for an ambassador position could be seen as a quid pro quo. That was the second time Trump nominated her for an ambassador position, she dropped out the first time after it became clear she lied about Flynn's communications.

The November 8 op-ed, requested by "elements of the Turkish government" as Flynn described his paymasters.
Our ally Turkey is in crisis and needs our support
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Heard there is gonna be a “strike” at a bunch of retail places Friday and amazon too.

these people actually gonna flex or is it gonna be like 12 people who just get fired?

It’s mind blowing to me that in 2020 people still aren’t organizing and getting a union in.

They've been growing, but Amazon is a tough one. Combine their money and technology and it makes it a little tougher to organize. But make no mistake, since the beginning of the pandemic, there's been huge amounts of workers practicing direct action and making demands. The pandemic has almost been a general strike "light" :lol: but at least fellow workers are seeing what they're worth.

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¨...all he had to do was not say ´Jewish!!!´¨

it´s not that mind-blowing when you realize people like Jeff Bezos do not encourage it.

hard as hell to fight even one billion dollars.

the pushback from the bosses as well as recent changes with the NLRB has made it more difficult to win organizing elections. Often times the senator or represntative will get involved too, pay a visit and spread their anti union rhetoric. I know it happened with VW in Tennesse and there was some issues with Nissan in Mississippi.
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Which is why the south will be forever doomed with poverty wages unless you are in healthcare.

except fl, I’ve been seeing unions going ham there. I was thinking about becoming Florida man to be closer to my family and get out of mn. There is a lot of union jobs there and my union has been doing a good job of organizing. The wages just aren’t there yet though.

probably has a lot to do with a lot of people from MN and the NE living down there now.
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