***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Pew poll July 25th.
90% of consistently Bernie supporters were planning to vote Clinton.
Compared to 79% of non-Trump Republican candidate supporters were going to vote Trump.

Presumably, that's without 3rd party.

According to 538 with 3rd Party. Hillary is sitting at 68-69%, Trump at 3-5%. With about 1/4 undecided or voting Third Party. Of those 1/4, how many do you honestly think are going Trump or Third Party? 5 percent maximum, most going to 3rd Party. Maybe 10% stay home (they were likely going to stay home anyway). So Hillary still ends up with 80% of Sanders voters

Without 3rd Party, Hillary was at 91% from CNN, 79% from Fox News, 75% from YouGov.. With 3, 11, 19% undecided.

As has been pointed out by me, yesterday Trump has been steadily losing white Republican women voters, and is now trailing white college educated voters, who Democrats haven't won in exit polls since Jimmy Carter's 1976 election.

ABC/Washington Post Poll from yesterday
18-29, registered voters.. Hillary 57-31, Obama beat Romney 60-37.

So enough with your Bernie Supporters talk... Trump has lost portions of the Republican base.. You're also assuming that no Republicans are going to Hillary or Third Party candidates. There's a reason why Gary Johnson is polling 6-10%. If you look at most polls, when they have Clinton/Trump and then have Clinton/Trump/Johnson/Stein, both Hillary & Trump decline by similar percentages
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First debate hasn't even happened yet. These polls are just a snapshot in time, no biggie.

But I do find it interesting how you only responded to that one line in my post but not anything on the initial post topic about Hillary all of a sudden finding her inner Trump. It's very telling.
First debate hasn't even happened yet. These polls are just a snapshot in time, no biggie.

But I do find it interesting how you only responded to that one line in my post but not anything on the initial post topic about Hillary all of a sudden finding her inner Trump. It's very telling.

I responded to the line that you keep throwing out there.

Honestly, I could care less about the rest of your grandstanding.

Because as pointed out... All versus Some tariffs are vastly different positions. There's been tariffs on some products from specific countries for years. ALL products from a country is not the same as some.
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The similarities are that Trump has been talking about using tariffs to force China to play fair. Now we have Hillary out here playing the benevolent populist. ********.
Hillary Clinton redoubled her vow to confront China and other nations over currency manipulation on Friday, telling a rally in Detroit that she wants to use new ways to fight a practice that she said harms American workers.

“I will expand the ways we respond to currency manipulation, to include effective new remedies like duties and tariffs,” Clinton said. She named China as a chief culprit of the practice but said other countries must also be prevented from gaining an unfair price advantage.

March 4th

February and March. We're in August now and we're just hearing about it again. You know why? Trump has been making this issue a cornerstone of his campaign. It's mentioned in every campaign speech he does.

And you post two ****** op-eds? Not even comparable b.
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Targeted tariffs vs. Trump's tariffs on all goods.  There's a difference.  

Did you read the article you posted?

Is the idea of tariffs a Trump thing, or have presidents imposed tariffs since forever?  Has Hillary said she is opposed to tariffs in any form on the campaign trail?  No?  So how is she parroting Trump?

You gotta try harder man. :lol:   

umm Clinton was da key advocate & architect of da TPP...now she talking like diet Trump..

Her pivot on the TPP has way more to do with Bernie than Trump. Trust. Being like, and saying things like Trump is the last thing she's gonna do now. The guy is imploding before our very eyes.

And as far as China goes, well, read a couple of the posts right above mine and look at the dates. This isn't anything new, but keep telling yourself she's trying to parrot Trump if it makes you feel better.
the debates haven't happened yet. sure, Trump could win them big and make this a race again. Or he could be embarrassed big time and fall even deeper in the hole.

We all know things can change by November. But Trump supporters kept telling us, "just wait till the convention." Now it's "just wait till the debates." Yes, let's wait and see just how much lower his poll numbers can go.

Plus we've seen Trump debate. We know exactly what he's going to do with Hillary. He has shown no sign of changing his tone. The only surprise would be if he completes a BS, MS, JD, and MD by September and actually comes out sounding like an intelligent man and not like Palin 2.0.
Well I've stated before that I've felt Bernie and Trump have far more in common policy wise than Hillary. So I guess I can see where you coming from.
the debates haven't happened yet. sure, Trump could win them big and make this a race again. Or he could be embarrassed big time and fall even deeper in the hole.

We all know things can change by November. But Trump supporters kept telling us, "just wait till the convention." Now it's "just wait till the debates." Yes, let's wait and see just how much lower his poll numbers can go.

Plus we've seen Trump debate. We know exactly what he's going to do with Hillary. He has shown no sign of changing his tone. The only surprise would be if he completes a BS, MS, JD, and MD by September and actually comes out sounding like an intelligent man and not like Palin 2.0.

A Trump debate will be ugly for him. It's different going one on one and having to go into specifics instead of going 1 on 7 and giving a short pre rehearsed attacks on each candidate.
the debates haven't happened yet. sure, Trump could win them big and make this a race again. Or he could be embarrassed big time and fall even deeper in the hole.

We all know things can change by November. But Trump supporters kept telling us, "just wait till the convention." Now it's "just wait till the debates." Yes, let's wait and see just how much lower his poll numbers can go.

Plus we've seen Trump debate. We know exactly what he's going to do with Hillary. He has shown no sign of changing his tone. The only surprise would be if he completes a BS, MS, JD, and MD by September and actually comes out sounding like an intelligent man and not like Palin 2.0.

A Trump debate will be ugly for him. It's different going one on one and having to go into specifics instead of going 1 on 7 and giving a short pre rehearsed attacks on each candidate.

u forgot we're talking bout Trump?

Trump gonna have that broad spinnin :lol:
Trump 97% word vomit. Hilary 100% rehearsed.

Hilary full of **** but she pretends she isn't, and it's easier cuz it's rehearsed.

Trump full of **** too but he doesn't care and doesn't pretend he isn't.

Debates gonna be lit.
Not really when one of the similarities is "I am angry".

I commend them for grasping at anything they could find to say they are similar.

Typical lib response. Criticize the source and content without refuting the points. You said I couldn't name 2. You critiqued one, but you got 4 left.
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