***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I’m hoping if this clown loses in 2 weeks that he takes everyone down within his party with him or at the very least goes on attack mode because “they weren’t nice to him” during his bid to get re-elected.

didn’t he tweet Lindsay Graham’s cell phone number out at one point? I know he called Ted Cruz’s wife ugly and the two of them line up to kiss his *** ans act like the insane clown posse in that ken kaniff skit from that Eminem Marshall Mathers LP album seeing who could “service” Donny better.

Trump is about Trump and Trump only. If he loses, McConnell, Cruz, Graham Crackers and all of the above aren’t of use to him anymore so I would love seeing him go on attack mode on them and go scorched earth.
Wasn't the ACA originally a republican plan that was rebranded as Obamacare when Obama took office and vehemently worked against by Republicans to oppose him?
The ACA was not a Republican plan.

But yeah, the GOP would have blocked anything Obama proposed. Mitch McConnell told senators from the jump Obama was not getting bipartisanship in an attempt to sink his presidency.
The ACA was not a Republican plan.

But yeah, the GOP would have blocked anything Obama proposed. Mitch McConnell told senators from the jump Obama was not getting bipartisanship in an attempt to sink his presidency.

Obamacare Included
Republican Ideas, but
the G.O.P. Health Plan
Has Left Democrats Out

"When Democrats passed the Affordable Care Act in 2010 without a single Republican vote, they were criticized for being too partisan. In the end, however, the bill included many Republican ideas.
The keystone principle of the act — a mandate that all Americans buy health insurance — is rooted in conservative thinking. Additionally, the Democrat-controlled House and Senate committees adopted nearly 190 Republican amendments while writing the legislation, according to data compiled by The New York Times. "
“The A.C.A. is a bill that is very bipartisan in nature,” Ms. Hoffman said. Critical ideas for the Affordable Care Act were borne of more conservative thinking, she said.
The federal mandate to buy insurance is similar to a mandate that Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential candidate, had enacted as Massachusetts governor. The concept that people should be required to buy health coverage originated with conservative economists two decades ago and was initially embraced by conservative research groups, like the Heritage Foundation.
“Historically, the parties used to talk to each other more,” Ms. Hoffman said. “But we’ve seen a real shutdown of cooperation over the past eight years.”
Obamacare Included
Republican Ideas, but
the G.O.P. Health Plan
Has Left Democrats Out

"When Democrats passed the Affordable Care Act in 2010 without a single Republican vote, they were criticized for being too partisan. In the end, however, the bill included many Republican ideas.
The keystone principle of the act — a mandate that all Americans buy health insurance — is rooted in conservative thinking. Additionally, the Democrat-controlled House and Senate committees adopted nearly 190 Republican amendments while writing the legislation, according to data compiled by The New York Times. "
“The A.C.A. is a bill that is very bipartisan in nature,” Ms. Hoffman said. Critical ideas for the Affordable Care Act were borne of more conservative thinking, she said.
The federal mandate to buy insurance is similar to a mandate that Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential candidate, had enacted as Massachusetts governor. The concept that people should be required to buy health coverage originated with conservative economists two decades ago and was initially embraced by conservative research groups, like the Heritage Foundation.
“Historically, the parties used to talk to each other more,” Ms. Hoffman said. “But we’ve seen a real shutdown of cooperation over the past eight years.”
Ok. cool article

But it doesn't do anything to strengthen the argument it was a Republican plan though.

Like the ACA included amendment Republicans supported. So?

People like to attach the ACA's structure to Romeny (even Obama stupidly did this), but the problem is the healthcare plan Romney sign while governor, Democrats wrote it. They had the supermajority in the Statehouse, they hired the economists, they passed to. Then Romney vetoed parts of it. Romney's sucka *** wanted credit when he was running for President.
Juju got buffoon of the decade on lock already

:lol: :rofl:

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