***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Where Bernie at? 
in his new house 
Gary Johnson really ate up 3 and a half million votes. Who are these people that wasted those votes?
African American vote was way down. Latino vote in Florida didn't go as predicted. So many opportunities lost. Rural voters that never voted before took the place of the voters that didn't vote. So many things went wrong with this election. Florida tho, the Latino vote there, SHOCKING! If Florida Latino population traded places with California, trump would win California. THATS how bad the Latino vote was in Florida. So basically the Latinos in Florida won him the election.

Are Cubans considered Latino? Our Country has made a terrible mistake but I can sleep peacefully knowing my Hispanic didn't vote for his ***.

Was talking to a Cuban guy in the Bahamas I'm cool with just this afternoon.. he said a good amount of Cubans were supporting him
Trump to son

Son to big corps

Big corps to wall street

Wall street to banks

Banks to congress

Congress to trump
Those dudes only hated him because he was toxic. He just won the presidency. They are going to be on their knees sucking his **** after he's in there.
Nah on the contrary, they're not gonna put up with his **** and will check him every chance they get (if he acts up, they'll put him on a leash) You HAVE to remember there are WAY more powerful people than anyone in the government, they are behind the curtain and they will have him on a short leash and it will be status quo as it's always been since the signing of the federal reserve act on Jekyll Island.

Hacksaw jim duggan voice *  U . S.A......U.S.A........HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
So any y'all really trying to move out the country :nerd:

Looking at my options.

May not be the country, but I'll damn sure be getting the **** outta country *** Alabama where I'm surrounded by nothing but angry white people.

I've got a 5-yr old girl. I shudder at the thought of how this country will look under and after a Trump presidency. Gotta find a better scenario for her.
LOL at the results showing that people don't care what Lebron, Jay-Z and other celebrities have to say. They exist in a different world compared to the rest of us anyway.

The media leads you to believe that the Kardashians really are important though! Hillary has it in the bag! Trump is a racist! LOL
Those poor/rural white folks who voted for Trump because he's "for the little guy" and "anti-establishment" are about to get hit with the harshest dose of reality when he gets into power man...

He'll replace the old establishment with his own cronies and won't give 2 ***** about all of those backwater clowns
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