***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Well he could just go to his party, it's not like Congress is gonna miss him. It'd probably be easier to get it back running without him. He doesn't have the slightest clue of what any of these policy details mean anyway.

Interesting thread.

The tweets trying to separate Trump from his bigotry only reinforce my view that many in conservative circles will never be ready to challenge the fact that white supremacists recognize themselves in their platform, which is why I think articles like Frum's shouldn't get a pass.
Schumer shutdown going strong


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I was planning to have a real inside baseballish post about California politics but this graphic sums it up very well, this "New California" scheme would fail on its own merits. Maybe, this new State could get a Republican governor from time to time but otherwise, it would be a blue State. Plus, the remaining part of California would be so blue, we could not only shutout Republicans, we'd have a room for greens, DSA and independents/socialists legislators and Congresspeople and even Senators.

Republicans are just running out of room in California. The Central Coast, Orange County, the Inland Empire, parts of the Central Valley and the Sierra Nevada Mountains have or are turning blue. In 2018, it is extremely likely that the California 25th will flip from red to blue which means that Simi Valley, Lilly White Simi Valley, Rodney King Simi Valley will be in a blue district.

rexanglorum rexanglorum

That article sounds like the pacifying comments of r/trumpgret whenever someone admits to having made a mistake by supporting Trump.

Nothing short of an apology will allow Trump supporters to reintegrate the political discourse with our respect. It's cool to quote Desmond Tutu, and it is even more important to highlight that the Commission for Truth and Reconciliation that South Africans held at the end of apartheid required the former members of the tyrannical government to confess their crimes and publicly apologize.

Apologies are owed to all of us.

I totally agree. The South African model is ideal wince that is what Trump and the GOP have done and are attempting to do; to turn the US into South Africa. Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela found the right, middle path which was more clemency than the victors of the American Revolution showed to American loyalists but more accountability and discipline than the North showed the defeated South after the American Civil War.

Again, the main reason I posted the Frum article is show that we do need a fierce but good faith opposition in our own little forum here and in Democratic Nations, more broadly.

I think that in our forum and in other left leaning spaces, we have developed some bad intellectual habits because we, understandably, don't want to engage with conservative voices; because so many conservative voices simply hate us or hate our friends and allies on account of our identities.

A prime example is how we all too often think that Trump's supporters are exclusively low income white and this article by Frum pushed back a bit and helped to clarify.

Even more though provoking was how he linked boomers to whiteness and millennials to non whiteness. In addition, he didn't defend tea party buffoonery but he is right that "keep your government hands of my medicare" did not mean that tea partiers are all rubes who don't know how medicare is funded. In reality, they mean something more ominous which is "I'll let young, poor and colored people die if that's what it takes to keep my low cost healthcare."

Engaging with dishonest, bad fait hand hateful conservatives is fruitless emotional labor, especially for people with marginalized identities. However, a tough, though provoking read by a good faith opponent is like a quality workout of basketball practice. You might feel a little out of breath and off balance but you come out stronger and better.
Lol these fools completely ignoring the principals of our democratic government and what compromise means
Oh look, the drive-by defense force is here.

Let me let everyone know why no energy should be wasted on these two dudes.

The hold up this is DACA:

-It is only a problem because Trump ended the program

-Then the GOP swore they were going to pass a bill, and give those kids protections. They did nothing

-Then the promised Flake they would do it to get his vote on the tax bill. Yet, they did nothing

-Then when **** started to get serious they start talking bipartisan agreement, and Trump threw a wrench in that for his silly demand, they could have still just passed DACA. Yet, they did nothing

-In their proposal foe immigration reform, they wanted to criminalize millions of undocumented immigrants, and documented immigrants, all kinds of vile unnecessary nonsense. They could have just passed DACA. Yet, they did nothing

-In the final hour, with the government shutdown looming all they had to do was fund CHIP like they promised (and eventually gave into), includes DACA (like they claim they support), and they would have gotten the government funded. Yet, they did nothing

Now they want to blame the Dems in the media but in the background tell the Dems "hey you know we support DACA, we would never let those people get deported, so why not just vote for the bill with it, just trust us." Trust the same clowns that kick this issue down the road for months and tried to use it to unleashed xenophobic hell on anyone without a US birth certificate (and some with it).

And one of the dudes that support these clowns actions claims he supports DACA and the Dems are the ones that didn't do enough to protect them.

-Then the King Bigot claims he will support a bipartisan deal, then flip flops 2 days later.

Straight delusional circus bathroom nonsense from the usual bunch.

Ignore the buffoonery, the winds of hypocrisy and struggle tribalism will pass
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