Official: Red Dead Redemption 2 Thread: Releasing 10-26-18

Which Console Will You Buy This Game For

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I killed the Emerald Ranch fence, wasn't my fault, the station wagon got stuck, he ran into the horse and started attacking me. So I put my repeater to work, took out the dog, and a few witnesses too. Whenever I see him now he ain't too happy about it
for those that came across two prisoners asking for their wanted poster to be taken down. what did you decide to do?
i tried to bring them in to get the bounty. tied one of them down, unfortunately he was too close to the fire and burned himself as he was struggling. the other prisoner i tried to chase down but ran him over with the horse. what was the reward with both decisions?
I ran into some drunk dude sleeping on a bench in Rhoades who gave me some sob story about his house being foreclosed on and how he wasn't allowed anywhere near it. He wanted a couple things from it, one being his ledger, so I told him I'd get it. I find the ledger and read it. Turns out he was a slaver who lost his job when slavery was abolished, and the ledger was filled with slaves names and the prices he'd been paid for them. I return his stuff, a few things happen and I end up roping him up and dragging him over his campfire. Felt like justice
I could only save the husband of a couple as the wife got shot real quick. I can't get honor for saving 1/2?
I tried to torture the rapey dude by Saint Denis by blowing off his limbs one by one with my shotty, but they die way too fast off one shot.
did you let the guy who took tilly off? i just couldn't take that man's life for some reason. just seeing the blade to his neck and him begging
I ran into some drunk dude sleeping on a bench in Rhoades who gave me some sob story about his house being foreclosed on and how he wasn't allowed anywhere near it. He wanted a couple things from it, one being his ledger, so I told him I'd get it. I find the ledger and read it. Turns out he was a slaver who lost his job when slavery was abolished, and the ledger was filled with slaves names and the prices he'd been paid for them. I return his stuff, a few things happen and I end up roping him up and dragging him over his campfire. Felt like justice

I think your honor goes up for killing him right? I pushed him into his campfire and he burned to a crisp :lol:
I ran into some drunk dude sleeping on a bench in Rhoades who gave me some sob story about his house being foreclosed on and how he wasn't allowed anywhere near it. He wanted a couple things from it, one being his ledger, so I told him I'd get it. I find the ledger and read it. Turns out he was a slaver who lost his job when slavery was abolished, and the ledger was filled with slaves names and the prices he'd been paid for them. I return his stuff, a few things happen and I end up roping him up and dragging him over his campfire. Felt like justice
Adding this encounter to the list of people that are going to get dragged the scenic route.

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