If you get the house you want at a fair price, real estate is always the move, especially w low rates.

wound up just buying starters in ttd and pton at 75 and 120.70-121.xx. Will add in at 69 and 115.55
Easiest way to bankrupt the working class is dangling dreams of easy riches in front of them, luring them in and pulling the rug. That’s what AMC and GME are. Trade them, do what you please, but they’ll be 50% lower in 5 years guaranteed.
Easiest way to bankrupt the working class is dangling dreams of easy riches in front of them, luring them in and pulling the rug. That’s what AMC and GME are. Trade them, do what you please, but they’ll be 50% lower in 5 years guaranteed.

Tell us how you really feel.
Edit, apparently it’s a parody account, but the Wells Fargo info is still insane.
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We’re about to close on our new place and I agree with johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm . I was sweating bullets when we started looking since we heard about the market conditions and hearing all the madness about all the bids over asking. But things work out one way or another. If you find good value and secure a solid rate, you’ll be fine. But that can be said in any market…

Gonna be a minute until I have dry powder for investing in stocks, but for now, I’ll invest in inflating our lifestyle and peace of mind:lol:

But how many people, generally, make enough money where the itemized interest deduction outweighs the standard deduction? Honestly curious because I dont know, because I'm not a homeowner.

Also couldnt the same principle be applied to auto loans or credit card debt? High inflation leaves them less funds to pay off debt with very high interest rates that are not tax deductible.
But how many people, generally, make enough money where the itemized interest deduction outweighs the standard deduction? Honestly curious because I dont know, because I'm not a homeowner.

Also couldnt the same principle be applied to auto loans or credit card debt? High inflation leaves them less funds to pay off debt with very high interest rates that are not tax deductible.

I mean say in New York, it you have a 500k mortgage, you maybe paying 2500 in interest per month. That will get you over that threshold quickly.
I wanna see it pop again just as much as everyone else but for now…yeah, it’s down 40% this past month :sick:

I still have $1k in SOFI. Only meme holding now. Got in and out of BB and CLF with my 10% gains quick :lol:

Did y’all see the guy who got a tattoo of the WSB logo with an ape ****ing Cramer?:rofl:

The price is still being heavily manipulated, maybe I’m just an ape, but if you’ve read the DD, what it’s currently down shouldn’t be a concern. They are just trying to weed more people out and get more people to sell. Maybe I’m wrong… but as of now I’m really not concerned, it’ll cross 300 again.

After what happened in March, I’m still holding.

Even outside of the MOASS theories… the customer loyalty GameStop is creating through this is certainly going to have a lasting effect on their business.
I wanna see it pop again just as much as everyone else but for now…yeah, it’s down 40% this past month :sick:

I still have $1k in SOFI. Only meme holding now. Got in and out of BB and CLF with my 10% gains quick :lol:

Did y’all see the guy who got a tattoo of the WSB logo with an ape ****ing Cramer?:rofl:
$SOFI is a real company and will be a $30 stock in 2 years at minimum if they continue their growth rate. Don’t lump it in with garbage. I don’t own any, but I would honestly.
SoFi also has one thing other competitors dont - an AMAZING brand reputation. Thatll carry them if nothing else. If I had high-interest student loan debt I'd have been all over them when I graduated.
SoFi also has one thing other competitors dont - an AMAZING brand reputation. Thatll carry them if nothing else. If I had high-interest student loan debt I'd have been all over them when I graduated.
Factor in Galileo too which is a major necessity for these new tradfi fintechs to become banks
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