Hardest part is controlling emotions and sizing into positions patiently. Can’t be going full size right away.

Yeah that emotional part is hard you jus have t check yourself like I got some stock that was down
$100 early Friday morning
I had to remind myself that I had 35 shares and it had huge volatility but it went right back up during the day even though I still haven’t made any profit off of it as of now I just had to remind myself it’s no where near as bad as it looks when you look at it without the specifics

But as far as options I’m going to stick with my limit and go up on that limit with my own money as I do with my other stocks

If the option I have in motion goes up a couple of dollars then cool in still going with the $200 limit on options until I throw my own money into it
Havent been in This thread in a minute.

Thoughts on NIO stock ? Pretty much what ive gathered was "tesla of china" made a few millie in 6 months. Way overvalued. Does not mfr its own car at the current moment... Etc.

With that said.. Anyone playong the swing on this and what pruce of entry and exit are you in?
Havent been in This thread in a minute.

Thoughts on NIO stock ? Pretty much what ive gathered was "tesla of china" made a few millie in 6 months. Way overvalued. Does not mfr its own car at the current moment... Etc.

With that said.. Anyone playong the swing on this and what pruce of entry and exit are you in?

I'm not touching it. It's already has a market cap of $12 billion or about 1/4 the market cap of Tesla
FOMO gets me every time. Can’t always stick to the plan.
When I used to day trade full time my biggest problem was fomo’ing full size and freaking out when I’d be down 3-500 bucks in a few minutes cause I’d size in with max leverage and be trading 100k at a time. Then I’d overtrade to try and make money back. Worst things you could do.
FAMO used to get me when I first started
But I’m more chill now
If I buy something one day and it shoots up during after market and pre market the next day it’s gone after the starting bell period and taken off my watchlist

Good luck to everyone this week
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Oops... posted in the other thread by mistake.
Aurora Cannabis with a nice size spike today thanks to the potential partnership with Coca Cola.
Decided to take my $53 profit.
I got PIR as a short order not much volatility
So when it goes down a couple of cents they don’t honor my sale so I’m going to see how the rest of the weeks goes
I’m still positive SNAP is going to go down
Tilray man, Christ. When does it end? :lol:

TNDM getting smacked losing 10% a day last 3 days. When does THAT end? Portfolio getting washed.
Tell me more

It’s so crazy seeing HEAR fall like it’s been doing we were all rooting for them

NOT for beginners.


HEAR's fall was pretty predictable, up 1000%+ in a few months off the success and popularity of one game basically, no way it was sustainable, same with most of these hugely hyped up runners we've seen this year , the outcome is almost always the same. TLRY is next, just a matter of time.

NOT for beginners.


HEAR's fall was pretty predictable, up 1000%+ in a few months off the success and popularity of one game basically, no way it was sustainable, same with most of these hugely hyped up runners we've seen this year , the outcome is almost always the same. TLRY is next, just a matter of time.

I’m sure it will

I hope to make some sells so I can free up some cash to short some retail stocks next week
Been in TLRY since 24 and some change I wish I would have bought more to be honest lol. I might end up selling/reducing if TLRY hits 200 by eow, definitely a short squeeze, just don't know when it will turn.
How many shares did you get
Only bought 18 lol, at that time I bought them to have them on my radar. I usually by a low amount during my research. I purchased most in CGC at 26.01 and CRON at 11.00 and lastly TLRY at 24.30. All good though, I’ll take the change and move it to the next. Can’t trade on hype.
Crazy... days like this keep me from selling.
Honestly days like these should encourage you to sell into the strength and lock in gains so you could leave a runner on risk free. Turning $400 in 4K is nothing to laugh out. I’d lock in 2-3k at this point.

The only options play you could make one TLRY at this point is selling volatility with call or put spreads, depending on where you think it would go. Nuts man this is dot com levels of craziness.
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