Official Supreme Thread; F/W14; FAQ ON PG 1; vol. End of F/W Sale

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teach me bro

that seriously sounds so cool

just.. wow, so cool 
f*ck that jesus jersey b. I ain't gonna hate one people wearing or copping it, but that's all I gotta say bout it.
wifey: you need new sandals to wear around the house, want me to grab you a pair?
me: nah, I can get one hopefully this week**

** fails to mention is a supreme one that costs 5X the amount of a regular pair 8)
soccer jersey came in, pretty nice. looks and fits good, overall much better than I expected.

M finally threw me some stickers too!
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Tan linen croc strap camp came in. Quality is on point! Great piece, definitely a classic. And I finally got the Taxi driver sticker.

- 20th anniversary deck :smoking

yah it's clean as hell, once i **** up my current board, I'm ripping that one up

I haven't skated in over 15 years, but my buddy still rips and enters contests at 31... got the deck for him as a surprise gift. He is the one who turned me on to Supreme back in the late 90s so pretty cool to hook him up with a deck :nthat:
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