Official things you need to improve on thread

Feb 8, 2009
this is kind of piggybacking off the pet peeves about others thread. This is about things you need to improve on in your own life. I'll start:

1. I'm kind of a flake. I always tell people 'lets hang out' or say I'm gonna be places then either show up hella late or just don't go
2. unless I'm going to work, I'm pretty much always late
3. I'm anal about my workouts. I've been known to skip social events or not do fun stuff because I had to workout that day and there might be a time conflict. I take the guilt over missing a workout thing too far
4. I'm too agreeable sometimes, especially at work. I'm afraid to be too forward with my opinions and I don't want to get in anyone's face. avoiding conflict ftl
5. I'm not a romantic dude at all. I love my girl to death but I'm bad at showing it. Of course I see her when I can and tell her I love her but I'm never gonna be that dude who comes up with crazy date ideas or prepares a candlelight dinner, etc.
-One of the goals I'm trying to achieve before I turn 25 is make money EVERY year. No matter if it's 25 cents or 25 dollars, I just want daily income.
-Eat a little better. I only eat fast food once a week when I work, but I'd like to have a better diet.
-Workout. I'd like to be tone by the end of summer.
Attention to detail.
Sugar intake (i love me some gummies)
My midrange jumper (16 feet out)

Those are the first that come to mind.
Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

this is kind of piggybacking off the pet peeves about others thread. This is about things you need to improve on in your own life. I'll start:

3. I'm anal about my workouts. I've been known to skip social events or not do fun stuff because I had to workout that day and there might be a time conflict. I take the guilt over missing a workout thing too far
you on you're way to getting that commis bro. fitness and mental prep should be priority #1. everything else (except your current source of income) should be on a back burner.

my thing that I need to work on is not giving up trying to get a way to OCS (either active or DCO). these boards aren't currently going on right now for what I want but that doesn't mean they won't happen in the not to distant future. I got a few way higher ups pulling for me and I need to do everything to stay in their good graces so when that board does happen, I'll have everything in order.
anger, money, stop being on CP time, put more effort into women, stop procrastinating
I need to truly learn to use Moderation
Originally Posted by ryair max 1

Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

this is kind of piggybacking off the pet peeves about others thread. This is about things you need to improve on in your own life. I'll start:

3. I'm anal about my workouts. I've been known to skip social events or not do fun stuff because I had to workout that day and there might be a time conflict. I take the guilt over missing a workout thing too far
you on you're way to getting that commis bro. fitness and mental prep should be priority #1. everything else (except your current source of income) should be on a back burner.

my thing that I need to work on is not giving up trying to get a way to OCS (either active or DCO). these boards aren't currently going on right now for what I want but that doesn't mean they won't happen in the not to distant future. I got a few way higher ups pulling for me and I need to do everything to stay in their good graces so when that board does happen, I'll have everything in order.
I feel you man. I didn't almost quit on going to OCS but after over a year of waiting for a board, I became very apathetic about the whole thing. You've gotta keep your heard up and stay focused on your goals. Don't quit and most importantly don't be complacent in your current situation. If there's anything I can help you with let me know.
Being lazy.
Still ain't been to they gym.
Getting the # to get the yambs.
Letting @@%+ pass me by.
Building a better vocabulary and to be more efficient when I have school work to do. Things take me 3 times as long because I look for anything to become a distraction.
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

Will Power. Everything else I am already on it.
Aint that the goddamn truth homie. Once you get that you can conquer anything. If you fail at least you know you tried and you can estimate how hard to try the next time.

I used to hate on Kobe a lot because of his arrogance but I brgan to appreciate him this NBA season - just look at what had happened to him the whole season: divorce, wrist issues, broken nose, idiotic unnecessary team drama, Pau/Bynum playing like crap during the playoffs.

That dude's will power trumps anybody else in the NBA. This guy will still talk about winning anyday of the week after this season.

Being lazy.
Still ain't been to they gym.
Getting the # to get the yambs.
Letting @@%+ pass me by.

The root of all of this is the being lazy part.

If you wanna encourage yourself to hit the gym - go on the crappy weather days (like when it's raining or snowing hard outside). You'll find yourself with other ppl who are motivated MFers like me working out despite the crappy weather. Most of the time the gym is empty too on those days so you get to have the gym for yourself only.

Everything else that's up to you.
- Getting a better body (The only thing that seems to work for me is going to gym and lifting. I'm trying to mix in one of those stamina based programs, but whereas with lifting I could go to the point where I'm crawling out the gym, I need to find the same focus with RevAbs. I did insanity last summer, but got better ab results by using my ab bench and some crunch variations)

- Continuing with getting a better body I have lower ab fat that I've had since I was a teenager. I used to do hundreds of crunches when I used to play ball, yet that didn't help at all. The whole reason I did insanity was to get rid of it.

- I need to get a life. Since I've been out here I've been out once and that was a concert a couple of months back. Honestly I'm scared to go bar/club hopping, because I don't want to run into rednecks or gutterats, that's why I miss NYC the most since I had all my spots mapped out for whatever mood I'm in.

- Not having a life has ruined my songwriting ability.

- Learning how to swim. I was going to do this during the spring semester but it was already past the deadline to sign up.

- I need to be more aggressive with women and more of a man +$$%#. I'm not passive, but I have a hard time being all out aggressive unless it's a woman I truly like/really attracted to. My ex was such a beautiful person, and I had to put in a lot of time and effort to get her. Since I've moved I haven't felt like putting in any work at all with any women that I feel like aren't on her level and it's not even about looks. Like I've realized that before where I would just flirt with whoever, there's some internal standard that has been set and out here more likely than not those women that meet that standard are taken.

- I'm learning how to play the keyboard but hand cramps and two hand melodies are kicking my @@*. Man some of these songs are so easy but it feels like I need two brains to be able to play them. Something as simple as playing quarter notes with one hand and a melody that isn't in the same time signature with the other hand makes my brain feel like its going to explode

- IT skills. Making a career change back into IT is harder than I expected because I have 0 experience with PC networking. Everything else I could manage or improvise around my inexperience except for Networking.
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