Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

3x Footlocker 

3x champs

2x livestock

1x Adidas

1x Exclucity

10 instore entries and 0 W's. 

Was feeling confident going into this. Never have I put in this many instore
Damn that's rough. Sucks how difficult it is to get these damn things. I'm hoping for some good luck tomorrow. 
Are there any more emails or calls for tomorrow?

I think they were all supposed to go out by today but apparently you can get them even a few days after release because of reraffles. But for the most part, today was the day. I was referring to the online release.
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I think they were all supposed to go out by today but apparently you can get them even a few days after release because of reraffles. But for the most part, today was the day. I was referring to the online release.
Haven and Exclu announce tomorrow AM according to their posts. Livestock also said they'll contact tomorrow, although it sounds like Roncy is already. There's still hope.
Night shift mode. Gonna monitor YS all night 
Can't speak for Nomad but Haven usually send emails. Late emails for that matter. Emails that can come to you 1 week after a release. I got my email for the Belugas I believe 2 or 3 days after the release date. @Jastro  got an email for a copper 1 week late or something.
 never lose faith.
I got called a month after drop from Haven for my tans last year. Not exaggerating..
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